Sites on your tour include: Start in the heart of Fisherman’s Wharf near the Cable Car turnaround Cruise by Ghirardelli Square – home of delicious chocolate Ride near Municipal Pier in Aquatic Park See the Historic sailing ships at Hyde Street Pier Scoot west towards Crissy Field and through the Marina Green Spectacular views of SF Bay, Alcatraz Island and a stop at the Golden Gate Bridge Make stops at the Warming Hut and Fort Point under the Bridge Snap pics at the Palace of Fine Arts Return loop through the Marina District and the Presidio with a stop to see Yoda at Lucas Arts (time allowing) Rider Requirements: Rider must be 16 years or older and weigh under 290lbs (131 KG) No pregnant guests. Not recommended for some guests over age 70 or with mobility, motor control or recent surgeries. Under 18 with parents or guardian. Note: On some hills the scooter will require a bit of “kick” to maintain momentum. The electric motors are helpful on the hills but are not strong enough to propel heavier guests up some slopes. Be prepared to kick. If you have never ridden a bike this may not be the activity for you. Riding a scooter requires side to side balance similar to riding a bike. The equipment recap and skills overview session provides riders with a quick overview of the scooter controls, knowledge, and experience needed to safely operate the Scooters. You will be guided through a low speed ride and an emergency stop to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience. All tours start on time, so please arrive 15 minutes early to check in.
Vor über 120 Jahren bauten die Londoner eine Brücke, die zu einer der berühmtesten Attraktionen Londons wurde. Die Fußgängerstege wurden gebaut, damit Menschen die Themse überqueren können, während die Brücke hochgezogen ist um große Schiffe die Tower Bridge passieren zu lassen. Heute dienen diese Fußgängerstege als Aussichtsgalerie, die den Besuchern die spektakulärsten Blicke auf eine sich stets wandelnde Londoner Skyline ermöglicht. Fußgängerstege & Ausstellung: Besucher betreten die Tower Bridge Ausstellung über den North Tower. Sie werden dann mit dem Aufzug auf die Spitze des Turmes gebracht – 47 Meter über der Themse – Dort können Sie das Stahlgerüst der Brücke von innen bestaunen. Ein kurzer Film erklärt die Geschichte der Brücke und es besteht die Möglichkeit, von den beiden überdachten Fußwegen den Blick über die Dächer Londons wandern zu lassen. Auf dem östlichen Übergang gibt es eine fantastische Sicht auf die Docklands. Vom westlichen Übergang können Sie das neue GLA Gebäude sehen, den Tower of London, St. Paul’s, Big Ben und das London Eye. Interaktive Multimediaangebote (mehrsprachig) und Tafeln geben den Besuchern Informationen zu den jeweiligen Aussichten und zum Bau der Brücke. Im Südturm gibt es einen weiteren Film zu sehen. Besuchen Sie vor dem Abstieg den historischen Maschinenraum. Der Zutritt ist ebenfalls im Ticketpreis inbegriffen. Viktorianische Maschinenräume: Hier erhalten Sie faszinierende Einblicke in das Konstruktionswesen des späten 19. Jahrhunderts. Die großen und guterhaltenen, kohlenbetriebenen Maschinen wurden mit Fertigstellung der Tower Bridge im Jahr 1894 installiert, um bis 1976 Tausende der Brückenhebungen zu ermöglichen. Obwohl die Hebevorrichtungen elektrisch angetrieben werden, sind die originalen Dampfmaschinen immer noch vorhanden. Die Maschinenräume geben Besuchern die Möglichkeit mit Modellen zu experimentieren, welche die Technologie der Brücke veranschaulichen. Es werden sehenswerte Fotografien der Tower Bridge aus den vergangenen Jahrhunderten gezeigt. Ein Highlight ist ein Foto der schweren Stahlstruktur der Brücke, bevor die Steinverkleidung montiert wurde. Klicken Sie hier um die Tower Bridge App herunterzuladen!
Premiering this fall on Broadway The Great Comet will be the debut of Josh Groban and Denee Benton. has your discount Broadway tickets to see the show
Madame Tussauds London Millions and millions of people have flocked through the doors of Madame Tussauds since they first opened over 200 years ago and it remains just as popular as it ever was. There are many reasons for this enduring success, but at the heart of it all is good, old-fashioned curiosity. Today’s visitors are sent on a unique, emotionally-charged journey through the realms of the powerful and famous. The museum-style ropes and poles have gone so guests can truly get up, close and personal with A-list celebrities, sporting legends, political heavyweights and historical icons, reliving the times, events and moments that made the world talk about them…. Filled with 14 exciting, interactive zones and the amazing Marvel Super Heroes 4D movie experience, Madame Tussauds London combines glitz and glamour with incredible history. Walk down the red carpet and strike a pose with Kate Winslet, before challenging your favorite sportstars like David Beckham or Lewis Hamilton. Start your royal experience with an audience with the Queen, before standing alongside The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. For the brave, get face-to-face with scary serial killers in our live fear experience SCREAM. After a sneaky behind-the-scenes look at how our World-renowned sculptors create the figures, relax in our taxis and relive the rich history of London. Then step up to your favorite Marvel Super Heroes before getting ready to experience the spectacular and exclusive Marvel Super Heroes 4D movie, where our Marvel Super Heroes battle it out to save London from impending doom. So, who do you want to meet? London Zoo Animal Adventure We have just launched Animal Adventure, our new Children's Zoo. This exhibit provides thousands upon thousands of children with the chance to immerse themselves in the sights, sounds, smells and experiences of life in the animal kingdom. Penguin Beach The exhibit’s 1200 sq meter pool is four times bigger and three times deeper than the Zoo’s old penguin pool and will hold 450,000 liters of water. Our large demonstration area turns feeding time in to an even bigger spectacle than before. Penguin Beach Live will feature twice daily feeds where visitors can watch the birds diving for their food. Penguin Beach will be a breeding facility for colonies of Humboldt, macaroni, black-footed and rockhopper penguins and will include a special penguin nursery. This will include a chick incubation unit and a pool where the youngsters can learn how to swim. Butterfly Paradise ZSL London Zoo’s Butterfly Paradise exhibit features species from several major regions including Africa, South-east Asia and Central and South America. Meet the Monkeys Two years ago, we launched our Meet the Monkeys walkthrough. The enclosure was built to house a breeding group of black-capped squirrel monkeys in a habitat designed to recreate the Bolivian rainforests as closely as possible in the center of London Aquarium The Aquarium has been at ZSL London Zoo since 1853, and has a very interesting history. Separated into three different halls, which are home to different types of fish, the Aquarium is involved in many different conservation projects and breeding programs. Blackburn Pavilion Take flight to our new tropical bird walk-through the Blackburn Pavilion, and be transported to a jungle paradise in the center of London! Clore Rainforest Lookout New at ZSL London Zoo. Feel the heat of South America within our tropical biome filled with tropical trees and alive with South American monkeys, birds and invertebrates. With nothing separating you from this amazing habitat. Gorilla Kingdom This pioneering million exhibit brings Central Africa to the heart of London. It gives visitors the chance to experience the amazing world of these animals in a natural setting with no bars. Interactive features and educational activities will appeal to visitors from all walks of life. Gorilla Kingdom highlights the threats faced by these majestic creatures in the wild. ZSL works to conserve and protect them, and this exhibit marks an important development in awareness and support for their plight.
El Museo Egipcio de Barcelona considera fundamental que los visitantes puedan recorrer sus salas acompañados por egiptólogos, ya que conocer la colección egipcia de la mano de especialistas es la mejor forma de profundizar y aumentar sus conocimientos. Además de la colección permanente y de las exposiciones temporales que se exhiben regularmente, el museo organiza otras actividades que permiten al visitante disfrutar del fondo museístico de una forma más amena. Ejemplo de estas actividades son las visitas nocturnas que, además de las explicaciones del guía, incorporan la presencia de actores que representan escenas dramatizadas durante todo el recorrido. Otra de las actividades propuestas por el museo es el llamado Banquete Eterno, una visita guiada centrada en el arte culinario egipcio que ofrece al visitante la posibilidad de degustar productos que formaban parte del régimen alimentario de esta antigua civilización.
The House of Illusion con Bebidas - Ahora un espectáculo todavía más grande en unas instalaciones, justo frente al mar, también más espaciosas. Un misterioso escenario para un excitante e increíble espectáculo que les tendrá absortos y dejará un gran recuerdo para toda la familia. Todos los Paquetes incluyen un fantástico espectáculo donde, una vez se hayan sentado, los camareros le proveerán de tanto vino, cerveza o refrescos como quieran, ¡sin siquiera levantar un dedo y aún menos sacar la cartera! Porque además de un espectáculo fantástico, cabe destacar la barra libre de vino, cerveza y refrescos. Para empezar la noche se le presentarán ante usted los mejores magos de proximidad de Europa que redondearán la primera mitad del espectáculo con un divertidísimo cómico. ¡Y eso es sólo el principio! Porque la emoción de verdad llega con la segunda mitad del espectáculo. El momento en el que se adentrará en el mentalismo, la lectura de mentes y la hipnosis. Y por supuesto el final llega con las ilusiones de primer nivel que de bien seguro les dejarán asombrados y encantados. Vivirá experiencias auténticamente fascinantes en una sola noche. Presencie la prueba de que se puede hacer posible lo imposible delante de sus ojos.