iFLY welcome flyers from 3 to 103. If you have reasonable health and fitness you can fly. But do check the criteria below before you purchase tickets.
There are a few exceptions:
Flyers must be over 3 years of age.
Participants must weigh less than 300 pounds.
Participants who weigh between 260 and 300 pounds must bring this to the attention of an iFLY representative as additional restrictions and instructor scheduling limitations may apply.
Women who are pregnant should not fly.
Folks with recent back, neck and heart problems should check with a doctor before flying.
iFLY recommends people with prior shoulder dislocations DO NOT FLY!
Click below for a complete list of restrictions:
Warner Bros. Londres - Tour por el Estudio ofrece una increíble oportunidad para explorar la magia de las películas de Harry Potter ™ - la saga más exitosa de todos los tiempos. Este singular recorrido a pie le llevará "entre bastidores" y verá muchas cosas que la cámara nunca mostró. Descubrirá algunos de los secretos mejor guardados como información sobre los efectos especiales y animatronics que se utilizaron en estas películas tan populares en todo el mundo.
Durante la época de Navidad los visitantes podrán ver: El Great Hall decorado como si fuese Navidad, igual que fue decorado en la película de Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal con 8 árboles de Navidad. Las mesas de comedor decoradas para las fiestas con pavo, jamón, frutas, verduras, postres y pasteles de ciruela. La sala de Gryffindor, el dormitorio de los chicos y la cocina Weasley después de haber sufrido una transformación. Secretos revelados por las huellas en la nieve, filmados en Harry Potter y el Prisionero de Azkaban ™. Más cosas que podrá ver y hacer: Entrar y descubrir el Great Hall real. Explora la oficina de Dumbledore y descubrir tesoros nunca antes vistos. Caminar por los famosos adoquines de Diagon Alley, junto a los escaparates de las tiendas Ollivander ,Flourish and Blotts, the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, Gringotts Wizarding Bank y Eeylops Owl Emporium. Ver acesorios de las películas, incluyendo la escoba Nimbus 2.000 de Harry Potter y la motocicleta de Hagrid. Descubrir cómo hicieron los efectos especiales.
* Canary Wharf - 1.5 km
* Bowling Alley and Cinema - 1.5 km
* London Aquarium - 5 km
* Design Musuem - 3 km
* Globe Theatre - 6.5 km
* London Excel - 6.5 km
* Greenwich Village - 5 km
* Gatwick Airport - 55 km
* Victoria Bus Station - 6 km
* London Bridge Train Station - 3 km
* Canada Water Tub Station - 2 km
* Tate Gallery Exhibition Center - 5 km
* Surrey Quays Shopping Area - 1 km
Your river cruise on London's oldest thoroughfare - the Royal Thames - is an opportunity to take a truly different view of London, passing some its best of historical landmarks the Thames offers including:
Cleopatra's Needle — It is known as Cleopatra's Needle as it was brought to London from Alexandria, the royal city of Cleopatra. The Needle arrived in England after a horrendous journey by sea in 1878
South Bank — The South Bank is the cultural heart of London, home to the South Bank Centre, Old Vic, Young Vic, National Theatre, BFI IMAX, BFI Southbank as well as art galleries, such as the.gallery@oxo and Bargehouse.
St Paul's Cathedral — designed by the court architect Sir Christopher Wren and built between 1675 and 1710 after its predecessor was destroyed in the Great Fire of London
Millennium Bridge — London's Millennium Bridge is the first pedestrian river crossing over the Thames in central London for more than a century
Tate Modern — the Tate Collection comprises the national collection of British art from the year 1500 to the present day and international modern art
The Globe Theatre — Shakespeare's Globe is a unique international resource dedicated to the exploration of Shakespeare's work
HMS Belfast — HMS Belfast is the largest surviving example of Britain's twentieth century naval power and is now a museum moored on the Thames between Tower and London Bridge
Tower of London — the Tower of London is one of the world's most famous and spectacular fortresses
Tower Bridge — Tower Bridge was completed in 1894, after 8 years of construction. Originally, London Bridge was the only crossing over the Thames. You can then visit the Victorian Engine Rooms, home to the original steam engines that used to power the Bridge lifts
Docklands — Walk alongside the Tower walls and suddenly you are thrust into the most modern area of London. From Tower Bridge to the Royal Docks and the Isle of Dogs is one of the oldest areas of London, containing the wharfs, warehouses and ports along the River Thames.
Canary Wharf — Canary Wharf is planned on a grand scale, yet with meticulous attention to detail. The estate extends to over 97 acres and is so called because when in use as a dock, many of the imports were from the Canary Islands. Approximately 14.1 million square feet of office and retail space has been constructed to date.
Greenwich — Greenwich is recognised for its cultural heritage: the grandeur and sheer beauty of its buildings; the magnificent vistas and views across London;-its royal history, as the birthplace of both Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, among others;