El tour de 2 horas por el Parque Nacional Everglades con delfines, observación de aves y vida silvestre es una aventura maravillosa para toda la familia y una excelente introducción de la zona. El tour en una lancha motora muy cómoda, será conducido con seguridad a través de las 10 mil islas de los Everglades. Dependiendo de la temporada, se pueden encontrar manatíes, delfines, tortugas marinas, águilas calvas, águilas pescadoras, garzas, garcetas, pelícanos, espátulas rosadas, así como numerosos tipos de peces. ¡No olvide la cámara!
The Complete Vatican Tour is designed to give you a unique understanding of the history and world-class art collection of the Vatican. It shows you all the classics and throws in a few surprises to take you on a deep, artistic adventure in just over 3 hours.
The tour starts by skipping the (always long) lines to get into the museum and diving right into the galleries holding some of the most famous works of art in the world. The specially-designed route encompasses all the can’t-miss pieces while also including some of the lesser known works that will really dazzle you. Your expert, English-speaking guide will give you eye-opening insight and context (along with some great stories) as you explore the Raphael Rooms, the Belvedere courtyard with ‘Apollo Belvedere’ & the Laocoön group, the Pinecone Courtyard, the Gallery of the Candelabra, the Gallery of the Maps, and the Gallery of the Tapestries. The piéce-de-resistance is, of course, the Sistine Chapel. Your guide will prep you for your time here by telling you the stories behind the creation of the iconic frescoes as well as what they mean.
When you enter, you will then be able to appreciate the full majesty of the room, spotting little details like Michelangelo’s self-portrait and the rather painful revenge he plotted for the Pope’s aide (he wasn’t his biggest fan...) Finally, the tour will trade the artistic masterpieces of the Vatican Museums for the architectural masterpiece that is St. Peter’s Basilica. Traveling with a licensed guide has its perks, as you’ll learn when you use the special guides-only door leading from the Sistine Chapel directly to the Basilica (and past long general access lines). Built over St. Peter’s tomb, it took the best minds of the Renaissance more than 120 years to complete St. Peter’s Basilica. It was worth every second though, as you’ll discover during a 1-hour tour with your guide. They’ll lead you to Michelangelo’s ‘Pietà’ (the only work he ever felt the need to sign:
Your guide will tell you why) Bernini’s soaring baldacchino altar, and the well-worn feet of St. Peter, which pilgrims rub for good luck. While many tour operators fit 25 or more people into their Vatican tours, you will never put be in a group of more than 15. This tours shares that passion with you in intimate groups led by the most engaging, and knowledgeable guides in the Vatican.
Important Information:
Please remember that the Sistine Chapel is a holy place, and attire must be appropriate for the visit. Both men and women are asked to wear clothing that covers at least the shoulders and knees. Please advice that St.Peter's Basilica may be closed during special celebrations/festivities, including the Easter ceremonies. If this occurs during your visit,the tour will spend more time inside the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican Museums. there are no refunds in this case.
While the Vatican Museums are equipped with elevators for wheelchair access, they are not conveniently located on the group tour route and only give access to specific sections of the Museums. As a result, this tour cannot accommodate wheelchairs on any of this Vatican tour. Please note that guests may only carry small handbags inside the Vatican Museums. Larger backpacks etc must be left at the cloakroom. It is the responsibility of the guest to return to the Vatican Museums entrance to collect these after the tour.
Enjoy an exhilarating day outdoors when you book your spot on a 20K River Raft and Hoover Dam Tour by Adventure Photo Tours with tickets from ShowTickets.com
L'Hemisfèric es una gigantesca sala de proyecciones, con capacidad para más de 300 personas, que cuenta con una enorme pantalla cóncava de 900 metros cuadrados de superficie. Ofrece una cúpula Imax, una pantalla digital 3D y proyecciones digitales, con representaciones astronómicas. Todas estas características han hecho que L’Hemisfèric se haya ganado el sobrenombre de “El ojo de la sabiduría” o “El planetario”. Así que, relájate en tu asiento y déjate llevar a otra dimensión. La belleza está en el ojo del que mira y, en este caso, el ojo es realmente algo digno de observar. La cúpula Imax hace las veces de “pupila” del ojo y el “párpado” se abre y cierra mediante unos elevadores hidráulicos encargados del movimiento de la gigantesca cubierta de acero y cristal. El edificio está rodeado por un gran estanque cuyo fondo es acristalado, lo que ayuda en gran medida a crear la ilusión de estar ante un ojo real.
They are crazy, these Gauls!!! Laughter good humour, moments shared with family and friends, in 2017 come and enjoy some sensational experiences at Parc Astérix. Parc Astérix is a stunning adventure featuring 7 big thrill rides, 20 attractions for all the family and 13 attractions for little Gauls, including the Forest of Idéfix. You can also discover our 5 irresistible shows that combine stunts, special effects, magic, humour, audience participation and fabulous encounters. NEW: PEGASUS EXPRESS A new mythical attraction! Step aboard for a crazy voyage through ancient Greece… A fantastic odyssey taking you from the station of Montparnos to the temple of Medusa, and on a surprising and unforgettable tour. Come and discover Pegasus Express, the new attraction at Parc Astérix, with emotions and surprises packed into this high-speed journey! © 2018 Les éditions Albert René / Goscinny-Uderzo
The Paris Museum Pass will allow you free entry, without queuing and as many times as you like, to more than 60 museums (permanent collections) and monuments in Paris and the surrounding region. HIGHLIGHTS Visit Paris monuments and museums as much as you like Gain free entry Avoid queues and cash desk Avalailable in Paris and surrounding You will be given a flyer gathering all you need to know about the featured museums and monuments The Paris Museum Pass includes entrance tickets in about 50 monuments and museums, among the followings : Included : Information : Exchange your printed voucher at PARISCityVISION and get the pass, 2 rue des Pyramides 75001 Paris Metro : Pyramides, Palais Royal, Tuileries Why not combine your visit to Paris with a nice Lunch or Dinner in Paris, check our selection Eat in Paris ! Entry to museums is free for children under 18 - You will not require to purchase a ticket.