Freshcig Rolling Tobacco 16mg Regular E-LiquidFreshcig Rolling Tobacco E-Liquid produces a virginia leaf infused vaping experience.Freshcig E-Liquids are produced in a GMP approved facility and use only the highest quality ingredients, including food safe flavourings, so you can be assured that every care has been taken to ensure that they are both safe and affordable. They contain a 80/20 PG/VG mix for the perfect combination of throat hit and vapour production, giving you the best vaping experience possible.For use with the Freshcig eVolve, each 30ml bottle provides the average smoker with enough e-liquid to last 10 days.
Composition: feuilles de Liveche (Autriche) Marque : Cook Certifie AB
Balatonboglari Balaton Weiss Spritzige Frische, feine Muskatnote, blumig-duftige Aromen und sehr fruchtig mit einer angenehmen, unaufdringlichen Süsse im Abgang. Passt zu: asiatische Küche, Passionsfrucht-Tiramisu mit weisser Schokolade, Früchte, Brie.
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Resistance: 1.4ohm, Weight: 20.4 G,Size: 12.5X112.9MM All-In-One Disposable Device, B-Core Heating Technology Air Draw Activated Device with Pre-Heat Capability, conact me for vip price! we are from the facotry ,we have been specializing in e cig more than 10 years Our products have passed CE, ROHS. Every product from our factory is under strict quality controlled before delivery to customers..syi
Dieser Moscato präsentiert sich mit in einem wunderschönen pink mit lebendigen Reflexen. In der Nase zarte, süssliche Noten von Rosen, Erdbeeren und Himbeersirup. Ein eleganter, körperreicher und delikater Moscato.