The Augvape Intake RTA with 24mm diameter features two airflow tubes to direct the air from top to the bottom of the coil to bring maximum flavor, which is one of the reason why it is called Intake RTA. It comes with a 4.2ml bubble glass tubes and a 2.5ml straight glass tube, and designed as leakage proof and easy top filling system. The build deck has two posts design with open channels for easy single coil building. Including low profile resin drip tip and a tall Delrin drip tip, the 510 drip tip can also be used with the included 510 adapter. Stainless steel construction 4.2/2.5ml juice capacity Glass tank (27*22*27mm/24*22*24mm) Top airflow in, bottom airflow out Super easy to build, super easy to refill Bottom airflow direct to the coil Dual posts deck with open channels for extremely single coil building Real leak proof and flavor chasing Simple top refilling design 24mm overall diameter Brand: Augvape Model Intake RTA Capacity 4.2/2.5ml Diameter 24mm Size 50.5 x 24mm
DieserBrunellobestichtdurchintensivesRubinrotEristreichundwürzig,imGeschmackharmonischundhinterlässteinegeschmeidigeNotevonWaldbeerenundeinenHauchvonVanilleundZitrusfrüchten Passtzu:Lamm,sanftgeschmortemKaninchen,SaltimboccaOssobucooderzuedlerPasta
Eleaf iJust 21700 Kit consists of iJust 21700 battery and ELLO Duro Atomizer, it is the latest pen-style vape kit with the larger 5.5ml e-juice capacity, the excellent performance makes it stand out among iJust series. Powered by single 18650/21700 battery, it can fire up to 80w max output. There is also an LED indicator to tell you the accurate conditions of itself. What's more, it adopts a deep curve for comfortable holding feeling. As for the ELLO Duro Atomizer, it features 25mm in diameter, adopts HW-N2 and HW-M2 coils that boast an innovative Leakage-Proof & Self-Cleaning (LPSC) technology. These two coils also allow a more uniform airflow and utilize porous cotton as its wicking material for fully and quickly absorbing e-liquid, providing you with an unprecedented vaping experience Selective Child Lock/without Chold Lock Version All-new HW-M2/HW-N2 Head Leakage-Proof & Self-Cleaning (LPSC) Technology Powerd by 1 x 21700/20700/18650 (Sold Separately) Four-color LED Indicating Battery Level Convenient Retractable Top Fill System Adjustable Bottom Airflow Control Lateral USB Charging Multiple Protections Resistance range: 0.1¦¸-3.0¦¸ Coil: HW-M2 0.2ohm Head; HW-N2 0.2ohm Head Compatible with: HW series coils 510 threading connection Brand: iSmoka Eleaf Model iJust 21700 Output wattage 80W max Tank capacity 5.5ml Size 148 x 25mm
Das Weingut Paul Mas schafft es wie kein zweites die sortentypischen Eigenschaft einer Rebsorte in das Endprodukt Wein zu bringen. Auch der Paul Mas Syrah ist dafür ein gutes Beispiel. Ein wunderbar saftiger, kräftiger Wein mit einer stark violetten...
- Nettoie et degraisse vitres, miroirs, pare-brise. - Capture et retient la salete en profondeur - Resultat parfait sans traces ni peluches - Texture tres lisse et agreable - Booste la performance des produits Etamine du Lys - Tissage haute densite : resistance exceptionnelle - Dimensions (cm) : 38x40 - Nettoyage economique et respectueux de l environnement Composition : 70% Polyester / 30% Polyamide Utilisation : Pour un meilleur resultat, humidifier la surface avec le Nettoyant vitres d Etamine du Lys. Essuyer avec la microfibre en la pliant en 4 pour obtenir 8 faces utiles. L utiliser a plat pour maximiser l efficacite du nettoyage. Pour les surfaces tres sales, nettoyer avec la microfibre multi-usage et le Nettoyant vitres. Puis essuyer avec la microfibre speciale vitres, qui doit etre seche. Entretien : Lavable 300 fois en machine. Privilegier un cycle de lavage a basse temperature (lavage ecologique). Ne pas utiliser d adoucissant, ni de chlore. Ne pas mettre au seche-linge.
Attraktive, leuchtende Farbe, sehr saubere Nase mit einem Strauß von tropischen Früchten, Steinobst, Zitrus, Honigmelone und einem Hauch von Eichenholz. Das Finale ansprechend, dabei herzhaft und lang im Finale. Wie alle Sileni-Weine gekonnt...