Suitable for clean laundry – also for animal care! This stain remover soap removes most of the stubborn stains before the laundry is put into the washing machine or washed by hand. Olive oil is known for its cleansing ability and is used as a basis in this natural product in its saponified form. Application: For stubborn stains, dampen the area that needs to be the place to treated and lubricate it with the soap. Let the soap saok for a few minutes. This soap is completely natural and is made exclusively from olive oil. It may also by used to cleanse the fur of pets. The soap provides a completely safe and natural way to help your pets obtain a clean and silky shiny coat! It is a pleasant feeling to know that the laundry is freshly cleansed with a wonderful fragrance, knowing that all this was made possible in an environmentally friendly way. Here you can discover the range of ecological detergents by Najel Ingredients: Olive oil, water, soda.
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Easily target unwanted fat from the comfort of your own home with the Silk’n Lipo, a revolutionary device that uses clinically proven technology.
Very gentle cleanser The soap contains plant-based surfactants that respect the skin's natural balance and provide a gentle cleanse. Application: Apply a small amount to the skin, lather to cleanse and rinse.
date d'inscription:09/03/2020; Produits spéciaux sélectionnés:COD
Gant Luxueux d Application pour Autobronzant Tanorganic Caracteristiques : Convient a tout type de peau. Ce luxueux gant permet une application aisee de l autobronzant TanOrganic. De plus, il protege de la coloration des mains. Poids : 16g Conseils d utilisation : Chaque bouteille permet en moyenne 5 a 7 applications sur la totalite du corps. Appliquez quelques gouttes de produit sur le luxueux gant dapplication, cela represente environ la taille dune piece de 2 euros, puis serrez le poing 3 fois pour que le produit penetre correctement dans le tissu. - Commencez par vos jambes et finissez par vos pieds et mains. Appliquez le produit en mouvements circulaires, en partant de vos mollets puis en remontant jusque vos cuisses. Assurez-vous de couvrir lintegralite de votre corps et faites attention aux genoux, chevilles et coudes : evitez le surplus de produit dans les plis de la peau.