The Clipper City Daytime Sail offered by Manhattan by Sail is a fun-filled voyage around New York Harbor in a 158-foot-long schooner, whose massive sails hearken back to the bygone era of the 1800s. With a capacity of up to 150 people, the Clipper City provides plenty of room for passengers to take in the sights comfortably, whether mixing and mingling by the lively bar area or lounging on the raised quarter deck at the rear of the sailboat. The majestic Clipper City Daytime Sail departs from Pier 17 at the bustling South Street Seaport, whose location along the East River makes for great photo ops of the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Bridge before the vessel even sets sail. The Clipper City's leisurely, 90-minute journey around New York Harbor offers plenty of photo-worthy sights, as the schooner slowly glides past the towering buildings that comprise the Lower Manhattan and New Jersey skylines, the former immigration station on Ellis Island, the greenery of Governor's Island and the iconic Statue of Liberty. Another fantastic moment to capture with your camera occurs when the crew hoists the Clipper City's massive sails, working with masts and rigging that rise 120 feet off the deck. This occasion also presents a wonderful opportunity to experience the thrill of sailing first-hand, as you can volunteer to help the crew with this exciting task. The crew themselves add to the festive spirit aboard the Clipper City, as they are happy to engage with the passengers and answer questions from sailing aficionados and novices alike. Another highlight for some adults will be the fully stocked bar, which features a steady stream of music and a variety of drinks for sale – including wine, beer, soda, juice and nautical-inspired cocktails like the Monkey's Fist. Passengers looking for a quieter ride can head to the raised quarter deck, where they can watch the captain steer the boat or simply soak in the beautiful sights around them. The Clipper City sails from late April until early October, twice a day at 2:15pm and 4:30pm.
Sites on your tour include: Start in the heart of Fisherman’s Wharf near the Cable Car turnaround Cruise by Ghirardelli Square – home of delicious chocolate Ride near Municipal Pier in Aquatic Park See the Historic sailing ships at Hyde Street Pier Scoot west towards Crissy Field and through the Marina Green Spectacular views of SF Bay, Alcatraz Island and a stop at the Golden Gate Bridge Make stops at the Warming Hut and Fort Point under the Bridge Snap pics at the Palace of Fine Arts Return loop through the Marina District and the Presidio with a stop to see Yoda at Lucas Arts (time allowing) Rider Requirements: Rider must be 16 years or older and weigh under 290lbs (131 KG) No pregnant guests. Not recommended for some guests over age 70 or with mobility, motor control or recent surgeries. Under 18 with parents or guardian. Note: On some hills the scooter will require a bit of “kick” to maintain momentum. The electric motors are helpful on the hills but are not strong enough to propel heavier guests up some slopes. Be prepared to kick. If you have never ridden a bike this may not be the activity for you. Riding a scooter requires side to side balance similar to riding a bike. The equipment recap and skills overview session provides riders with a quick overview of the scooter controls, knowledge, and experience needed to safely operate the Scooters. You will be guided through a low speed ride and an emergency stop to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience. All tours start on time, so please arrive 15 minutes early to check in.
The private villa offers a place to relax with its own private balcony overlooking the park. Each villa has 8 hammocks, a jacuzzi on the terrace, towels, fan, sofa and TV. Also included is a fully stocked mini bar with soft drinks, beer and snacks. The private villa offers excellent value for money and need to be booked well in advance. With fantastic views over the water park, the villa provides a private place to relax in your own hammocks. Your ticket includes food, drinks, snacks and fast track entrance to the park plus fast track to the attractions. This has to be the best way to enjoy a VIP experience! Conditions: Children under 3 years of age do not count for a seat. Each facility has a minimum price established for 8 people. Each extra person (up to 7) must pay an additional cost. Valid Photo ID is required for entry with each booking - You will be refused entry if your ID does not match the stated visitor name.
Creek Park Gate Charge AED 5 per person is charged at the entry gates to Creek Park- this charge is made by Dubai Municipality and is non-refundable & non-negotiable. There are lots to do other than Dubai Dolphinarium in the park, including Children’s City – an amazing children’s interactive museum, pony & camel rides, a cable car, BBQ areas, rides, bike hire and much more. The park is very beautiful and there are great photo opportunities down by the Creek of the city skyline.
One World Observatory es la más reciente y mayor atracción de la Gran Manzana. Situado en los tres pisos superiores del One World Trade Center que ahora es el edificio más alto del hemisferio occidental, el hemisferio ofrece vistas impresionantes de Manhattan y sus alrededores.
Con esta entrada, tendrá acceso a los tres pisos del Observatorio para vivir una experiencia inolvidable con grandes oportunidades para sacar fotos, conocer la historia de la ciudad de Nueva York y con varias opciones gastronómicas.
Entrada al Observatorio One World, situado en la parte superior del World Trade Center
Acceso a la cima del edificio más alto del hemisferio occidental en menos de 60 segundos
Vistas icónicas del horizonte de Manhattan y sus alrededores
Interactúe con City Pulse y sus embajadores mientras comparten historias de esta increíble ciudad
Pasee por la plataforma de cristal: Sky Portal
Idiomas disponibles para el suplemento One World Explorer:
Inglés, japonés, chino, francés, alemán, portugués, italiano e hindi
El suplemento One World Explorer le permitirá disfrutar de una experiencia única y mejorada con un iPad, ofreciéndole tours virtuales en helicóptero por los lugares más icónicos de Nueva York. Podrá echar un vistazo más cercano a las espectaculares vistas que hay desde el observatorio con una experiencia interactiva de imagen y sonido que le permitirá escoger que elementos del skyline de la ciudad quiere explorar. Más de cuarenta de los más importantes sitios de Nueva York tienen vídeos disponibles, incluyendo una sección especial para niños. Toque uno de los puntos de interés y vuele hasta ahí para un visión próxima y personal donde aprenderá porque Nueva York es tan única y magnífica.
Schwimmwesten sind kostenlos und beim Handtuchverleih erhältlich. Schwimmwesten sind für alle Schwimmer unter 1,27 m erforderlich und für schwache oder unerfahrene Schwimmer jeden Alters empfohlen. Alle Schwimmer unter 1,21 m sollten nicht ohne einem verantwortlichen Erwachsenen im Wasser sein.
Betrunkene Gäste erhalten keinen Zugang zum Aquaventure Water Park.
Kinder sollten zu jeder Zeit von einem verantwortlichen Erwachsenen beaufsichtigt werden. Rettungsschwimmer sind für die Sicherheit aller Gäste anwesend, bieten jedoch keinen Ersatz für die ständige Beaufsichtigung der Kinder und anderer Personen.
Brillen und Schmuck sollten vor dem Nutzen des Parks abgelegt werden werden.
Aquaventure-Attraktionen werden nicht für werdende Mütter, Personen mit Nacken-, Rücken-, Gelenks- oder Herzproblemen, Übergewicht oder körperlich einschränkenden Bedingungen empfohlen. Gäste mit Verletzungen (Abgüsse, Bandagen usw.) oder ansteckenden Krankheiten können die Attraktionen nicht nutzen.
Schwimmwindeln für Babys und Kleinkinder müssen in Pools getragen werden und sind in allen Läden im Park erhältlich.
Bitte tragen Sie stets geeignete Badebekleidung. Unangemessene Badebekleidung umfasst unter anderem Folgendes:
Unterwäsche für sich
Kleidung mit Nieten, Schnallen oder sichtbarem Metall
Lange, locker sitzende Kleidung
Alle Kleidungsstücke, die von Atlantis Management als unangebracht angesehen werden
Wir bitten Aquaventure-Gäste die kulturelle Empfindlichkeiten, die sich auf diesen Teil der Welt beziehen, zu beobachten und zu respektieren.
Es ist Besuchern nicht gestattet, Nahrungsmittel oder Getränke, Glaswaren oder Alkohol in Aquaventure mitzunehmen. Aquaventure behält sich das Recht vor, alle Taschen auf solche Gegenstände zu überprüfen.