Explore Midtown like never before with the Midtown Sites and Bites Tour. has your discount tour tickets to experience the center of NYC
ONBOARD COMMENTARY • Multi-lingual commentary available in 6 languages (Croatian, Emglish, Italian, Spanish, German and French) and live guides on the red and blue lines. RED LINE MAIN ATTRACTIONS Promenade St. Francis church and monastery Diocletian's Palace Cathedral of Saint Domnius Football Stadium “Poljud” Archaeological Museum Port BLUE LINE MAIN ATTRACTIONS Klis Fortress Trogir Salona
Enjoy a package including the Fashion Freak Show and your entrance at FlyView Paris to fly over Paris in virtual reality! Fashion Freak Show Your seating during the show will correspond to Category 3 savings on shows from Tuesday to Thursday Ladies and Gentlemen, please leave the routine, gloom and boredom in the dressing room: the crazy world of Jean-Paul Gaultier takes hold of the mythical scene of Folies Bergère! After Josephine Baker, Charlie Chaplin and Zizi Jeanmaire, it is the most famous French couturiers to make dance and dream the audience of the Folies! The plan of the room with the seating category is available. For his show, Jean Paul Gaultier unravels the codes of the magazine and installs you at the forefront to rediscover fifty years of pop culture, through his unique and eccentric eye. From her provocative beginnings to his biggest fashion shows, from crazy parties at the Palace to sulphurous London nights, the awful child of fashion shows you everything you've ever seen! With rare and spectacular creatures and artists on stage, as only Jean Paul Gaultier knows how to reveal them. Le Freak c'est chic! Come and spend an evening with the crazy, passionate, badly bred, botoxes, well-behaved, cheeky, fooled, olé-olé ... And for the occasion, dozens of new exclusive creations come alongside the cult pieces from his repertoire, from the famous marinière to Madonna's iconic conical corset. If you have not cold feet, Jean Paul Gaultier invites you to his show the most crazy, the most freaky, the sexiest, the most VIP: the FASHION FREAK SHOW! FlyView Paris When in Paris, why not come and discover a brilliant new concept that FlyView is and fly over Paris in Virtual reality? Can you imangine that your dreams came true and that you could fly over the beautiful city of Paris and experience it from a birds eye view? Enter the incredible world of FlyView, a very unique experience in which you will be able to fly over Paris and its monuments in virtual reality with real flight sensations! Take off with your jetpack and look down on the city of loves' most beautiful monuments with a 360° panoramic view. Your adventure will commence with an immersive 15 minute movie experience that is filmed with real-life images which guides you through the most incredible locations of the city. Fly past the Eiffel Tower, over the River Seine and discover the Champs Elysées, Arc de Triomphe and go past many other world famous attractions. With virtual reality headsets and a dynamic platform you will enjoy a thrillingly realistic feeling of actually flying through the air. Enjoy the spectacular views of Paris at sunrise for an exciting and dramatic experience you will not soon forget!! Once you arrive at the FlyView boarding terminal and you have checked in for your flight, a hostess will lead you and your group to the departure lounge to give you your flight instructions. You will the proceed to the takeoff hall where you will get comfortable in your jetpack, put on your virtual reality headset to take off over the rooftops of Paris. This is a very unique and fun-filled activity to enjoy with your family and friends! Important information: Simply select a visit date and go to FlyView a whichever time you wish. Please note that all visitors must be at least 1.20m (4ft) tall to be able to participate. Please ensure that you arrive at least 15 minutes before the takeoff. Do not forget to print out your voucher and present it at the payment desk to colletc your admission ticket.
Everybody needs good neighbours! Welcome to Ramsay Street, where the dramas unfold every day on the set of Australia’s long-running soap opera, 'Neighbours.' On this official tour, see the actual houses and the street that provide the backdrop of this internationally loved Aussie The Ultimate Fan Tour, you’ll go to the Global Television Studios and visit the exterior sets of the Lassiter’s Complex including Harold's Store, The Waterhole and Lassitier's Lake. Also, enjoy a walk down Power Road and visit Fitzgerald Motors, Grease Monkeys and Dial-A-Kyle. This is a great day out, and the professional guide will let you in on all the gossip, insider information and tricks of the trade in filming Neighbours. Highlights See the famous street tucked away in Melbourne’s suburbia, reminisce about those great moments* Come prepared to take photos of the houses with authentic props See the exterior sets from the TV show at Global Television Studios Your exclusive entry will give you the opportunity to see the Lassiter’s Complex (including Lassiter’s Lake), Fitzgeralds Motors, The Waterhole, Harold’s Cafe & more The professional guides will provide you with plenty of gossip, laughs & on-board entertainment! If you’re lucky you may even see some filming!!! Complimentary Neighbours postcard
" This show is the story of my life, things I have experienced, seen and loved. And also stories that I have never told before! I will tackle new issues such as plastic surgery and the creatures it spawns, or the vanity fair of social media. All that has been an inspiration for a number of new costumes. Clothes can say so much about their time, the way we relate to femininity and masculinity, sexuality, about what we consider different and where the limits of society are." Jean Paul Gaultier.
Big Bus Paris - 1 Día Nuevo: Autobuses abiertos sem-cubiertos para que pueda disfrutar París incluso con lluvia Mapa de París GRATUITO Auriculares GRATUITOS Ponchos GRATUITOS Libreto de descuentos GRATUITO Torre Montparnasse Disfrute de las mejores vistas de la Torre Eiffel y el resto de París desde la increíble planta 56 del Montparnasse 56 Panoramic. Si solo pudiera hacer una cosa al visitar París, ¡tendría que ser esta! Celebre una ocasión especial o solo disfrute el hecho de estar en la ciudad más bella del mundo. ¡Y sin duda con las mejores vistas de la Torre Eiffel! Tendrá a su disposición un gran número de instalaciones audiovisuales e interactivas, como el muy acertadamente llamado 360 Degree Cafe, con una gran variedad de bebidas, aperitivos y comidas ligeras. Museo del Louvre El Museo del Louvre es indudablemente una de las mejores galerías de arte del mundo. Hogar de cientos de obras maestras clásicas y modernas, el Louvre es la joya de la corona de la cultura francesa, un testamento imponente de la civilización e historia europea. Su calidad e importancia se ven resaltadas por su popularidad siendo el Louvre el museo más visitado del mundo. Caminar por el Museo del Louvre es caminar por la historia de Francia y hacia la mente de los reyes y los revolucionarios. Los reinados de Luis XIII y Luis XIV vivieron una gran expansión en los palacios y estancias que ahora forman parte del Museo. El Museo del Louvre contiene más de 35.000 piezas de arte repartidas en numerosos departamentos, incluyendo Antigüedades del Oriente Próximo, Antigüedades Egipcias, Griegas, Etruscas y Romanas, así como arte Islámico, esculturas, artes decorativas, pinturas, impresiones y dibujos. Obras de arte creadas por grandes artistas como Da Vinci o Delacroix forman parte de las colecciones permanentes de esta prestigiosa galería. Rodeando este icónico edificio en forma de pirámide hay los jardines Carrousel. Estos bellos jardines están entre los mejores del mundo y son un lugar perfecto para discutir y reflexionar sobre las maravillas de la propia galería.