Here comes with Demon Killer Parallel Double Coil Ni80 0.15ohm Coil Wire, it is a necessary spare parts for e-cigar e-cigarette building. Brand: Demon Killer Model Parallel Double Coil Resistance 0.15ohm
HellgelbeFarbe,glänzend,dasBouquetistfruchtigmitAromenvonreifenÄpfelnundBriocheAmGaumenisterschlank,elegantundfeinmitzartenfloralenAnklängen Passtzu:leichtenVorspeisen,Salaten,Fisch,oderGeflügel
Intensives Rubinrot mit violetten Reflexen, intensive Aromen von reifen roten Früchten, vornehmlich Kirschnoten. Am Gaumen saftige Fruchtfülle, ausgewogen, lang anhaltend. Passt zu: italienischer Pasta und Pizza, zu Antipasti und rotem Fleisch.
he CONSVR by the League of Scoundrels was crafted to provide an affordable, high quality authentic mechanical mod that is both functional and safe for both beginner and advanced vapers. The CONSVR (Connoisseur) has been designed to be completely safe to use with any tank or RDA. The CONSVR is powered by an adjustable top insulated floating pin to automatically accommodate any atomizer you throw its way and the bottom contact is insulated and adjustable to house any 18650 sized battery variation. The CONSVR by League of Scoundrels provides an exceptionally hard hitting device with unique aestheticism which is sure to catch attention. 464 Naval Brass construction Adjustable peek insulators 25mm diameter on the top and bottom of the mod Full high quality Brass construction for a flashy and highly conductive body "Hourglass" body contouring for a comfortable feel in while holding Rounded copper bottom contact with a recessed style firing switch with a high quality skull engraving as well as aesthetically pleasing heat ventilation outlets Firing switch is powered by Rare Earth magnets for a high quality feel and no springs that will wear out Bottom cap has an o-ring battery cushion Type Mechanical Mod Model L.O.S. CONSVR Battery 1 x 18650 (Sold Separately) Diameter 25mm
Dunkles Granatrot, leuchtend, das Bouquet ist fruchtig mit Aromen von schwarzen Johannisbeeren. Im Laufe der Zeit lässt der Fruchteindruck nach und es sind mehr und mehr Duftnoten von Pfeffer und Lakritz wahrzunehmen. Am Gaumen kommen seine schöne Struktur und die charakteristischen vollmundigen Aromen seines Herkunftsbodens zum Ausdruck. Passt zu: Grillgerichten, Waldpilzen und Wild mit kräftigen Saucen oder kräftigem, reifen Hartkäse.