These fun and simple Direct Carb Caps by Hippie Butler are made of refined glass. Each carb cap is adorned with Your Butlers iconic bow tie emblem and is designed to help you control the size of your hits while keeping maximum flavor! The round body also allows for movement inside the nail for a more comfortable draw and comes in one of six beautiful colors! Each order comes in your choice of blue, green, white, yellow, black, or standard clear glass. These carbs work well with angled and slanted Bangers as well.
Kristallzucht-Kit STEAM Chemisches Wissenschafts-Experiment Pädagogisches Handwerk DIY-Projekte Kits Laborexperiment (Rot)
ROTH Schultüten-Sortiment, 6-eckig, 850 mm sortiert in den wichtigsten Motiven für Jungen und Mädchen, - 1 Stück (6785921)
106pcs Bohrmaschine Bau Bausteine Tiere Pflanzen Kreatives Bauen Bildungsaktivitäten Puzzle Spiele
herlitz Heftzange, Heftleistung: 25 Blatt, schwarz/hellgrau Heftleistung: 25 Blatt, für Heftklammern Nr. 24/6, Einlege - 1 Stück (50022694)