Features: Alloy logo and silicone bracelet with laser engraving process, it is harmless for your wrist. With buckle design, it is adjustable and suitable for the most people to wear. Good-looking and fashionable to wear. Suitable for refueling for your favorite team and athletes. Various flag pattern for you to choose.
50 Klarsicht-Hüllen zum Abheften von DIN A4 Dokumenten, ideal für Deko-Karton, Folienzauber, 3-D Bogen, GlamourGloss-Bogen, Glossy Sticker, uvm.
6 x Übernachtung, 1 x Fasten nach Buchinger mit Programm, 1 x Führung im schönsten Blumendorf Europas mit Besichtigung der Umgebindehäuser, 1 x Leih-Bademantel, 2 x Sauna und Basisches Fußbad, 1 x Wasser aus den Bad Brambacher Mineralquellen,, 1 x täglich Aloe Vera und frisch gekochte Fastenbrühe, 1 x Säfte und Fasten-Kräutertee´s, 3 x geführte Nordic Walking oder kleine Wandertouren, 1 x Qi Gong Atemschule und mentale Kinesiologie, 1 x Schwingfeld-Ruhe zur Sauerstoffvitalisierung, 5 x Leberwickel: Heublumen- Wärmepackung nach Kneipp, 1 x Massage f. Rücken mit Akupressur, Heilströmen, Klangschale, 1 x Malen und Farbtherapie, 1 x individuelle Betreuung und Beratung
ABUS 55 Series solid brass body padlock with the inner components made from non-corrosive materials. Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins which resists picking, a hardened steel shackle which resists hacksaw attacks and is double bolted 30mm and above for increased shackle strength. Long shackle (HB) version available : For most security needsOverall width: 38 mmOverall height: 60 mmOverall depth: 13 mm Shackle width: 20.5 mm I.D.Shackle height: 21.5 mmShackle Dia: 6.5 mm
Volano meraviglioso per la vostra bicicletta. w.t.c w.t.c w.t.c caratteristiche: volano di w.t.c 9 velocità cassetta. Numero di denti su ogni floor:11-12-14-16-18-21-24-28-32 w.t.c. w.t.c può essere applicato in bici da montagna, bicicletta, triciclo, veicolo elettrico ecc w.t.c w.t.c w.t.c specifiche: w.t.c colore: argento w.t.c materiale: acciaio w.t.c dimensione: 13 * 13 * 4,1 cm / 5.12 * 5.12 * 1,61 in w.t.c peso: 372g/13,14 oz w.t.c w.t.c w.t.c lista del pacchetto: w.t.c 1 * 11-32T Cassette volano w.t.c
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