**does not include the USS Arizona Memorial movie/boat tour.
The National Park Service offers over 1,300 free walk-in tickets each day for the USS Arizona Memorial Tour on a first-come, first-served basis. Be sure to come early for these walk up tickets, the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center is open daily from 7am.
Adult lunch - choose of: 2 famous Bowfins, 2 Bowfins Chili Dogs, 2 Soups (includes vegetarian soup) or 1 Hot Dog and One Sorup. Beverages not included but are available in vendor machines.
Child lunch - choose of: 1 famous Bowfin Hot Dog, 1 Bowfin Chili Dogs or 1 Soup (includes vegetarian soup). Beverages not included but are available in vendor machines.
Check In Policy & Maximizing Your Time
Visitors with ticket reservations are required to check in at the National Park Service ticket counter one hour before their tour time. If you check in late, the National Park Service reserves the right to reassign your tour tickets. We highly recommend starting at the Visitors Center’s museum before embarking to the memorial.
No Bag Policy
For security reasons, no purses, backpacks, fanny packs, diaper bags, large camera cases or luggage is allowed at the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center. Valuables should not be left in your vehicle. Bag storage is available at the entrance for a fee of $3 per bag. We recommend that visitors bring in their wallets, ID, water, cameras and cellphones.
Strollers are allowed in the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center, but not in the theaters or on shuttle boats to the USS Arizona Memorial. While strollers may be parked at the theaters and picked up once visitors return from the Memorial, the National Park Service is not responsible for monitoring strollers or other personal items left behind.
There are public restroom facilities available at the Visitor Center; visitors are encouraged to use the facilities at the Visitor Center before beginning their Arizona Memorial Program.
Food and Beverage
Other than clear bottled water, no food or drinks are allowed in the theater, on the shuttle boats, or at the USS Arizona Memorial.
Dress Attire
Visitors are reminded that they are visiting a site of tremendous loss of life in service to our country. Sandals are permissible, but bathing suits or profane T-shirts are discouraged.
Military visitors to the USS Arizona Memorial are within the boundary of Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, and military regulations relating to military dress are enforced by Navy personnel. Per the Pacific Commander, military visitors in uniform are required to dress in Class B or better in order to gain access to the shuttle boats to the USS Arizona Memorial. Battle dress uniform is not allowed on the USS Arizona Memorial, though it is allowed throughout the Visitor Center and at sites on Ford Island. Military visitors are welcome to wear civilian clothes when they visit.
Vor über 120 Jahren bauten die Londoner eine Brücke, die zu einer der berühmtesten Attraktionen Londons wurde. Die Fußgängerstege wurden gebaut, damit Menschen die Themse überqueren können, während die Brücke hochgezogen ist um große Schiffe die Tower Bridge passieren zu lassen. Heute dienen diese Fußgängerstege als Aussichtsgalerie, die den Besuchern die spektakulärsten Blicke auf eine sich stets wandelnde Londoner Skyline ermöglicht. Fußgängerstege & Ausstellung: Besucher betreten die Tower Bridge Ausstellung über den North Tower. Sie werden dann mit dem Aufzug auf die Spitze des Turmes gebracht – 47 Meter über der Themse – Dort können Sie das Stahlgerüst der Brücke von innen bestaunen. Ein kurzer Film erklärt die Geschichte der Brücke und es besteht die Möglichkeit, von den beiden überdachten Fußwegen den Blick über die Dächer Londons wandern zu lassen. Auf dem östlichen Übergang gibt es eine fantastische Sicht auf die Docklands. Vom westlichen Übergang können Sie das neue GLA Gebäude sehen, den Tower of London, St. Paul’s, Big Ben und das London Eye. Interaktive Multimediaangebote (mehrsprachig) und Tafeln geben den Besuchern Informationen zu den jeweiligen Aussichten und zum Bau der Brücke. Im Südturm gibt es einen weiteren Film zu sehen. Besuchen Sie vor dem Abstieg den historischen Maschinenraum. Der Zutritt ist ebenfalls im Ticketpreis inbegriffen. Viktorianische Maschinenräume: Hier erhalten Sie faszinierende Einblicke in das Konstruktionswesen des späten 19. Jahrhunderts. Die großen und guterhaltenen, kohlenbetriebenen Maschinen wurden mit Fertigstellung der Tower Bridge im Jahr 1894 installiert, um bis 1976 Tausende der Brückenhebungen zu ermöglichen. Obwohl die Hebevorrichtungen elektrisch angetrieben werden, sind die originalen Dampfmaschinen immer noch vorhanden. Die Maschinenräume geben Besuchern die Möglichkeit mit Modellen zu experimentieren, welche die Technologie der Brücke veranschaulichen. Es werden sehenswerte Fotografien der Tower Bridge aus den vergangenen Jahrhunderten gezeigt. Ein Highlight ist ein Foto der schweren Stahlstruktur der Brücke, bevor die Steinverkleidung montiert wurde. Klicken Sie hier um die Tower Bridge App herunterzuladen!
How to Use the Brussels Card? Your Brussels Card is valid for 24, 48 or 72 hours from when it's first used in a museum You must use your Brussels Card for the first time within a year of its purchase date. How to Use the Brussels Card at the Museum? For as long as your card is valid, you can visit the same museum as many times as you like. You won’t have to pay anything. Simply present your Brussels Card at the ticket desk and it will be electronically validated. Your Brussels Card will be automatically activated the first time you use it. The Brussels Card gives you free access to all permanent collections of the museums. Most of the temporary exhibitions are also included, except for the Old Masters Museum, the Natural Sciences Museum and the Cinquantenaire Museum where you pay the normal entrance fee if you want to visit the temporary exhibitions. How do Discounts work? The discounts for the various attractions, tours, shops, restaurants and bars provided in this guide are for single use only! The discounts remain valid, even after your Brussels Card has expired. To obtain your discount, simply present your Brussels Card and hand over the corresponding voucher you find at the back of the guide. Free Entry to 40 Museums * Participating Museums are updated every February Art et Marges Musée - Museum Autoworld Belgian Brewers museum Belgian Chocolate Village BELvue museum Villa Empain - Boghossian Foundation Botanique Centre for Fine Arts - BOZAR Choco Story Art & History Museum Museum of the City of Brussels Charlier Museum Museum of Fashion & Lace (Museums of the City of Brussels) Erasmus House Musée Fin-de-Siècle Museum Freemasonry museum Halle Gate – RMAH MIM - Musical Instruments Museum (MRAH) La Fonderie - Brussels museum of work and industry The René Magritte House Museum Magritte Museum (Royal museums of Fine Arts) Musée de la Médecine (ULB) Royal Museum of Army and Military History MIMA the Millennium Iconoclast Museum of Art Museum MOOF - Museum Of Original Figurines CENTRALE for contemporary art Planetarium of Brussels Natural Sciences Museum Autrique House Sewers museum Musée Oldmasters Museum Wiels - Contemporary Art Centre The Belgian Comic Strip Center Coudenberg Palace Jardin botanique Meise Jews in Belgium museum Train World Kanal - Centre Pompidou
Languages Living History Audio Guide at Beatles Story Albert Dock has been compiled and is narrated by John Lennon's sister Julia and is complimentary. Ten languages: Brazilian Portuguese (new), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin (new) Polish, Russian and Spanish. We also have a family audio guide in English. Accessibility Parking – Albert Dock has a number of car parks on site and has in total eight accessible car parking bays, with three available in car park A, near to the estate’s main entrance and five in car park B opposite The Beatles Story and Premier Inn hotel. Wheelchairs – The exhibition is fully wheelchair accessible. Due to fire evacuation procedures, we can only admit three wheelchairs on site at any one time. We have a standard wheelchair available which can either be booked in advance by telephoning +44 (0) 151 709 1963 or borrowed on the day by asking a member of staff at the main entrance (subject to availability on the day). Lifts – We have two accessible lifts: One situated at our main entrance (accompanied with audio announcements) and one located in our Fab4 Store going down to the Fab4 Cafe. Toilets – Wheelchair-accessible toilets are available within the exhibition and also in the Fab4 Cafe area. Please see a member of staff for assistance. Induction Loops – Induction loops are available to use with our audio guides. Please see a member of staff when picking up your audio guide. Large Print Gallery Books – We have large print transcripts available in all 10 languages offered on our audio guide, which are available at our Admissions desk. Please ask a member of staff for more details. Guide Dogs – Guide dogs are welcome. Sign Language – Should you require sign language assistance, please contact us on +44 (0) 151 709 1963 and we will check staff availability to ensure that help is on hand during your day of visit. Cloakroom – Our cloakroom allows guests to store coats, prams/buggies and suitcases. Fab4 Cafe – The Fab4 Cafe is located on basement level and is accessible via the exhibition and our Fab4 Store. The Fab4 Cafe is partially self-served – however, assistance is available if required.
Die Eintrittskarten beinhalten eine Multimediatour. Die Queen's Gallery im Buckingham Palace ist wechselnden Ausstellungen von Kunstgegenständen aus der königlichen Sammlung gewidmet. Diese umfassende Sammlung von Kunstgegenständen und Schätzen aus aller Welt wird von der Queen für die gesamte Nation bewahrt. Canaletto & Die Kunst von Venedig 19. Mai - 12. November Die königliche Sammlung umfasst Arbeiten von Venedigs berühmtesten Maler Canaletto (1697-1768). Diese Werke kaufte der junge König George III 1762 von Canalettos Agenten Joseph Smith, dem britischer Konsul in Venedig. Die Ausstellung präsentiert eine spektakuläre Auswahl venezianischer Kunst des 18. Jahrhunderts. Canalettos größte Werke werden neben Gemälden und Arbeiten auf Papier von Sebastiano und Marco Ricci, Francesco Zuccarelli, Rosalba Carriera, Pietro Longhi und Giovanni Battista Piazzetta gezeigt. Die Ausstellung Einblicke in die Höhepunkte des 18. Jahrhunderts in Venedig. Von der Pracht des Canal Grande und des Markusplatzes bis zu seinen Festen, dem Theater und dem Maskenkarneval bringt sie unwiderstehliche Faszination der schönsten Stadt der Welt in die Queen's Gallery. Ein begleitender Film stellt Canaletto und Smith vor und erklärt Hintergründe zu den Themen der Ausstellung.
At 135 metres, the London Eye is the world's tallest observation wheel, with 40 kilometre panoramic views on a clear day. The gradual journey takes approximately 30 minutes and offers spectacular views of London and its famous landmarks such as Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and St Paul's Cathedral. Now also included - London Eye 4D Experience!!! The London Eye 4D Experience is a groundbreaking 3D film with in theatre effects, such as wind, bubbles and mist, to make the 4D. The film itself is a touching story of a little girl in London with her father. Her view of famous London landmarks is obscured by people and traffic, but a seagull draws her attention to The London Eye and her father takes her for an experience; finally she has an amazing view of the city. Colourful parties inside the capsule, time lapse of The London Eye day and night and a spectacular firework display all add up to an emotional and entertaining experience; the perfect prelude to an experience on The London Eye itself. For a different perspective visit at sunset and see the city lights come on and the skyline awash with vibrant colours. Developed to further enhance your experience, the guide book offers a panoramic map of London, pointing out all the landmarks you will see on your journey. It includes interesting facts and figures about London and tells the story behind the concept, design and construction of London's newest and most talked-about landmark. The London Eye has 32 capsules, each carrying 25 guests, take you on a 30 minute journey through the most spectacular views of, over and around London spanning 25 miles in all directions. Safety and security is our number one priority. For your safety and convenience, please read the following information on what items can and can not be taken on to the London Eye. Please be aware that all guests are subject to a security search when boarding the London Eye. Please note that the following items CAN be taken on board the London Eye: · briefcases · laptops · small day size rucksacks and bags (maximum size 18" x 13" x 8" or 46cm x 33cm x 20cm) · baby bags The following items CAN NOT be taken on board the London Eye; · large bags/suitcases or rucksacks · motorcycle helmets · skateboards and rollerblades . tripods (unless agreed in advance with the London Eye) · baby buggies* · prohibited items** If you are unsure . * Baby buggies can be left at our 'Buggy' area facility in the ticket hall, although only for the duration of the experience. ** Prohibited items include sharp objects or anything which may be considered a security risk including penknives, scissors, metal nail files, toy or replica guns. If such objects are found or declared they will be checked in and returned to you after your experience providing the item is legal in the UK. Terms and conditions 1. Confiscated objects are left entirely at the owner's risk at all times. 2. London Eye Company (LEC) accepts no responsibility for the loss of or damage to any objects left with LEC. 3. LEC is entitled to refuse to store any visitor's objects at its sole discretion whether for public safety reasons or any other reason.