Screamin' Gator Zip Line Clip in and “zip” off on an exciting outdoor adventure with the all-new Screamin’ Gator Zip Line at Gatorland. Your journey will take you along 1,200 feet of high flying, heart pounding adventure from some of the finest zip line towers in the world. Standing over seven stories tall, these amazing towers feature multilevel launch pads and breathtaking views from high above the treetops. Soar through the air and defy gravity over some of the theme park’s star attractions--including Cuban and Nile crocodiles--before heading over the Alligator Breeding Marsh, complete with one hundred and thirty giant alligators watching from below! Requirements • Participants must be at least 37" tall and weigh no more than 275 lbs, and must fit safely into the zip line harnesses (Guests may be required to weigh in at time of participation). • Participants must wear closed toe shoes. Skirts, dresses, and short shorts are discouraged. • For the safety of the animals and park guests below the zip lines, cameras and other personal items may not be taken on your adventure. Secure lockers will be available for storing your belongings. • Guests will be required to sign a Release, Liability Waiver, and Consent Agreement prior to their launch (Click here to view adult waiver). Minors under the age of 18 MUST have a Liability Waiver and Consent Agreement executed and signed by a parent or natural guardian (Click here to view minor waiver). • 48 hour cancellation required for full refund on your zip line reservation. If you need to change your launch date or time, please contact Gatorland a minimum of 24 hours prior to your scheduled launch to reschedule. If your launch is canceled due to inclement weather, a rain check will be issued for a future launch within one year from the date of your originally scheduled visit. Features • Launch from heights of up to 65 feet • Soar across five intense zip lines ranging in length from 230 feet to more than 500 feet, and carefully cross a swinging bridge over the park’s main walkway. • Fly at speeds near 30 miles per hour over alligators and crocodiles. • Equipment (helmet, gloves and harness) provided. • Just minutes from area hotels, theme parks, and the Orlando International Airport This incredibly entertaining and educating 2 hour experience begins with a brief safety and orientation session. The best part is the low price includes all day admission to Gatorland, The Alligator Capital of the World. All adventures are led by highly trained guides who love to share stories and myths about all of the critters who call Gatorland home. Our guides are the best in the world! Prepare to experience Gatorland from a view point previously reserved for our fine feathered friends! FUN ZONE Gator Gully Splash Park: For over half a century, Gatorland has been creating fond vacation memories for millions of visitors who have entered through its gaping gator mouth entrance. Families, friends and employees alike have ventured through the glass double doors on their way to a journey through this natural, low-tech adventure. Allie's Barnyard: Drop by Allie's Barnyard and say hello to some of the cute and cuddly barnyard critters that call Gatorland home. Say hello to Gracie, a friendly goat who just loves to eat from your hand, and Harley the Macaw who just might say hello back! Express Railroad: Making its debut in 1965, the original Gatorland Iron Horse gave visitors a glimpse of the south end of the park as it carried passengers over alligators and by the animal displays on its journey back to the station. After 35 years of loyal service carrying millions of passengers, the old Iron Horse was finally retired in 2000 and a new station was built. Very Merry Aviary: Gatorland's Very Merry Aviary, home to the colorful and friendly Lorikeets, is a great place to get upclose to nature. These brightly colored parrots, native to the Western Pacific and East Indies area, are specially adapted to a diet of pollen, nectar, and fruit. Great Shows Gatorland has been entertaining people with fun, exciting and educational shows about dangerous and unusual animals for years! Where else can you help a gator wrestler pick out the gator they are about to wrestle or have an up-close experience with really cool reptiles or see crocs and gators jump high in the air for food? No where! So come and share the adventure at all of our fun shows. The Gator Jumparoo Show: Thrills and chills abound as some of the largest alligators in the world actually jump four to five feet out of the water to retrieve food in this famous one-of-a-kind show. Learn more about alligators and crocodiles and their awesome powers. Watch as giant alligators jump high enough out of the water to actually snatch food from the trainer's hand. A must see for the entire family! The Gator Wrestlin' Show: Gatorland® offers a unique alligator wrestling show done "Florida Cracker" style in a shaded 800 seat stadium. Gator wranglers catch a 6 to 8 foot alligator by hand and climb onto the snapping animal's back to point out survival features to the audience. After doing stunts that only a few are brave (or foolish) enough to try, the alligator is rolled over and put to sleep...only to be awakened by a tickle! Upclose Encounters Show: You never know what kind of animal you might be introduced to next at the Upclose Encounters Show! You'll get to meet fascinating creatures from around the globe as well as Florida's native wildlife - including some of the most dangerous snakes alive. Critters On The Go Show: The newest entertainment experience at Gatorland features the softer side of the animal world and is hosted by either Miss Vera, trail boss Gabe or one of the Gatorland Entertainers. Check out these interactive animal encounters where you and the little ones can oohh and aahh at some of the park’s cute and cuddly critters! Currently these encounters are done on the move so keep your eyes peeled for Vera, Gabe, and the gang, as you stroll through the park. Opening Times: Daily: 09.00 - 17.00 Animal Shows: 09.45 Gator Wrestlin' Show 10.45 Gator Jumparoo Show 11.30 Upclose Encounters 12.30 Gator Wrestlin' Show 13.45 Gator Jumparoo Show 14.30 Upclose Encounters 15.30 Gator Wrestlin' Show 16.30 Gator Jumparoo Show Showtimes for the animal shows vary by season, but are repeated several times daily.
Included : Transportation in open top-decker coach. Recorded commentary and personal earphone sets (digital sound). The church is closed from 12.00 to 14.30 and on Sunday morning. Security on the top deck : Please remain seated and do not use the stairs while the bus is in motion. Seat belts must be worn on the top deck until the bus stops for parking. Do not lean over the guard rails on the upper deck. Be careful, low branches and other objects that may come close to the open upper deck. Do not throw anything out of the bus. Parents, for the safety of your children, please make sure that they respect the safety regulation. Attention: Child rate from 4 to 11.
Wild Florida tiene una gran reputación en la seguridad de los tours en hidrodeslizador. Los buques son aprobados e inspeccionados anualmente por la Guaria Costera de los Estados Unidos. En cada hidrodeslizador hay chalecos salvavidas para todos los miembros del bote, extintores, una pistola de bengalas y un anillo salvavidas. En caso de accidente, hay un plan organizado de accidente. Disponible un informe de incidentes si es necesario. El muelle cumple la normativa ADA. Siempre hay una forma de comunicase con la base de operaciones y/o el 911 en cualquier lugar durante el tour. Seguridad en el Parque Gator and Wildlife: En caso de una mordedura de serpiente, hay un protocolo específico. Los animales tienen un seguimiento regulado por un veterinario. Hay un veterinario de guardia en todo momento. Hay un plan organizado para las emergencias. En el Parque Gator and Wildlife hay unos 200 animales en exhibición, incluyendo cebras, perezosos, lémures, linces y otras especies exóticas. Disponible sin cita previa la visita del aviario con patos, loros y otras aves de todo el mundo. Algunas de las exhibiciones que ofrecen el Parque Gator and Wildlife: Aviario de guacamayo y pavo real Exhibición de patos Entrada a la ciénaga de halcones Presentaciones de animales exóticos Plataforma de cocodrilos Exhibición de serpientes ¡y mucho más!
Please note :
Tour Sequence :
In Winter : tour of Paris's key monuments by night followed by a cruise along the Seine by covered and heated boat.
In Summer : Seine cruise followed by Paris By Night tour. Part of the tour may take place during daylight hours.
Available languages for city tour commentary :
French, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, Korean
Sitios que se visitan:
Museos del Vaticano
Basílica de San Pedro (opcional)
Capitolio con vistas al Foro Romano
Piazza Navona
Fontana di Trevi
Entrada Express al Colireo, los Museos del Vaticano y la Basílica de San Pedro
Transporte entre los diferentes sitios en taxi o autobús
Helado casero gratuito
Guías locales expertos
Información importante:
Hay una nueva regla en el Coliseo, el Foro Romano y el Monte Palatino que sólo permite la entrada de mochilas pequeñas y bolsas de mano de tamaño regular en el interior. Los clientes con bolas más grandes o maletas no podrán entrar con estas y tampoco hay taquillas para guardarlo. Recuerde que todos los visitantes deberán pasar por un control de seguridad antes de entrar al Coliseo.
El Coliseo ha cambiado la política de admisión para garantizar un máximo de 3.000 personas en su interior, de manera que habrá menos multitudes durante las horas de máxima afluencia. A pesar de que las entradas exprés para ahorrarse colas son reservadas con antelación, puede haber un poco de retraso en la hora de entrada si el lugar ya ha alcanzado su capacidad máxima en ese momento.
Este tour combina dos opciones diferentes que tenemos: "Lo mejor de Roma – Coliseo y Lugares de Interés" junto a nuestro tour por la tarde llamado "Lugares de Interés del Vaticano – Museos y Capilla Sixtina del Vaticano". También incluye un helado casero y transporte en taxi o autobús desde el centro de la ciudad hasta el Vaticano. ¡Todo junto por un mejor precio que si lo compra por separado!
La Basílica de San Pedro y la Capilla Sixtina son lugares sagrados y, por tanto, la vestimenta debe ser apropiada para la visita. Se les pide a ambos hombres y mujeres que usen ropa que cubra al menos los hombros y las rodillas. Tours Guiados por el Vaticano no se hace responsable de la entrada negada pop una vestimenta impropia.
Su recorrido terminará en la Basílica de San Pedro, donde tendrá entrada exprés para ahorrarse colas, aunque no hay una explicación guiada por el interior de la iglesia.
Asegúrese de que todos los miembros de su grupo llevan una identificación válida el día de la visita. Importante en visitantes que cuentan como estudiantes, niños o jubilados.
TENGA EN CUENTA: todos los Museos del Vaticano están equipados con ascensores para el acceso en silla de ruedas, aunque no están convenientemente ubicados en el recorrido de las visitas guiadas y sólo permiten el acceso a lugares específicos de los museos.
How does Share Ride work? If you are going to JFK airport: The driver picks up passengers in order from the destinations furthest from the airport to the closest. Your pick-up time will depend on the relationship between your location and how many other share passengers will be picked up and their respective locations. If you are the furthest away from the airport, you will be picked up relatively early to your flight time and will have to visit other locations to pick up share passengers before arriving at the airport. We guarantee that you will arrive to the airport on time. Please remember to allow for sufficient travel time to JFK Airport. Please take traffic into consideration when booking your reservation. Please keep in mind that they cannot control traffic, flight delays and other unforeseen circumstances that may increase travel time. Go Airlink NYC JFK Airport share-ride shuttles: Up to 11 passengers. Share ride shuttle with other travelers, allows you to meet new people and socialize! Economical, environmentally friendly. 24 hour/ 7 days a week transportation service. Door to door service Baggage allowance: 1 Suitcase per person and 1 small carry-on per person.