Das glänzende Kirschrot verführt die Nase mit einem vielschichtigen Bouquet - zuerst würzig-maskulin, dann fruchtig mit duftigen Kirsch- und Beerenaromen. Im Geschmack ist er vollmundig mit unerwartet samtigem Tannin. Die kraftvolle Struktur trägt die fruchtigwürzigen Aromen mit erstaunlicher Sanftheit in ein lang anhaltendes Finale. Passt zu traditionellem Coq au Vin, in Pinot Noir gegartem Zander, einem saftig zarten Rinderbraten oder feinen Wildgerichten, köstlich auch zu würzigen Käsesorten Chaource .
Smok Nord Replacement Coil Head includes 1.4ohm regular coils and 0.6ohm mesh coil, 0.8ohm MTL coil, 1.4ohm regular coil and 1.4ohm ceramic coil. The mesh coil brings you sub ohm vaping with massive clouds and pure flavor than ever. The regular coil is designed for MTL vaping. The ceramic coil features 1.4ohm resistance and provides optimal taste. It is durable and works well with high wattage status. You can enjoy different vaping experience from these coils. 5pcs in a pack. Coil type: 0.6ohm mesh coil 0.8ohm MTL coil 1.4ohm regular coil 1.4ohm ceramic coil Fit for: Smok Nord Pod System Kit Smok Nord Replacement Pod Cartridge Note: This sale is only for 0.6ohm mesh coil. Brand: Smoktech Model Nord Coil 0.6¦¸ Mesh Coil Quantity 5
The Milkman has taken a warm, toasted fruit tart, thrown it into a blender with a dollop of vanilla bean ice cream and a splash of fresh milk, delivering a truly sensational flavor right to your taste buds in a delicious, vapable, MAX VG bottle. Churrios. The decadent, warm, fried churro flavor in Churrios coupled with creamy fresh milk and honey nut cereal delivers the vaping perfection we've come to expect from The Milkman. It's another tantalizingly complex vape that bridges the gap between breakfast cereal flavors and dessert flavors with unbelievable expertise. This is definitely a flavor you don't want to miss.
Dieser weiße Portwein duftet nach Zitrusfrüchten und Nuancen von reifen, getrockneten Früchten, Honig und Mandeln. Auch harzige Töne sind unterschwellig vorhanden. Am Gaumen ist der Ramos Pinto Porto White trocken und frisch, mit großer...
Everything Evolves - nexMESH,The Next Generation of Mesh Coil Innovation is Here,Next Generation Mesh Coil Technology, Evolve your flavor experience. Explore the next generation of mesh coil design with, Uniform mesh weave with 3x more holes delivers rapid power transfer for lightening fast heating nexMESH triple density gird mesh.Perfect for sub-ohm vaping, nexMESH lower resistance to support higher wattage devices.Unique triple density mesh netting maximizes heating surface area to deliver thicker vapor and intense flavor.As usual size does matter and thanks to the triple weave innovation,the e-juice spit-back situation is significantly decreased.Enhance your experience and reduce spit back with nexMESH's unique micro weave netting. Taste the difference Lightning fast heating Lower resistance 0.13
Komplexer Duft von Pflaumen und Veilchen, abgerundet mit einer sanften Pfeffernote. Am Gaumen lebendig mit einem herrlichen Aromenspiel schwarzer Früchte und Gewürze. Passt zu Ratatouille, gegrilltes Fleisch, Lamm in Knoblauchjus.