SMOK Stick V9 Max kit consists of Stick V9 Max battery and Stick V9 Max tank, it is the latest pen-style vape kit with the largest battery capacity, the eye-catching outlook, and excellent performance make it stand out among stick series. Powered by built-in 4000mAh battery, it can fire up to 60w max output. There is also an LED indicator to tell you the accurate conditions of itself. As for the Stick V9 Max tank, it features 8.5ml e-juice capacity. specially adopts Mini V2 S1 and Mini V2 S2, both of which are custom-made coils for Stick series battery, focusing on lower wattage but intense clouds and flavor. Enjoying vaping with Stick V9 Max kit, it will provide you powerful and durable vaping experiences. Exquisite Appearance Distinctive Pentagon Power Button Intelligent Led Indicator, To Show You Clear Battery Power A New Power Master, With Unprecedented Built-In 4000mah Battery Multiple Protections For Your Max Stick V9 Max Tank Bigger Than Bigger Convex Glass Tube 8.5ml Big Capacity and Easy To Refill 16mm V2 Baby Exclusive Delrin Drip Tip Better Airflow System 510 threading connection 35mm tank diameter Brand: Smoktech Model Stick V9 Max Max Power 60W Voltage Range 2.5-4.1V Tank Diameter 35mm Tank Capacity 8.5ml Size 141.8 x 28mm Color Stainless Steel
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Poivre Trio noir en moulin 50g Herbaria Specialite de poivre composee de grains de poivre noir en provenance de trois regions. Herbaria 50 g Marque : Herbaria Ingredients / INCI : Grains de poivre noir de la cote Malabar en Inde, du Sri Lanka et de la Tanzanie. Issus de lrsquo;agriculture biologique. 1 moulin a epices de de 50 g. Conseils d utilisation : Ajouter toujours la composition Trio Noir apres la cuisson afin d eviter que le precieux poivre ne brule et ne gagne en amertume. Poivre Trio noir en moulin 50g Herbaria