Die blassgoldene Farbe mit grünen Reflexen deutet schon an, was geschmacklich in dieser jungen Cuvee steckt. Die Nase frisch und animierend, mit ausdrucksvollem Blütenduft und den Anklängen von Johannis-und Stachelbeeren. Der fruchtig-trockene Geschmack mit nachhaltigem Abgang wird betont von gelben Früchten und feinen Kräutern. Passt zu Meeresfrüchten, Fisch, weissem Fleisch und Gemüse. Aber auch einfach solo ist er ein erfrischender Genuss Aus biologischem Anbau
Nom scientifique de l espece : Triticum Monococcum En bref : Le petit epeautre, variete Triticum Monococcum, est la plus ancienne cereale cultivee et consommee par l homme qui soit restee sous sa forme originelle. Il a ainsi conserve toute sa richesse nutritionnelle et sa saveur authentique Description et origine : L epeautre appartient au meme genre botanique que le ble (Triticum). On considere l epeautre comme une ancienne variete de ble. Il existe deux types d epeautre commercialises en France : le petit epeautre ou engrain. le grand epeautre. Le petit epeautre est celui que l on cultivait traditionnellement dans les Alpes. Certains pretendent que le petit epeautre est une cereale authentique, c est-a-dire issue directement d une graminee n ayant subi aucune manipulation genetique. Le petit epeautre possede naturellement une teneur remarquable en antioxydants et plus particulierement en luteine (4 fois plus que le ble).
The Think Vape Thor Box MOD is a 200W powerful and portable TC Box MOD with attractive & unique patterns and ergonomic design which is comfortable to grip. With the most advanced ST200 Chip, the Thor 200W MOD provides a stable and high performing VW/ TC modes with a 0.96-inch OLED screen. Together with comfortable operation buttons and easy USB charging, the Thor 200W TC MOD will bring you an extremely powerful vape with simple operation. 0.96-inch OLED Display High-Grade ABS Construction Comfortable Operation Buttons Portable TC Box MOD with Attractive Patterns 200W Max Output with Advanced ST200 Chip TC range at 93¡ãC-315¡ãC/200¡ãF-600¡ãF Powered by 2 x 18650 (sold separately) High Performance VW/ TC Modes Atomizer Protection Low Resistance Protection Short Circuit Protection Overheat Protection Low Voltage Protection 510 Threading Connection Brand: Think Vape Chipset ST200 Wattage range 5-200W Working modes VW/VT(Ni/Ti/SS)/TCR/Bypass Resistance range 0.05-3.5ohm Size 88.5 x 46 x 32mm Net Weight 68g
Smok Species Kit is the second generation of creature from the outer space. It features unique appearance like armor outline of the warriors and powerful vaping function. The Species mod is an angular mod with hard lines and the colored decorative strips covering on the front, classic cobra pattern on the back. 1.45¡± high-definition touch screen displays detailed data clearly, the upgraded user interface is easy to operate. Moreover, the screen has locking button ensures safety. The Species mod is powered by dual 18650 batteries and supports 1W-230W output range. It is perfect match with TFV8 Baby V2 tank. TFV8 Baby V2 tank compatibles with Baby V2 A1, A2, A3 coil. Each of them will bring you massive vapor and greater taste. The tank also uses antibacterial medical cotton which can reduce the amount of bacteria, it is the best replacement of former organic one. Stainless steel + Zinc alloy construction Newly designed 1.45" inch sensitive touch screen Brand-new user interface for detailed vaping data and fire-new interactive experiences Independent screen locking button ensures a safe operation TC range at 100-300¡ãC/200-600¨H Powered by 2 x 18650 (Sold Separately) Support multiple protections Powerful Baby V2 mesh coils for dense flavor and massive cloud 5ml tank capacity Easy top rotary refill design 510 threading connection Micro-USB charging port Firmware upgradable Brand: Smoktech Power range 1-230W Input voltage 6.4V-8.4V Output voltage 0.5V-8.2V Working Mode VW/TC Resistance range 0.1-2.5¦¸(VW mode)£»0.05-2¦¸(TC mode) Tank capacity 5ML Size 136 x 49 x 30.6mm
Dieser Blaufränkisch hat schöne Aromen von Brombeeren, eine süsse Würze. Am Gaumen ist er saftig mit dunkler Beerenfrucht. Passt zu: Rehrücken, Pasta mit Tomatensauce, Grillspeisen, gegrilltem Gemüse.