Aspectos destacados Disfrute de sus vacaciones en el Parque Temático más grande de Alemania, con más de 100 increíbles atracciones situadas dentro de las 95 hectáreas de arquitectura tradicional y delicias gastronómicas galardonadas con múltiples premios. Monte en la montaña rusa Eurosat Cancan, salpique en Atlantis SuperSplash, o haz realidad el sueño de volar en el Voletarium. Pasea por las 18 zonas temáticas que representan diferentes países europeos. La entrada incluye EuropaPark: el País de las Maravillas invernal – Del 24 de noviembre de 2018 al 6 de enero de 2019 (cerrado el 24/25 Dic.) Entrada Exprés al parque Las entradas de 2 Días son válidas durante 6 días a partir de la primera visita. La entrada excluye Comida y bebida Transporte Aparcamiento Descripción Dos nuevas atracciones para otoño 2018 La Eurosat Cancan Coaster es una motaña rusa dark ride que les llevará por la brillante noche de París. La entrada y la zona de espera son una reconstrucción del legendario Moulin Rouge de París. Y la nueva aventura de realidad virtual Eurosat Costiality, una aventura en el espacio exterior, diseñada por Luce Bessons e inspirada en su famosa película Valerian y la Ciudad de los Mil Planetas. ¡El sueño de volar se hace realidad en el teatro aéreo más grande de Europa, el Voletarium! En 7 sillas que se alzan en el aire pasará un rato genial en el aire. Las pantallas miden más de 400 metros cuadrados y tienen un diámetro de 21 metros. Prepárese para vivir una experiencia única por los paisajes más sensacionales de Europa y sus metrópolis. La nueva atracción Voletarium es muy popular por lo que se pueden producir largas colas de espera, pero no se olvide: si va a la atracción y presenta su vale de 365Tickets le darán una reserva horaria. Con ella podrá saltarse la cola. Europa-Park: el País de las Maravillas invernal Los copos de nieve en el aire, el olor de galletas horneadas y miles de luces de Navidad que iluminan las calles. ¡Europa-Park se ha preparado para el invierno y está esperando a sus visitantes! Del 25 de noviembre 2018 al 6 de Enero del 2019 (cerrado el 24 y el 25 de Diciembre), el parque de atracciones más grande de Alemania se convertirá en un enorme y fascinante país de las maravillas navideño. Todos los visitantes estarán encantados con los impresionantes y numerosos lugares que podrán visitar, y el fantástico programa de espectáculos. Tenga en cuenta: Se requiere una identificación con fotografía válida para cada entrada. Si el nombre de la entrada no coincide con el del documento no podrá acceder al Parque. Para grupos de 20 o más, contáctenos por correo electrónico o por teléfono, obtendrá un descuento. Visitantes con discapacidad (presentando la identificación correspondiente) se ofrece una entrada a precio reducido. En este caso por favor reserve entrada Senior (60+) y presente su certificado de discapacidad a las puertas del Parque. Temporada de invierno – validez de las entradas: 24 de noviembre 2018 – 6 de enero 2019 + 12 y 13 de enero (cerrado el 24 y 25 d ediciembre)
Escape the hustle and bustle of the Las Vegas Strip and head to Laughlin Nevada with tickets from
We invite you to visit the Casa Batlló which has transcended the concept of a building to become a legendary icon of art, architecture and art nouveau. Here, light, colour and shapes interact with wood, glass, ceramics and quarried stone in Gaudí's characteristic fantastic and breathtaking style. Pick up your audioguide and begin your tour of 20 different points. You'll discover a whole host of details that are hard to spot at first glance, with metaphors and depictions of nature, particularly the undersea world, which will inspire and stimulate your senses and emotions. And if you prefer, you can hire the innovative augmented reality video guide which will take you to a magical world that is normally hidden from view. Both guides are available in 10 languages. You'll visit the legendary mezzanine, where the Batlló family once lived; the attic, where the storerooms and laundries were located; the rooftop, with its iconic chimneys and the amazing light well which houses the staircase once used by the privileged neighbours. And you can't leave without seeing the magnificent hall and main staircase. You're sure to be impressed!
SKYDECK CHICAGO At 1,353 feet and 110 stories above the streets of downtown Chicago, The Ledge at the Willis Tower (formerly known as Sears Tower) Skydeck will transform any visitor's--or local's for that matter--experience with the Windy City. In January 2009, Willis Tower owners began a major renovation of the beloved Skydeck, which originally opened in 1974, and served as a premier tourist attraction throughout the skyscraper's tenure as the Sears Tower. When ownership changed hands, the fresh blood added a fresh look--and adrenaline rush--to the 103rd floor in the form of retractable glass balconies extending about 4 feet over Wacker Drive and the Chicago River below. Still the 8th tallest building in the world, and the absolute tallest in the Western Hemisphere, Willis Tower's Skydeck draws 1.5 million people a year who are eager to ascend the 110-story, 1,454 foot (443 meter) building for awesome panoramic views of the city and surrounding countryside. Your journey to the top of the Willis Tower starts with a walk through an airport-style metal detector, followed by a slow elevator ride down to the waiting area where visitors queue for tickets. A sign will tell you how long you'll have to wait to get up high; this is a good time to confirm the visibility. Even days that seem sunny can have upper-level haze that limits the view. On good days, however, you can see for 40 to 50 miles (64 to 80 kilometers), as far as the states of Indiana, Michigan. Iowa, and Wisconsin. While you wait, you can watch a film about Willis Tower factoids. Then you'll wait a little longer before the ear-popping, 70 second elevator ride up to the 103rd floor deck. From here, the entire city stretches below, and you can see exactly how Chicago is laid out. Willis Tower, Skydeck, and The Ledge Fast Facts The hundreds of forehead prints visitors left behind each week on Skydeck windows served as this inspiration for The Ledge. The Ledge boxes can each bear about 4-1/2 metric tons of weight, and adventurers who trust that statistic enough to prove it can often be found jumping and bounding around the entirely translucent enclosures as Chicago's heavy traffic and infrastructure bustle below. The Ledge’s glass panels weight 1,500 pounds apiece, and each box is comprised of three layers of half-inch thick glass laminated into one seamless unit. In addition to serving 1.3 million tourists per year in its 4.5+ million square feet of space, Willis Tower is home to more than 100 companies, including prominent law, insurance, transportation, and financial services. The Ledge's glass boxes retract into the Skydeck main floor for easy maintenance, probably mostly cleaning off the 974 dead birds that must fly into them every month. The Moonwalk is the most popular dance performed on The Ledge, followed closely by the Running Man. Riverdance clocks in at a distant third. Bringing people who are afraid of heights to The Ledge is not recommended, unless you are mean-spirited or really don't like them. In which case, you should probably just take them here. Willis Tower was known as Sears Tower for decades, until the 30th anniversary of Diff'rent Strokes, at which point it was rightfully renamed SHEDD AQUARIUM EXHIBITS UNDERWATER BEAUTY – A SPECIAL EXHIBIT Our living world is full of wonder. Celebrate with us the unbelievable beauty living in our oceans, lakes and rivers in a new special exhibit at Shedd Aquarium: Underwater Beauty. Get a glimpse of the grandeur beneath the waves as 100 species from around the world come together in an evocative new space. What is beauty? Spark your curiosity as you see all the ways beauty moves and coexists. Watch sea jellies pulse, eels ribbon and a rainbow come alive with reef fishes. Feel the rhythms, embrace the colors and savor the patterns found only underwater. Experience a world worth celebrating – and saving. AMPHIBIANS! Get ready for a toadally ribbiting experience! Shedd’s new special exhibit, Amphibians, hops into the aquarium May 16 and is included with admission. In Amphibians, you’ll meet 40 species of frogs, salamanders and rarely seen caecilians. Learn how amphibians’ lives are full of change, from their life cycles to their adaptations to live in nearly every environment on Earth. Find out how too much change can spell trouble for amphibians — and how you can help them cope with big changes in our world today! Waters of the World Travel the world in 80 habitats. Dive into Oceans, from coastal kelp forests to the seafloor. Explore the self-contained ecosystems of Islands and Lakes. Visit Rivers—big and small—and learn more about our local waters in the new At Home on the Great Lakes exhibit. Meet hundreds of amazing animals, from tiny mantella frogsto a a giant octopus, from a Grand Cayman blue iguana to Nile knifefish, and from moon jellies to sea stars. We even have map turtles, in case you get lost. Caribbean Reef Take a 360-degree tour of an underwater reef community. Follow a green sea turtle. Peek at a moray eel in a rocky crevice. Watch regal rays glide by. Get eye-to-eye with parrot fish and sharks. Visit Caribbean Reef, Shedd’s award-winning 90,000-gallon circular habitat in the grand rotunda. Amazon Rising Take an exotic journey in the Amazon, home to one-third of all living things. Watch out for anacondas and piranhas, spiders, rays and a camouflaged caiman. In churning river channels, still lakes and even flooded treetops look for tetras, turtles and fruit-eating fish called tambaqui. See how the region’s animals, plants and people adapt to the water’s dramatic annual rise and fall. Abbott Oceanarium The Abbott Oceanarium immerses you in the vibrant coastal ecosystem of beluga whales, Pacific white-sided dolphins, sea otters and sea lions. You’ll also find a host of fishes and invertebrates that make their homes where freshwater flows into the ocean or where tides turn seascapes to landscapes and back again each day. Use our self-guided map to discover how animals are linked to each other, their homes and you. Polar Play Zone Kids have a place at Shedd that they can call their own—Polar Play Zone. It’s cool as ice and twice as nice! The penguins think so, too. Play! Splash! Pretend! What would you like to be? A sleek sliding penguin? A deep-sea explorer? How about both? In Polar Play Zone, you can slip into a penguin suit and try being a bird in the Icy South play area. From there, head to the Icy North to explore the belugas’ Arctic waters in a kid-sized submarine. Don’t forget to shake hands—or is it arms?—with colorful sea stars in the touch pools. In Polar Play Zone, you’ll learn about polar opposites—big and small, fast and slow, shallow and deep, even north and south—while you play. The Oceanarium Aquatic Presentation is included however based on available seating and remaining show times at the time of guest arrival. (2018 Aquatic Presentation Schedule) Stingray Touch (seasonal experience) is included. Open late May through October. 4D Experience is not included however the 4D experience tickets may be purchased at the theatre for $3.00 per -person
Con 140 metros de altura, el London Eye es la noria más alta del mundo. 32 Cápsulas, en que cada una puede cargar 25 personas, le llevarán en un viaje de 30 minutos a través de las vistas más espectaculares de todo Londres y sus alrededores, abarcando 40 kilómetros en todas las direcciones.
La Experiencia London Eye 4D
La Experiencia London Eye 4D es una película 3D pionera en efectos especiales, como el viento, la niebla y las burbujas, que hacen el 4D. La película en sí es una conmovedora historia de una niña con su padre en Londres. Su punto de vista de los monumentos de Londres está oscurecida por las personas y el tráfico, pero una gaviota atrae su atención hacia el London Eye y su padre la lleva a esa experiencia; finalmente, puede disfrutar de unas increíbles vistas de la ciudad. Una vistosa fiesta dentro de la cápsula, un time lapse del día y la noche en el London Eye y un espectacular castillo de fuegos artificiales se muestran para sumarse a una experiencia emocional y entretenida; el preludio perfecto para una experiencia en el propio London Eye.
Por favor, recuerde que el procedimiento de embarque para el London Eye dura unos 30 minutos.
Nuestro precio es el mismo que el que podría pagar comprando en el sitio web del London Eye o en líneas telefónicas de reserva y no hay restricciones en las reservas de última hora.
Para una perspectiva diferente, visítelo al atardecer y vea como se encienden las luces de la ciudad y el horizonte se inunda de colores vibrantes.
No se permite subir al London Eye a los niños no acompañados. Cualquier reserva hecha para un niño no acompañado será tomada como una confirmación de que el niño se unirá a un grupo bajo la supervisión de un adulto. 365Tickets no se hará responsable si a un niño no se le permite acceder al London Eye por ir solo, ni su vale será reembolsable.
La seguridad es su prioridad número uno. Para su seguridad y comodidad, por favor lea la siguiente información sobre qué elementos pueden y no pueden ser subidos al London Eye. Tenga en cuenta que todos los visitantes pueden ser sometidos a un registro de seguridad al subir al London Eye.
Tenga en cuenta que los siguientes artículos se pueden subir a bordo del London Eye:
Ordenadores portátiles
Bolsas pequeñas y mochilas (tamaño máximo de 18 "x 13" x 8 "o 46cm x 33cm x 20cm)
Bolsas de bebé
Los siguientes artículos no pueden ser subidos a bordo del London Eye:
Bolsas grandes / maletas
Cascos de motocicleta
Monopatines y patines
Trípodes (salvo que se acuerde de antemano con el London Eye)
Cochecitos de bebé *
Artículos prohibidos **
Si no está seguro.
* Los cochecitos de bebé se pueden dejar en nuestras instalaciones del área 'Buggy' en la sala de entrada, aunque sólo durante la duración de la experiencia.
** Los artículos prohibidos incluyen objetos afilados o cualquier cosa que pueda ser considerada un riesgo para la seguridad, incluyendo navajas, tijeras, limas de metal, juguetes o réplicas de pistolas. Si se encuentran o se declaran tales objetos le serán revisados y devueltos después de su experiencia, siempre que el artículo sea legal en el Reino Unido.
Términos y Condiciones
1. Los objetos confiscados se dejaran en todo momento a riesgo del propietario.
2. London Eye Company (LEC) no asume ninguna responsabilidad por la pérdida o daño de cualquier objeto que deje en el London Eye.
3. LEC tiene el derecho de rechazar el almacenamiento de objetos de cualquier visitante a su discreción, ya sea por razones de seguridad pública o cualquier otra razón.
An amazing experience in Santorini. A hike over-viewing the spectacular caldera, on the old path connecting the capital of Fira with the famous for its sunset village of Oia. Along the way you will stop at panoramic view points to enjoy the breathtaking lansdscape, pass by beautiful churches and take a light picnic break with local goods. Bring with you: A hat A bottle of water Sun screen Light summer clothes Comfortable walking shoes Includes: 4 hours hiking experience English speaking Guide Return transfer from your hotel Traditional picnic lunch Important: Before participating in any activities all parties are required to sign a declaration regarding their fitness and health. *** Please note that this tour is not suitable for children younger than 12 years old ***