Siam Park Just some of the attractions for you to enjoy at Siam Water Park include... Siam Parks’ most iconic feature, The Tower of Power, is also its most jaw-dropping thrill ride. Climb the tower, take a deep breath and hang on to your swim wear as you plunge down the almost vertical 28 metre drop in “free-fall” and emerge (unscathed but screaming your head off!) via a mysterious aquarium. The Lost City uncover the secrets of this splashy water fortress as you venture across bridges, through waterfalls and down gentle slides. This is the park attraction for kids that adults love! Baby Zone not to leave anyone out, Siam Park also has a special area for water babies! The really young members and their parents can enjoy slides that have been specially designed for them. Relax and sunbathe underneath the palm trees as you take in the beautiful views at La Gomera and the ocean or enjoy a snack on the white sand beach and in a wonderful Thai atmosphere. With its comfortable sun beds and sun umbrellas available, the turquoise waters will transport you to paradise. Water temperature 24º. Sea Lion Island as you enter the park there is a warm welcome from the fun-loving Sea Lions. They can be watched as they swim and play, showing you just how much fun can be had in the water. Maxi Cat The trained guides will help you to spot the incredible variety of sea mammals inhabiting the waters around Tenerife. Common bottlenose dolphins and pilot whales are just two of the 28 species that make these waters their natural habitat. Make sure you have your camera ready to capture the beautiful mammals as they play in the waters around your boat. Then after spending time in the company of these amazing animals we'll continue sailing along the south coast and depending on the excursion, we'll head for the breathtaking cliffs at Los Gigantes." Relax on the spacious sun decks or opt for a swim and a snorkel in the pristine waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The return trip will give you the chance to enjoy a different view of this spectacular coast with its sophisticated resorts, volcanic beaches and secluded coves, as we sail back down to Puerto Colon, where the voyage will come to an end. An unforgettable day out for all the family. What´s included: - Meal - Transport from some locations - Assistance or guided tour Meal: The morning cruises includes a sandwich and a fruit. The afternoon cruises includes paella and a fruit. Beer, wine and soft drinks also included. Languages: Spanish, English, German and French.
As Sydney's leading family and tourist attraction, SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium offers entertainment for young and old alike. Walk underwater through over 100 metres of glass viewing tunnels and see Australia's marine life like never before! Come within inches of huge sharks, rays and turtles and see some of the remarkable marine and freshwater animals that Australia is famous for, such as the platypus, barramundi and Little Penguins. As you walk around SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium you'll be taken on a journey through Australia's wide and varied aquatic habitats, from the southern river systems othat make up the Murray Darling Basin to the colossal Great Barrier Reef in the north.
For a non-stop adrenaline rush, grab your mates and experience some of Europe’s most extreme rides at the nation’s Thrill Capital, THORPE PARK. And the thrills aren’t just exclusive to the rides. Continue the adrenaline rush with a season of explosive entertainment in jaw-dropping shows. Terms & Conditions: - Visitors aged 12 years or under must be accompanied by a person 18 years or over - Bookings are non-refundable, non-transferable and accordingly may not be sold on to any third party - THORPE PARK reserves the right in their absolute discretion, to refuse entry and to close and/or alter all or any part of its facilities (including closure of rides, for technical, operational or health and safety or other reasons) - Size and height restrictions and medical warnings apply to certain rides and attractions - By purchasing a ticket you accept these terms and conditions and are bound by the regulations currently in force at THORPE PARK
L'Hemisfèric es una gigantesca sala de proyecciones, con capacidad para más de 300 personas, que cuenta con una enorme pantalla cóncava de 900 metros cuadrados de superficie. Ofrece una cúpula Imax, una pantalla digital 3D y proyecciones digitales, con representaciones astronómicas. Todas estas características han hecho que L’Hemisfèric se haya ganado el sobrenombre de “El ojo de la sabiduría” o “El planetario”. Así que, relájate en tu asiento y déjate llevar a otra dimensión. La belleza está en el ojo del que mira y, en este caso, el ojo es realmente algo digno de observar. La cúpula Imax hace las veces de “pupila” del ojo y el “párpado” se abre y cierra mediante unos elevadores hidráulicos encargados del movimiento de la gigantesca cubierta de acero y cristal. El edificio está rodeado por un gran estanque cuyo fondo es acristalado, lo que ayuda en gran medida a crear la ilusión de estar ante un ojo real.
London Eye Con 140 metros de altura, el London Eye es la noria más alta del mundo. 32 Cápsulas, en que cada una puede cargar 25 personas, le llevarán en un viaje de 30 minutos a través de las vistas más espectaculares de todo Londres y sus alrededores, abarcando 40 kilómetros en todas las direcciones. La Experiencia London Eye 4D La Experiencia London Eye 4D es una película 3D pionera en efectos especiales, como el viento, la niebla y las burbujas, que hacen el 4D. La película en sí es una conmovedora historia de una niña con su padre en Londres. Su punto de vista de los monumentos de Londres está oscurecida por las personas y el tráfico, pero una gaviota atrae su atención hacia el London Eye y su padre la lleva a esa experiencia; finalmente, puede disfrutar de unas increíbles vistas de la ciudad. Una vistosa fiesta dentro de la cápsula, un time lapse del día y la noche en el London Eye y un espectacular castillo de fuegos artificiales se muestran para sumarse a una experiencia emocional y entretenida; el preludio perfecto para una experiencia en el propio London Eye. Por favor, recuerde que el procedimiento de embarque para el London Eye dura unos 30 minutos. Nuestro precio es el mismo que el que podría pagar comprando en el sitio web del London Eye o en líneas telefónicas de reserva y no hay restricciones en las reservas de última hora. Para una perspectiva diferente, visítelo al atardecer y vea como se encienden las luces de la ciudad y el horizonte se inunda de colores vibrantes. No se permite subir al London Eye a los niños no acompañados. Cualquier reserva hecha para un niño no acompañado será tomada como una confirmación de que el niño se unirá a un grupo bajo la supervisión de un adulto. 365Tickets no se hará responsable si a un niño no se le permite acceder al London Eye por ir solo, ni su vale será reembolsable. La seguridad es su prioridad número uno. Para su seguridad y comodidad, por favor lea la siguiente información sobre qué elementos pueden y no pueden ser subidos al London Eye. Tenga en cuenta que todos los visitantes pueden ser sometidos a un registro de seguridad al subir al London Eye. Tenga en cuenta que los siguientes artículos se pueden subir a bordo del London Eye: • maletines • ordenadores portátiles • bolsas pequeñas y mochilas (tamaño máximo de 18 "x 13" x 8 "o 46cm x 33cm x 20cm) • bolsas de bebé Los siguientes artículos no pueden ser subidos a bordo del London Eye: • bolsas grandes / maletas • cascos de motocicleta • monopatines y patines • trípodes (salvo que se acuerde de antemano con el London Eye) • cochecitos de bebé * • artículos prohibidos ** Si no está seguro. * Los cochecitos de bebé se pueden dejar en nuestras instalaciones del área 'Buggy' en la sala de entrada, aunque sólo durante la duración de la experiencia. ** Los artículos prohibidos incluyen objetos afilados o cualquier cosa que pueda ser considerada un riesgo para la seguridad, incluyendo navajas, tijeras, limas de metal, juguetes o réplicas de pistolas. Si se encuentran o se declaran tales objetos le serán revisados y devueltos después de su experiencia, siempre que el artículo sea legal en el Reino Unido. Términos y Condiciones 1. Los objetos confiscados se dejaran en todo momento a riesgo del propietario. 2. London Eye Company (LEC) no asume ninguna responsabilidad por la pérdida o daño de cualquier objeto que deje en el London Eye. 3. LEC tiene el derecho de rechazar el almacenamiento de objetos de cualquier visitante a su discreción, ya sea por razones de seguridad pública o cualquier otra razón. Crucero por el Rio Támesis Con este boleto podrá viajar con una flota de lujo y puedrá subir o bajar en cualquiera de los muelles tan a menudo como quieras durante todo el día. A medida que el río Támesis teje su camino a través del corazón de Londres hay una historia en cada esquina y no hay mejor manera de ver y experimentar las vistas y el esplendor de esta gran ciudad que desde uno de los modernos cruceros. Disfrute de las vistas insuperables de algunos de los monumentos más famosos de Londres desde nuestras cubiertas superiores o desde los salones inferiores con ventanas panorámicas. Podrá encontrar dos bares que ofrecen refrescos y aperitivos.
Edinburgh Castle Great Hall The Great Hall was completed in 1511, as the nation’s chief place of ceremony and state assembly. An original hammerbeam roof dating from 1511 is just one fascinating feature of the impressive Great Hall. Guided Tours All visitors to the castle can join our popular guided tour free of charge. Filled with intriguing tales and castle secrets for all. The Honours of Scotland Top of the list for many visitors are The Honours of Scotland, the nation’s crown jewels. The crown, sceptre and sword of state are the oldest royal regalia in the United Kingdom. Mons Meg This mighty medieval siege gun is one of the world’s oldest, it could fire a gunstone almost two miles. Built at Mons, Belgium, she represented the cutting edge of military technology. National War Museum Scotland Discover the story of Scots at war over 400 years, revealed through personal mementoes, photographs and military objects. One o'clock Gun The One o’ Clock Gun was first fired from the Castle on 7 June 1861, and has continued ever since, six days a week, except during the two World Wars. Prisons of War Exhibition A highly acclaimed ‘Prisons of War’ experience in the castle vaults vividly recalls the conditions the 18th century captives endured. Royal Palace Its fine rooms were the home of Scotland’s royalty for centuries, where Queen Marie de Guise died in 1560 and her daughter Mary Queen of Scots gave birth to James VI in 1566. Royal Scots Regimental Museum Closed 16th - 22nd June. Explore the proud and exciting story of one of Scotland's most famous regiments. Scottish National War Memorial Originally opened in 1927, this is a memorial to Scots who died in both World Wars, and in later campaigns. Their names are listed here in the Roll of Honour. The Regimental Museum Of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards An important collection illustrating the history of Scotland's only cavalry regiment and its English and Scottish antecedents dating back to 1678. The Stone of Destiny The Stone of Destiny is an important symbol of Scottish nationhood, and still plays a central role in all British coronations. It was the coronation seat of ancient Scottish kings. St Margaret's Chapel Take a quiet moment in St Margaret’s Chapel, built by David I around 1130 and the oldest building in Edinburgh. Views of Edinburgh Photo hotspots around the castle - capture stunning views of Edinburgh Royal Yacht Britannia This magnificent ship has played host to some of the most famous people in the world. But, above all, she was home to Her Majesty The Queen and the Royal Family. Now in Edinburgh you are welcome on board to discover the heart and soul of this most special of royal residences. Before you step on board the Royal Yacht Britannia, you will be given a complimentary audio handset that is full of captivating stories and provides a rare glimpse into the life of the British Royal Family. From Sir Winston Churchill to Boris Yeltsin, Rajiv Gandhi to Nelson Mandela, some of the world’s most influential people have been welcomed aboard Britannia; now you can stand where they stood and see what they saw. You can choose to enjoy the tour in a wide range of languages. There is also a children’s tour in English, a version for the visually impaired and one for people with learning difficulties. Printed scripts are also available. Starting at the Bridge, the self-guided tour covers five of Britannia’s magnificent decks, taking you through the fabulous State Apartments and crew’s quarters, and ending in the gleaming Engine Room. The majority of items on board are the original pieces, which have been kindly loaned by the Royal Collection. Highlights of the tour include the State Dining Room, the Sun Lounge and the Officers’ Wardroom. Be prepared for a few surprises at Britannia. Look out for the on-board Garage housing one of Her Majesty’s Rolls-Royces. You will even be able to see inside The Queen’s Bedroom; a rare insight that is not possible at any other royal residence. In March 2009 we opened the Royal Deck Tea Room on board. Sit back and enjoy the stunning waterfront views as our friendly waiters serve light refreshments with speciality teas and coffees in spectacular surroundings. Back on dry land, our award-winning shop in Ocean Terminal has exclusive gifts and popular Britannia souvenirs as distinctive as Britannia herself. What will you choose to remember your visit