Mazmorra de Ámsterdam ¿Tiene un gran sentido del humor y nervios de acero? Entonces está en el lugar correcto en La Mazmorra de Ámsterdam. Enfrentase a más de 500 años de la historia más oscura de Ámsterdam. Los escalofriantes personajes de los "viejos tiempos" cobran vida ante usted en toda su gloria. Podrá verlos y sentirlos durante la emocionante atracción. The Gallows Fields – ‘Campos de la Horca’ El lugar donde se exhibirían los cuerpos para la gente; un recordatorio de su destino si alguna vez cometiera un crimen. Los cadáveres colgantes eran el sello distintivo de un sistema legal que "funcionaba efectivamente". Uno cree que las zonas de la horca eran evitadas por todos, sin embargo, todo lo contrario era cierto, era como una atracción. Murder on the Zeedijk – ‘Asesinato en el Zeedijk’ Sumérjase en esta historia de fantasmas y conozca a la deslumbrante Dina y su menos refinada hermana Helena, en las calles más antiguas de Ámsterdam, con su historia inquietante. Hell on the Batavia – ‘Infierno en el Batavia’ Siente cómo le asusta el miedo a bordo del barco VOC del siglo XVII, el Batavia
El encargo de la familia Terradas a Josep Puig i Cadafalch tuvo como resultado un espectacular edificio que rompe con todas las normas establecidas. Es la Casa de les Punxes: un majestuoso palacete urbano construido en 1905 que recuerda a los antiguos castillos medievales. La casa cuenta con influencias de diferentes movimientos arquitectónicos, numerosas innovaciones técnicas y un amplio abanico de elementos decorativos de alto valor artístico, como vidrieras, forjados, cerámicas y esculturas. A través de un recorrido interactivo y multisensorial penetrarás en la historia y el alma de la casa, conocerás de cerca su autor, Josep Puig i Cadafalch, y revivirás la leyenda de San Jorge, tan recurrente en el modernismo y muy presente también en la Casa de les Punxes. La visita te llevará a la enigmática azotea, donde disfrutarás de impresionantes vistas de la ciudad. Descubre esta casa tan singular, su autor y la leyenda que los une.
Grand Parc : Go back in time and making the most of many amazing shows and activities around this massive parc that will take your breath away! So enjoy the fresh air in the tree-lined alleys and spend some time strolling from one adventure to another, without any queues! Le Signe du Triomphe After the highly-charged atmosphere of the Gallo-Roman Stadium, relax with a spell in the Middle Ages. In the Medieval City, admire the expertise of the master craftsmen before setting off on an adventure with ‘The Knights of the Round Table’. Les Vikings After witnessing the assault by the Viking longboats and being serenaded by the Traditional Musicians, take time out to visit the Fort of the Year Thousand and travel through time in the Puy du Fou Odyssey. Le Secret de la Lance Leave the Hundred Years War behind and go through the moat to discover a wide range of activities for the whole family and the Grand Parc’s new show «The Lovers of Verdun». Mousquetaire de Richelieu By the Grand Carrousel, the wonderful French gardens lead you to the Imaginary World of La Fontaine. Then experience the Belle Epoque atmosphere of the Market Town in 1900. Le Bal des Oiseaux Fantômes Deep in the ancient forest, Puy du Fou’s natural surroundings become part of a unique show. From the birds of prey aviaries to Flower Valley, enjoy wandering through a world in which nature reasserts itself. Les Orgues de Feu The Puy du Fou is also the kingdom of children. They are fascinated by the shows and have fun in the Grand Parc’s games and entertainment, before the magic of the Organs of Fire.
Arc de Triomphe Gratuit pour les enfants de moins de 18 ans et pour les 18-25 ans ressortissants de l'Union Européenne NB: le billet gratuit est à retirer en billetterie sur place Croisière Bateaux-Mouches La Compagnie des Bateaux-Mouches® met un point d’honneur à ne servir que des plats élaborés à partir de produits sélectionnés chaque matin et cuisinés sur l’instant. Toutes les tables sont situées en bordure de Seine pour permettre à chacun de profiter de Paris dans un confort absolu. Tous nos bateaux possèdent un pont supérieur, à ciel ouvert, qui permet aux voyageurs de profiter de toute la magie de la ville lumière et d’une vue à 360°. Croisière commentée en 8 langues Itinéraire gratuit traduit en 25 langues Pont supérieur ouvert - espace fumeur Croisière d'une durée de 1:10
HELICOPTER DAYTIME TOUR Your total helicopter experience with the pre-flight briefing and customer experience center will be about 1hr. Photography is allowed throughout the flight experience. Guest pick-up is available from Chicago downtown hotels for additional charge. All tours depart from and return to Chicago Helicopter Experience 2420 South Halsted Street SKYDECK CHICAGO At 1,353 feet and 110 stories above the streets of downtown Chicago, The Ledge at the Willis Tower (formerly known as Sears Tower) Skydeck will transform any visitor's--or local's for that matter--experience with the Windy City. In January 2009, Willis Tower owners began a major renovation of the beloved Skydeck, which originally opened in 1974, and served as a premier tourist attraction throughout the skyscraper's tenure as the Sears Tower. When ownership changed hands, the fresh blood added a fresh look--and adrenaline rush--to the 103rd floor in the form of retractable glass balconies extending about 4 feet over Wacker Drive and the Chicago River below. Still the 8th tallest building in the world, and the absolute tallest in the Western Hemisphere, Willis Tower's Skydeck draws 1.5 million people a year who are eager to ascend the 110-story, 1,454 foot (443 meter) building for awesome panoramic views of the city and surrounding countryside. Your journey to the top of the Willis Tower starts with a walk through an airport-style metal detector, followed by a slow elevator ride down to the waiting area where visitors queue for tickets. A sign will tell you how long you'll have to wait to get up high; this is a good time to confirm the visibility. Even days that seem sunny can have upper-level haze that limits the view. On good days, however, you can see for 40 to 50 miles (64 to 80 kilometers), as far as the states of Indiana, Michigan. Iowa, and Wisconsin. While you wait, you can watch a film about Willis Tower factoids. Then you'll wait a little longer before the ear-popping, 70 second elevator ride up to the 103rd floor deck. From here, the entire city stretches below, and you can see exactly how Chicago is laid out. Willis Tower, Skydeck, and The Ledge Fast Facts The hundreds of forehead prints visitors left behind each week on Skydeck windows served as this inspiration for The Ledge. The Ledge boxes can each bear about 4-1/2 metric tons of weight, and adventurers who trust that statistic enough to prove it can often be found jumping and bounding around the entirely translucent enclosures as Chicago's heavy traffic and infrastructure bustle below. The Ledge’s glass panels weight 1,500 pounds apiece, and each box is comprised of three layers of half-inch thick glass laminated into one seamless unit. In addition to serving 1.3 million tourists per year in its 4.5+ million square feet of space, Willis Tower is home to more than 100 companies, including prominent law, insurance, transportation, and financial services. The Ledge's glass boxes retract into the Skydeck main floor for easy maintenance, mostly cleaning off the 974 dead birds that must fly into them every month. The Moonwalk is the most popular dance performed on The Ledge, followed closely by the Running Man. Riverdance clocks in at a distant third. Bringing people who are afraid of heights to The Ledge is not recommended, unless you are mean-spirited or really don't like them. In which case, you should probably just take them here. Willis Tower was known as Sears Tower for decades, until the 30th anniversary of Diff'rent Strokes, at which point it was rightfully renamed.
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