This unique blend includes precious gemstones that work to actively energise and revitalise your complexion, replenishing natural mineral levels and protecting from sun damage while you wear.
A unique gel-formulated strip wax with a scrumptious cherry aroma from the Salon System Just Wax collection. Allows for super-thin application for smoother than smooth results. Leaves behind a delicious aroma that will keep you coming back for more. 450g tub supplied.
Cadena de bicicleta 104BCD anillo de cadena única de bicicleta de montaña
9 Bogen Deko-Karton, DIN A4, uni ca. 220 g/m², 9 verschiedene Farben: Schwarz, Grau, Tannengrün, Hellblau, Dunkelblau, Violett, Purpur, Beige und Naturweiß. Rückseite: weiß.
10 ausgestanzte 3-D Motive, Zauberhafte Maiglöckchen, mit Glimmerlack-Veredelung, ca. 7 cm bis 10,5 cm.