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Madame Tussauds London Millions and millions of people have flocked through the doors of Madame Tussauds since they first opened over 200 years ago and it remains just as popular as it ever was. There are many reasons for this enduring success, but at the heart of it all is good, old-fashioned curiosity. Today’s visitors are sent on a unique, emotionally-charged journey through the realms of the powerful and famous. The museum-style ropes and poles have gone so guests can truly get up, close and personal with A-list celebrities, sporting legends, political heavyweights and historical icons, reliving the times, events and moments that made the world talk about them…. Filled with 14 exciting, interactive zones and the amazing Marvel Super Heroes 4D movie experience, Madame Tussauds London combines glitz and glamour with incredible history. Walk down the red carpet and strike a pose with Kate Winslet, before challenging your favourite sportstars like David Beckham or Lewis Hamilton. Start your royal experience with an audience with the Queen, before standing alongside The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. For the brave, get face-to-face with scary serial killers in our live fear experience SCREAM. After a sneaky behind-the-scenes look at how our World-renowned sculptors create the figures, relax in our taxis and relive the rich history of London. Then step up to your favourite Marvel Super Heroes before getting ready to experience the spectacular and exclusive Marvel Super Heroes 4D movie, where our Marvel Super Heroes battle it out to save London from impending doom. So, who do you want to meet? The SEA LIFE London Aqaurium The SEA LIFE London Aquarium is home to one of Europe’s largest collections of global marine life and the jewel in the crown of the 28 SEA LIFE attractions in the UK and Europe. Situated in the heart of London, the experience takes visitors on an immersive and interactive journey along the Great Oceanic Conveyor. The mysterious experience, spread over three floors, starts by taking a submarine style lift to the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. Along the journey, a stunning glass tunnel walkway offers guests an unforgettable experience by strolling underneath a Tropical Ocean. There is plenty of interaction along the way, from feeding the stingrays and watching diving displays to touch pools and discovery zones. Other stars of the show include green turtles, seahorses, octopus, zebra sharks and the ever popular clown fish. The true highlight however, commences as guests complete their journey in the deeper darker zone of the Pacific Ocean - take a walk on the wild side and watch 10 species of shark swim beneath your feet from a suspended glass platform. As well as allowing millions of people to discover the marvels of the marine world, the SEA LIFE network has an important role to play in helping safeguard our seas and their inhabitants for the future. The SEA LIFE London Aquarium provides the UK with a leading centre of excellence on marine management, conservation, preservation and education in the heart of the capital. Penguin Point - an expanded state-of-the-art viewing and learning experience complete with a colony of Gentoo penguins. The new Antarctic-themed experience will give visitors a fascinating insight into the habitat and behaviourof penguins. It aims to explain how we can all play our part in conserving their environment whilst providing the opportunity for close range viewing of a delightful colony of resident Gentoo penguins. Ten Gentoo penguins will be resident in the bespoke new enclosure which has been carefully designed to reflect the needs of the species. The significantly enlarged area features two pools, a waterfall, underwater jets, rocks and landing areas and ice flakes. The indoor location of the enclosure will enable SEA LIFE’s expert Penguin Keepers to carefully control temperature, lighting and humidity in line with the Species. Tower Bridge Exhibition Over 100 years ago, the Victorians built a bridge that has become one of London's most famous landmarks. High level walkways were built to allow people to cross the Thames whilst the Bridge was lifted to let tall ships sail past - Tower Bridge Today these Walkways act as viewing galleries, giving visitors the most spectacular views across an ever changing London skyline. Walkways & Exhibition: Tower Bridge Unveils New GLASS FLOOR Across High-Level Walkways Launched in the West Walkway today, the glass floor offers visitors a never-seen-before view of London life, from 42 metres above the River Thames. Look down to spy road and pedestrian life whizzing over the Bridge while river vessels sail under it – and plan your visit in advance for the truly magical experience of the bascules being raised beneath your feet. The glass floor measures 11 metres long by 1.8 metres wide and comprises of six panels weighing 530 kilograms each. It is made up of five thick layers and can hold the equivalent weight of an elephant and two taxis! The installation took a 20-strong team to construct it over a six week period. The Walkways also offer stunning panoramic views of London while each of the 20 bridges featured in our popular and refreshed 'New Great Bridges of the World' display showcase a breath-taking feat of engineering. After learning about the history of the Bridge through animations and displays in the Towers, continue to the Victorian Engine Rooms for the beautifully maintained steam engines that were once used to power the bridge lifts. Visitors enter Tower Bridge Exhibition via the North Tower. They are then transported by lift to the top of the Tower (47 metres above the Thames) where they have a unique opportunity to see the Bridge’s steel skeleton from within. A short film explains the history and provenance of the Bridge and then there is the chance to admire the spectacular views – from both covered Walkways. On the east Walkway there are fantastic views of the Docklands and from the west Walkway you can see the new GLA building, the Tower of London, St Paul’s, the city, the Pool of London and Big Ben and the London Eye in the distance. Interactive computerised kiosks and graphic panels explain the significance of the views to visitors, as well as providing more information on the history and building of the Bridge. The interactive material and graphic panels are written in seven languages and an audio loop for the hard of hearing is also in place for the video show. There is another film to view in the South Tower before descending for the short walk to the historical Engine Rooms, included in your ticket price. Victorian Engine Rooms: These provide a fascinating insight into late 19th century engineering. Installed for the completion of Tower Bridge in 1894, these huge, and beautifully maintained, coal-driven engines were used to power the thousands of bascule Bridge lifts performed until 1976. Although lifts are now operated by electricity, the original steam engines are still in place. The Engine Rooms give visitors a chance to experiment with models demonstrating the technology behind the Bridge. There are also some amazing photographs of Tower BridgeTthroughout its lifetime – including a revealing picture of the heavy steel structure of the Bridge as the stone cladding was installed over it.
Currumbin Wildlife Hospital Sanctuary guests can have a bird’s eye view of the vets working, and can experience the depth that Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary has for the care and welfare of the Australian native animal population. See xrays, ultrasounds and endoscopes streamed live on a flat screen for guests to observe during the procedure. Even watch from a surgeons eye view by a camera mounted on the surgical light! Free Flight Bird Show National Trust Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary presents the Free Flight Bird Show! Meet some of Australia’s most beautiful species of birds from the largest bird in flight, the Australian pelican, to the colourful parrots, birds of prey, endangered species and the majestic wedge-tailed eagle. Marvel at the beauty of these incredible creatures as they free-fly across the audience in a wonderful display set against the Sanctuary’s natural environment. Make sure you hang around to have your photo taken with a bird of prey at the end of the show! Crocodile Live Show Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary is excited to have Boss Hog as a new member of the team. At almost five meters in length this massive salt water crocodile is an incredible sight to see. Come and learn about Boss Hog and his girlfriend Lilly as well as see the fresh water crocodiles Terms & Conditions In these Conditions of Entry, “Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary” includes the owner and operator of Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary and all Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary staff. Currumbin TreeTop Challenge is designed to be more challenging as you move through the three levels. You are welcome to take a break at the end of any course if you wish. The TreeTop Challenge courses have been designed for children and adults alike to maximise family fun, fitness and team building. However, participants must be able to comfortably reach 160cm to enter. To measure yourself or a child, stand with flat feet on the ground and raise arms above head with hands outstretched. Measure from the ground to the middle of the palm of the hand. To continue to the advanced-level “Black Course”, participants must be able to reach 180cm. Children under 18 require a parent/adult to sign the consent form. It is recommended that children under 14 are supervised by an adult throughout the TreeTop Challenge at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. The TreeTop Challenge activity will require you to conquer any fears of heights and is suitable only for persons physically and mentally able to sustain a minimum of physical exertion and stress. The TreeTop Challenge sadly is not recommended for pregnant women or people with brittle bones, heart problems, epilepsy, high blood pressure or any other adverse medical condition. The equipment provided (gloves, harnesses, helmets, ropes and pulleys) is checked daily by our staff and must be used according to the instructions given. Enclosed shoes must be worn to do the activities. Long hair must be tightly tied back.
Durante el recorrido, podrá disfrutar de unos paisajes impresionantes a la vez que se le servirá un desayuno continental en el autobús. Fundado 525 AC, el complejo ha sido reconocido como una de las Nuevas Maravillas del Mundo. Este impresionante complejo reúne fabulosas estructuras como la pirámide de Kukulcán, el Cenote de los Sacrificios, el Observatorio, el Claustro del Monje, el Muro de los Cráneos y el Juego de Pelota más grande del mundo en donde un susurro se puede escuchar a kilómetros de distancia gracias a las propiedades acústicas de la estructura. Chichén-Itzá atrae cada año una gran cantidad de espectadores ávidos por ser testigos del espectáculo del equinoccio. Este fenómeno ocurre entre marzo y septiembre produciendo una proyección de las sombras de las plataformas, hasta formarse siete triángulos de luz, pero durante todo el año podrá apreciar muchas más edificaciones que contienen en su historia, en su arquitectura y en su esencia, el importante y renombrado vestigio de la civilización Maya. Tanta emoción abrirá el apetito. Habrá tiempo para degustar platos típicos de México en el restaurante Hubiku (bebidas incluidas). Durante el recorrido, podrá visitar la ciudad colonial de Valladolid y nadar en las refrescantes aguas del cenote. Este lugar es una visita obligada al visitar Cancún o Riviera Maya y sus alrededores.
Tour Stops: 1. Renfe / Vialia Train Station 2. Centro de Arte 3. Puerto Alborania Museum 4. Plaza de la Marina Main street 5. Paseo del Parque Auditorio 6. Centro Pompidou Málaga 7. Paseo de la Farola La Lighthouse 8. Playa de la Malagueta Beach la Malagueta 9. Plaza de Toros Bull Ring 10. Castillo de Gibralfaro Castle 11. Basílica de Sta. María de la Victoria Church 12. Plaza de la Merced 13. Museo Carmen Thyssen 14. Avenida Andalucía Passengers can hop on and hop off at any of the 14 tour stops along the route. A full loop of the tour takes 80 minutes. Additional Information: Vouchers must be printed to be exchanged for a City Sightseeing bus ticket in location The audio commentary is available in the following languages along the route – English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Portuguese, Russian and Dutch! Buses are wheelchair accessible
Tanque Interactivo de Tiburones y Rayas (Fundación The Trust Family) Los visitantes de esta exposición podrán alcanzar y tocar suavemente la parte posterior de las rayas gavilán, de las rayas del Atlántico y de los tiburones, mientras nadan con gracia a través del agua cristalina. La exposición muestra estas increíbles especies de una manera que pone de relieve su importancia para un ecosistema marino sano y hace hincapié en la importancia de la conservación de los hábitats costeros, como los manglares y las lagunas. Abierto todos los días a partir de las 9:30 am. Centro de Mamíferos Marinos (Fundación New Balance) Conozca a estos enérgicos osos marinos Árticos y leones marinos de California, y descubra cómo puede ayudarles en su hábitat natural. Contemple a los leones marinos de California lanzarse rápidamente al agua y a los agiles osos marinos Árticos juguetear en esta hermosa sala de exposiciones al aire libre. Descubra los desafíos a los que se enfrentan los mamíferos marinos en su hábitat natural, y obtenga una nueva perspectiva los viernes con las sesiones especiales de formación de New Balance. Foca Común del Atlántico Los visitantes podrán disfrutar de las focas del Atlántico en su exhibición en la plaza del acuario, antes de comprar las entradas. Vea las focas nadar, jugar y descansar. Aprenda más sobre ellas y vea algunos de sus comportamientos mientras trabajan con los entrenadores sus entrenamientos libres a lo largo del día. Centro Interactivo Planeta Azul Esta nueva exposición es parte de la reciente reforma integral del acuario, una transformación para el siglo XXI. Esta área de exhibición presenta los serios desafíos a los que se enfrentan los océanos y muestra el liderazgo mundial del acuario en la búsqueda de soluciones con una combinación de pantallas interactivas, presentaciones representativas y exposiciones de pequeños animales vivos. Idiomas Hay guías del acuario en español, mandarín, alemán, francés, italiano y portugués de Brasil, y están disponibles en la recepción del acuario bajo petición. Duración Haga planes para pasar de 1 ½ a 2 horas en el Acuario. Si quiere visitar también IMAX film, tendrá una duración de 45 minutos más. EXPOSICIONES DESTACADAS Las Ciencia de los Tiburones Adéntrese en lo más profundo de la Ciencia de los Tiburones con esta nueva exposición del Acuario de Nueva Inglaterra. Vea de cerca algunos de los pequeños pero poderosos tiburones de todo el mundo. Las actividades prácticas destacan la increíble adaptación de los tiburones que los ha hecho los reyes del mar, y los tanques táctiles les permitirán ver (¡y sentir!) estas adaptaciones en acción. El Acuario de Nueva Inglaterra es el lugar perfecto para descubrir que estos magníficos predadores oceánicos son todavía más increíbles de lo que pensaba. Tentacles Take Hold - ¡NUEVO! ¡Prepárese para verse envuelto en tentáculos! Busque el pulpo gigante del Pacífico en su hábitat, recientemente ampliado, lleno de especies que se encuentran en las profundidades heladas del noroeste del Pacífico. Tenga cuidado con la sepia y su tinta, las medusas… Disfrute de vistas 360º de un espectacular arrecife de coral del Caribe con más animales que nunca. En el 2013, el acuario acabó de terminar una reforma que ha renovado su edificio principal hasta la médula, y el icónico Tanque Oceánico Gigante se ha sometido a una renovación de arriba a abajo, una transformación para el siglo XXI. Hoy en día la nueva exposición cuenta con más de 2.000 animales, un arrecife de coral revitalizado y nuevos espacios de exposición en la parte superior. Tanque Oceánico Gigante Disfrute de las espectaculares vistas de 360 grados, del arrecife de coral de cuatro pisos rebosante de animales. En 2013 el icónico Tanque Gigante paso por una transformación de pies a cabeza que incluye ventanas con visión cristalina, un vibrante y revitalizado arrecife de coral con más de 1.000 peces, y el Yawkey Coral Reef Center en lo alto de la exposición. El colorido arrecife de coral caribeño es el hogar de tortugas, anguilas y cientos de peces tropicales de todos los tamaños. Colonia de Pingüinos El Acuario es el hogar de más de 80 pingüinos viviendo en la bulliciosa colonia de pingüinos que rodea el Tanque Oceánico Gigante. ¡Véalos nadar, comer, acicalarse y jugar!