The STIG is a small, on draw activated, disposable mouth to lung pod device. It is an extremely lightweight pocket sized pod designed for portability and ease of use. The STIG is comprised of a small tank containing 1.2 ml of 60 mg of VGOD SaltNic e-liquid. It includes a fully charged, low wattage battery that is guaranteed not to lose charge until e-liquid is fully enjoyed. The STIG comes in a pack of three and can easily travel with you anywhere you go. Never worry about charging or refilling pods ever again! Enjoy true satisfaction and redefine your lifestyle with the STIG today! Lushice by VGOD: is a Delicious Burst of Fresh Watermelon on the Inhale with sweet undertones of Mixed Melons and smooth Menthol on the Exhale, providing a Smooth and Fruity All-Day Vaping Experience! Brand: VGOD Model STIG DISPOSABLE POD Tank capacity 1.2ml Taste LushIce Flavor Quantity 3
Ingredients:Siropde riz (82%),jus de pomme concentre, arome naturel de myrtille, arome naturel de framboise, arome naturel de pomme, arome naturel de citron, arome naturel d orange, jus de sureau concentre, aromes naturels, correcteur d acidite: acide citrique biologique Certifie bio
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Dieser vorwiegend im Edelstahltank ausgebaute Merlot aus Chile bietet in der Nase Aromen von Pflaumen und Brombeeren. Hinzu kommen eine feine, unterschwellige Würze und Toast-Noten. Am Gaumen ist der Santa Carolina Cellar Selection Merlot samtig, mit...