When choosing what tips to smoke with, consider these all natural Lion Rolling Circus Unbleached Tips. Each tip offers a clean filter to your favorite wrapped legal smoking herbs and makes each roll easier to smoke. The unique packaging sports the iconic Lion Rolling Circus art which makes your smokes all the more fun! 50 tips per pack, 50 packs per box. Also available in a Perforated Tip booklet for easier folding and rolling of your favorite shaped tips.
HERMA Heftschoner Glamour, DIN A4, Glanzfolie, grün holografische Glanzfolie, mit Beschriftungsetikett - 10 Stück (19801)
herlitz Zeichnungsmappe Smiley B&Y ""Stripes"", DIN A3 Hochglanzkarton, mit 3 Innenklappen, mit Gummiband, - 1 Stück (50016075)
herlitz Schüleretui ""Boys Mix II"", 19-teilig aus Nylon, Maße: (B)205 x (T)140 x (H)35 mm, 1 Klappe, - 4 Stück (50038398)
STARPOWER Niedertemperatur-Metall-Stirlingmotor-Fahrzeugmodellbausatz
Maped Textmarker FLUO'PEPS Ultra Soft, 4er Etui Innovation: extra-weiche, flexible Spitze, Strichstärke: - 1 Stück (M746047)