Come experience these unique and amazing Exhibits: Explore the power of play with giant Lego built structures and building challenges. Coal Mine - Descend the mine shaft, take a ride on the rails and learn the technology of coal mining. U-505 Submarine - Experience the real U-505, the only German submarine in the United States. Future Energy Chicago - Collaborate in a fast-paced simulation to create a more sustainable city. Genetics and the Baby chick Hatchery - Discover the complex interplay between genes and environmental cues that produce new life. Numbers in Nature: A Mirror Maze -0 Discover the mathematical patterns that abound in the natural world. Science Storms: Feel the physics and consider the chemistry of nature phenomena like tornados and avalanches. The Great Train Story: Travel from Chicago to Seattle in intricate detail on this massive model railroad. YOU! The Experience: Examine the experience of life itself and the connection between mind, body and spirit. All Aboard the Silver Streak: Pioneer Zephyr: Step aboard one of America's first diesel-electric streamlined passenger trains. Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle: Experience the enchantment of fairy's dream home in Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle. DARPA: Redefining Possible: (through Sept. 6): Meet the agency behind some of our favorite technologies. The Idea Factory: Young children can splash, stack and spin their way to testing scientific principles. Transportation Gallery: Explore how humankind has flown, soared, sped and chugged throughout the years. Farm Tech: Step into a modern farm and explore the innovations that bring food to your table. Fast Forward Inventing the Future: Immerse yourself in a world of tomorrow's inventions and today's visionaries. Henry Crown Space Center: Recapture the excitement of the Space Race and learn about the future of space exploration. The Art of the Bicycle: See the art and function of rarely displayed historic bikes alongside new cutting-edge bicycles. Earth Revealed: Get an up-close and near "real-time" view of our planet Earth. Materials Science: Explore the history and future of materials that impact our lives every day. Ships through the Ages: Follow the store of man's quest to travel the seas with the Museum's collection of model ships. Swiss Jolly Ball: See the world's largest pinball machine right before your eyes. ToyMaker 3000: An Adventure in Automation: This assembly line of robots manufactures fun while assembling custom toy tops before your eyes. Whispering Gallery: Investigate the reflection and focus of sound by sending the tiniest whisper across the room. Yesterday's Main Street: Journey back in time and experience America in the early 1900s. The following additional experiences can be purchased at the Museum. They require an additional timed-entry ticket: $12 Adult, $9 Child (ages 3-11). Subject to availability. Coal Mine The WOW! Tour U-505 Submarine On-board Tour
All aboard the 'orrible omnibus for a ride around the dark side of London. The Ghost Bus Tours' classic Routemaster bus has been redesigned to give passengers London's first 'Fright Bus' service. On-board actors and technical trickery combine to create the scariest tour in town. A creepy conductor will provide the commentary for this sinister sightseeing show, revealing haunted Palaces, unmarked burial grounds and the many skeletons in the capital's cupboard. The Ghost Bus Tours - The Necropolis Bus Company Earth to earth… The Necropolis Bus Company began in the 19th century as a private funeral bus service. The Necropolis vehicles or ‘Carcass Coaches’ as they were known to Londoners were able to convey the deceased, pall bearers and up to 50 mourners (no standing) to the final resting place. Each bus had an onboard conductor/chief mourner and a special siren or ‘mourning whistle’ to warn pedestrians of the bus’s approach. The sound of the whistle prompted gentlemen to remove their hats and bow their heads as a mark of passing respect. Ashes to Ashes… Regular service ran until 1967 when a tragic fire at the company depot in South Dulstead razed the building to the ground and destroyed almost the entire fleet of buses. Only one vehicle was salvaged from the ashes and was locked in a storage facility for 40 years. It has now been restored to its original design and is operated by NECROBUS as a sightseeing service in central London. Bus to Bus... The bus is painted in the company’s traditional colour of midnight black. The interior seating is arranged in ‘railway style’ for comfort and so that passengers can grieve openly and offer condolences to each other. Decorative features include lamps and window curtains, which were always drawn if a coffin was stored in the vehicle overnight. This is based on the superstition that a departed spirit might be trapped by its own reflection in the glass and would be unable to pass on to the other world. It also helped to keep the bodies cool in the summer months. Please Note: The Ghost Bus Tours take no responsibility for items left on the bus, personal items are carried at the owners risk and The Ghost Bus can take no responsibility for items damaged or lost. Smoking, eating and drinks other than bottled water are not permitted on the bus. There are no toilet facilities on the bus. The vehicle is a 1966 Routemaster and it has not been possible to make the entrance wheelchair accessible.
Jerry Seinfeld has been doing stand-up for decades. Now you have the chance to experience his comedy live in Vegas at the Colosseum with tickets at
Body Worlds - The Happiness Project + 1 Hr Canal Cruise Highlights Views of famous and prominent landmarks such as Anne Frank House Museum and the Skinny Bridge Visit renowned communities such as ‘de Pijp,’ and ‘de Jordaan.’ by boat Views of picturesque bridges and 17th-century traditional Dutch cottages Admire the many well-preserved architectures located at the Jewish Cultural Quarter Enjoy a fabulous day out at the Body Worlds: an educational exhibition full of real human bodies and body parts Ticket Includes 1 Hour Canal Cruise GPS Audio Guide in 19 Languages Fast-track admission to BODY WORLDS: The Happiness Project Ticket Excludes Food And Drinks Hotel Pick Up Full Description Body Worlds - The Happiness Project Find out how happiness influences the human body and our health at ‘The Happiness Project’ in the BODY WORLDS exhibition. With more then 200 anatomical specimens of human bodies it will educate you on the complexity, resilience and vulnerability of the human body. This exhibition will show you how to be a healthier, happier person and does not revolve about shock factors Canal Cruise Amsterdam The one hour cruise will show you a different side of Amsterdam. From the elegant merchants’ houses from the Golden age to the iconic views of Magere Brug "Skinny Bridge", the Anne Frank House Museum, Heritage Museum and the beautiful Westerkerk Church, prepare to be amazed with this new view of Amsterdam.
Ticket Includes Admission to Lost Chambers Aquarium Fish Tales Tour See what it takes to care for over 65,000 marine animals in Atlantis through our Fish Tales tour. An opportunity to visit the fish hospital and discover the special breeding programmes and how they take care of the jellyfish, sharks and rays. Your educational adventure continues at the top of the Ambassador Lagoon, where you will view the region’s largest marine exhibit from the surface. Lost Chambers Visitors can learn about the myths and legends of the lost city and what each chamber represents. Venture through the gateway into the mysterious underwater world of the Lost Chambers of Atlantis! Guests will get to explore the following areas with the expert guidance of our Marine Educators Lost Chambers aquarium Fish Hospital The Ambassador Lagoon
SEA LIFE Melbourne Haga un viaje a las profundidades con más de 10.000 animales acuáticos, encontrará algunos de los animales más increíbles del mundo. ¡Acérquese a los divertidos pingüinos, a tiburones enormes, peces sierra, rayas majestuosas, hermosos caballitos de mar, miles de peces tropicales y mucho más! Hay tanto que ver y una gran variedad de actividades divertidas para jóvenes y mayores, que no se arrepentirá de la visita a SEA LIFE Melbourne. SEA LIFE Melbourne le ofrece una aventura interactiva desde las profundidades del océano hasta las aguas heladas de la Antártida. La impresionante exhibición Croc Lair es solo una de las 12 nuevas zonas de descubrimiento del acuario, también podrá admirar la única exhibición mundial de tiburones elefante en Bay of Rays, quedase fascinado al experimentar un arco iris de colores en el Seahorse Pier, y explore un mundo diferente a cualquier otro y maravíllese con los majestuosos pingüinos rey y los papúa en Penguin Playground. Con los encuentros interactivos con animales, las icónicas pantallas de última generación, la alimentación de animales y más, SEA LIFE Melbourne es una experiencia excelente, educativa y completamente interesante. Zoo de Melbourne El zoológico de Melbourne es una fantástica experiencia de vida salvaje con más de 320 especies, incluida la original y única fauna australiana, como canguros, koalas, uombats y emús. Disfrute de poder ver animales de todo el mundo en hábitats naturales y exhibiciones especiales, desde grandes félidos y elefantes a orangutanes y focas descaradas. Podrá acercarse a una gran variedad de animales autóctonos australianos. Además la casa de las mariposas es una experiencia fascinante donde le rodearan cientos de coloridas mariposas y una exuberante vegetación tropical. Los visitantes más jóvenes podrán aprender y jugar en la exhibición Growing Wild o en el espacio de juegos Keeper Kids. Sorpréndase con el mundo de vida salvaje en el corazón de Melbourne. El Zoo de Melbourne es un lugar ideal para pasar un gran día en familia. Visite el Mapa Interactivo para conocer más cosas sobre el Zoo de Melbourne.