Very innovative low-rise boxer thanks to its beautiful fabric duality. The cotton lined frontal pouch ensures a great comfort. The breathable mesh provides a very sexy aspect to the side parts and to the back. Large PUMP! waistband.
Götzburg 2er Pack Boxershorts navy uni/gemustert
Tolle Passform - unsichtbarer Sitz: Bei dem grau-weiß gestreiften String "CK Wmn Thong 1617" von Calvin Klein merkt man die hochwertige Verarbeitung echter Markenqualität. Optisch überzeugt er mit seinem Webbündchen , in das rundum Logoschriftzüge eingearbeitet sind. Sein weicher Materialmix mit extrahohem Stretchanteil ist für tollen Tragekomfort und ultimativen Wohlfühlfaktor verantwortlich.
Low-rise jock made from extra soft, light and very comfortable modal, like a second skin. The push up pouch enhances your manhood without any padding. ES Collection elastic waistband.
Low-rise boxer made from an ultra soft and comfortable blend of modal and cotton. Simple and elegant cut. Lined front pouch. Covered elastic waistband.
Brief made from sleek, matt and stretch microfiber with a latex aspect. Sexy tanga cut. Lined shaped pouch. Elastic waistband with Modus Vivendi silicone lettering. Made in Greece.