Uwell Nunchaku Tank 80W TC Vape Full Kit has multiple working modes available with the display screen, for example, power mode, Ni Temp mode, SS temp mode and bypass mode. The plug coils are easy to operate, it is powered by a single 18650 battery with a maximum output of 80W. Stick shape, pocket size with ergonomic design Powered by a single 18650 battery with a maximum output of 80W Multiple working modes available(including Power Mode, Ni Temp Mode, SS Temp Mode and Bypass Mode) with display screen Powered by 1 x 18650 Battery (sold seperately) Temperature range at 200'F-600'F / 100'C-300'C Large clouds with low wattage, power-saving Plug-pull coils, easy to replace Bottom Adjustable Airflow Top Fill Liquid Micro-USB charging port 25.2mm diameter Brand: Uwell Power Range 5-80W Voltage Rnge 0.7-7V Resistance Range 0.1-3ohm(VW)/0.1-1ohm(TC)/0.1-0.5ohm(Bypass) Working Modes Power Mode/TC Mode(NI,SS), Bypass Mode Tank Resistance 0.25ohm (40-50W) Capacity 5ml Diameter 25.2mm
StrohgelbmitleichtengrünenReflexenFeineundbeständigePerlageFruchtig Apfel,Birne,AprikoseundZedrat undblumig weisseBlütenundWiesenblumen ,frischundangenehmImMundisterelegant,etwasweichmiteinemfruchtigenNachhallundbeständigenfloralenNuancen
Le the blanc aux fruits rouges 24 sachets Touch Organic est aromatise avec des myrtilles et de la framboise pour creer un breuvage aux arome fruites. Riche en antioxydants, ce the blanc Touch organic ensoleillera vos papilles. Thes Verts biologiques de Chine. Les thes TOUCH ORGANIC sont cultives dans la province du Jianxgi situe au sud est de la Chine. Aucun pesticide, aucun herbicide, aucun engrais ou produit chimique nuisible. Touch Organic est certifie biologique par ECOCERT. Des inspections regulieres realisees par cet organisme de controle assurent une qualite biologique irreprochable et une tracabilite complete. Papier non blanchi au chlore Sachet sans agrafe Marque : Touch Organic Ingredients / INCI : The blanc(1), arome naturel de framboise, arome naturel de myrtille. Ingredients issus de l agriculture biologique (1) Ingredient issu du commerce equitable. Conseils d utilisation : laisser infuser un sachet dans 200ml d eau bouillante pendant au moins 3 minutes.
The Advken MANTA MTL RTA is such a single coil RTA that is inherited from the Advken MANTA family with a 510 drip tip, 24mm diameter and large 3ml e-juice capacity. Coming with a vacuum gold-plated build deck, MANTA MTL RTA gives you a large place for easy single coil building and cotton location. Also, it has a side-air intake design of posts to bring better flavor and clouds. With the precise bottom airflow control and easy top filling system, the MANTA MTL RTA will bring you the best MTL vaping experience. 304 stainless steel construction 2/3ml juice capacity Bottom airflow control Removable wide bore drip tip Vacuum gold-plated build deck Side-air intake design of posts 24mm overall diameter 510 threading connection Brand: Advken Model Name Manta MTL RTA Coil Type Single Coil Capacity 2ml/3ml Diameter 24mm Size 43.2 x 24mm
Produkt-Eigenschaften: Diese SS316 Spulen sind perfekt f¨¹r fortgeschrittene vapers, die nicht die Zeit haben, zu bauen, oder jeden vapers suchen, um die Qualit?t vaping Erfahrung zu erleben, die von den fortgeschritteneren Spulen kommen. Produktspezifikationen: Name: Vorgefertigte Spulendraht Marke D?monent?ter metarial SS316 Spule AWG (28GA * 2) + 38GA Widerstand 0,5 Ohm Anzahl 6 Packungsinhalt: 6 x (28GA * 2) + 38GA 0.5O Flamme Spulendraht
Die Chardonnaytrauben stammen aus den ausgesuchten eigenen Weingärten Las Palmas in Cruz de Piedra, 1883, Santa Rosa und anderen Weingärten in der Provinz Mendoza. Der Boden ist dort sandig und wird mit Wasser aus den Anden bewässert.Die Trauben werden...