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La triple concentration melisse/verveine bio permet d apporter plus de plantes dans votre tasse.La Melisse et la Verveine facilitent la digestion et ont un effet calmant. Le Passiflore et le Tilleul facilient le sommeil et ont un effet relaxant. L Oranger apporte a cette tisane douceur et saveur. Composition: Infuse concentree de melisse bio 36.4%, infuse concentre de verveine bio 15.6%, passiflore bio 15%, melisse bio 10%, tilleul bio 10, huile essentielle d oranger bio sur support bio (inuline d agave bio, farine de chicoree bio) 8%, aubepine bio 5%. Concentration : Melisse 1726MG/Sachet Verveine 663MG/Sachet Passiflore 270MG/Sachet Tilleul 180MG/Sachet Melisse et Verveine : equivalent en plantes en rapport avec la concentration. Conseils d utilisation: Ne pas donner aux enfants. Laissez infuser votre sachet-dose de tisane concentree "Mieux dormir" dans une tasse d eau tres chaude pendant 5a 6minutes. A consommer apres le diner ou 1 heure avant le coucher. 2 a 3 sachets par jour.
AuffallendsindseineNotenvonFrüchtekuchen,diewunderschönvondunklen,reifenZwetschgenundTabakabgerundetwerdenEinwohlstrukturierterundüberauseleganterWeinmiteinemnachhaltigenFinaleEingelungenerStilmixausAlterundNeuerWelt PasstzueinemBoeufBourguignonodergeschmortemOchsenschwanz,wunderschönauchzufruchtigemKuchenoderDesserts,dieZimtundGewürznelkenenthalten
The Quad-Flex Power Pack can be vaped as a low-profile RDA tank or a Squonker style RDA. It also allows you to turn your Nautilus X into the Quad-Flex Survival kit. Get 4 times the power, 4 times the flexibility with this kit. In addition to being able to use your Nautilus X 2ML top airflow flavor tank with replaceable U-Tech coil system, add more flex with the: -- Quad-Flex low-profile RDA with Turboline top airflow system option -- Quad-Flex low-profile bottom feed RDA with Turboline top airflow system option -- Quad-Flex drop-wick RDTA tank with dual or single airflow adjustability - Also allows for Turboline top cap fitting. Screw the RDA base to the RDA Deck to make a low-profile RDA tank. The Quad-Flex RDA configuration supports dual or single airflow. The Quad-Flex comes with two adjustable airflow sleeves. There is a top airflow and a side airflow sleeve. Interchange according to your airflow preferences. Aspire Quad-Flex RDA Size: 35 x 22mm Aspire Quad-Flex Squonker (Bottom-Feed) RDA, Just change out the RDA screw with the bottom-feed capillary screw and start squonking. Aspire¡¯s innovative new squonker screw there is sufficient capillary action to return the excess e-liquid to the bottom tank. Turn your Nautilus X into Quad-Flex RDTA: Use the Quad-Power RDTA Adapter to turn your Nautilus X tank into a Quad-Flex RDTA. Brand: Aspire Color: Silver Model: RDA Threading: 510 Quantity: 1
Ein aussergewöhnlicher Merlot mit Aromen Pflaume, Schokolade und einem Hauch Vanille: Wie der Winzer selbst sagt: Our 2013 Merlot opens with aromas of black plums, rich dark chocolate and hints of toasty vanilla. Flavors of ripe boysenberry and black cherry intermingle on the palate with subtle nuances of freshly roasted espresso beans and allspice. With nicely balanced acidity, the wine has a long finish with soft and silky tannins.
Der Le Rosé Château Saint Roch ist eine Assemblage aus 50% Grenache Gris und 50% Mourvèdre. Ein herrlich erfrischender, belebender Rosé, der in der Nase Noten von frischen Erdbeeren, Brombeeren sowie einen feinen Hauch von Kräutern bietet.Am Gaumen...