The Zarges Skymaster Trade Ladders are extremely rigid with strong connection between rungs and stiles. The top and middle section have a rung hook and positive operation locking tab, and a rigid aluminium locking bar prevents collapsing during use. Strong nylon restraint straps with a sewn-in fixing tab keep the ladder stable and prevent splaying. Quality stile guides encompass the whole stile; with plastic inserts for smooth handling. Rung locks are bolted in so that they can be replaced. The Skymaster ladders have high-strength ZARGES quality flanged connections between rung and stile. The replaceable 2-component plastic end caps ensure positioning without risk of slipping and at the same time provide firm seating in the stile. The rungs and stiles are made from extruded aluminium sections, which provide excellent strength. The ladders can be used on steps / stairs. They act as 6 ladders in one and can be used free-standing, as a trestle step, single, double or triple extension ladder or even a stairway ladder. Conforms to EN 131 standards, 150 Kilo rating, and has a 10 year guarantee.Number of rungs: 3 x 10. Closed length: 3m. 2-part ext. length (free-standing height): 4.96m. 3-part ext. length: 6.9m. Stabiliser bar width: 0.89m. Stile depth: 73mm. Weight: 23.3kg. Delivered Direct to Business, Site or Home, please note a carriage surcharge may apply dependant on the delivery address, please contact us for further details.
- Redécouverte de la Picardie par son histoire secrête, ses lieux insolites, mystérieux ou étonnants... tel est l'esprit de cette collection, servie par des gravures anciennes. - Et bien plus encore avec les richesses d'une région À découvrir À...
3-D Sticker, selbstklebend (3-D Motive inkl. Klebepads auf transparenter Trägerfolie), verschiedene Größen, mit Glimmerlack-Veredelung, Bogen ca. 10,5 x 15 cm.
2 x Übernachtung im komfortablen Einzel- oder Doppelzimmer, 2 x reichhaltiges Frühstücksbuffet, Leihbademantel auf dem Zimmer, Kaffeeklatsch am Anreisetag, 1 x Abendessen im Rahmen der Halbpension mit Prossecco Aperitiv, 1 x Klassische Ganzkörpermassage ( 30 min), Eine kleine Überraschung bei Abreise, kostenfreie Nutzung von Sauna und Schwimmbad
Metal Back Boxes 1 or 2 gang available in various depths.25mm Double gang metal box - Carded
12 Permanent-Marker in verschiedenen Farben zum Bemalen von Stickern, Kerzen, Acryl, Folien, Wachsplatten, Wachsornamenten uvm.