Der X PRO 90 W ist die Referenz unter den Allmountain- Schuhen. Die neue Twinframe2 Schalenkonstruktion und Custom Shell Technologie verleihen ihm eine erh
FCH Fiberglas
comfort lining with recessed ears and leather applications in the frontal area
retractable sun visor in shell
Micrometric Buckle
M.A.R.O Anti Roll Off System ECE 22.05 Weight: 1150g +/- 50g
M.A.R.O. Anti-Roll-Off-System "M.A.R.O." (Marushin-Anti-Roll-Off) system. This is claimed to prevent the helmet from pivoting off the head from behind and to also reduce the amount of helmet roll that could hurt the rider s. neck in a crash.
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Shark sunscreen for following helmets
Openline Ridill
*example picture