Chin and neck sagging is a problem that affects countless people. DS Laboratories Vexum. SL Cream is your tool against it as it uses a host of natural ingredients to help target the appearance of a double chin and restore your confidence over prolonged daily use.
Skin Doctors Vein Away Plus strebt danach zu festigen, zu beruhigen, zu starken und zu schutzen und zielt damit genau auf das Aussehen unerwunschter Adern ab. Vein Away Plus verwendet Arnika, Hagebutte & Zypressensamen und ist angereichert mit den Vitaminen A & E. Es hat eine sofort feuchtigkeitsspe
Smooth tan action leatherTan fake fur lining plus split suede counter liningFull length insole with black fabric punched and stitchedDual-density polyurethaneAnti-static sole resistant to solvents oils and temperatures up to 200°CConforms to EN20345 S3 SRC
Foligain para Hombre con 10% Trioxidil ha sido creado para ayudar a aportar al pelo toda la fortaleza y cuidado que necesita para mantenerlo sano y con volumen
Formulated with natural ingredients including Aloe Vera, Shea Butter, Collagen and Vitamin E, the Varesil Cream is specifically designed for the appearance of unattractive leg veins. For twice daily use, the cream is easily and quickly absorbed and ideal for both men and women.