Kensington Palace Kensington Palace London, residence of members of the Royal Family since the 17th century, the childhood home of Queen Victoria, and now the official residence of the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge is a must see for any Royal fan. Visitors to Kensington Palace arrive through newly landscaped gardens and entrance hall to journey through the magnificent Kings and Queen’s State Apartments as a courtier. Filled with stories of two royal courts; the House of Stuart and the House of Hanover 1698 -1714, your success will depend on who you know, how you behave and how you dress. The rewards are great, but there are pitfalls along the way! Tower of London One of the most famous buildings in the world, the Tower of London was constructed in the 11th century - almost a 1,000 years ago and has been witness to countless significant events in the development of Britain's now democratic monarchy. During your tour of the Tower of London you will meet the magnificent Yeoman Warders or 'Beefeaters', clad as they were in Tudor times, hear the legend of the ravens and spine chilling tales from the Tower's long history. See the infamous Bloody Tower where the Princes were murdered, Beauchamp Tower where visitors can read carved inscriptions of past prisoners and Traitors Gate where those unlucky enough not to survive imprisonment had their heads impaled - and much more. We sell at less than the gate price, which gives you access to all the Towers and Attractions, as well as the unique Gift Shops, the historic New Armouries Restaurant, Tower Cafe and Kiosk. Your Tower ticket also includes entry to the Crown Jewels. Things to do and See at the Tower of London: Line of Kings Exhibition For over 300 years visitors to the Tower of London have marvelled at displays featuring arms and royal armour, life-sized wooden horses and figures of kings. The White Tower Currently hosting the Power House exhibition, about the various national institutions founded at the Tower of London, the White Tower is recognised as one of the most important historic buildings in the world. It has become an iconic symbol for Britain and London and is a must do on any trip to the Tower of London. Entry to The White Tower is included in the Tower of London ticket price. The Crown Jewels The Jewel house at the Tower of London houses the world famous Crown Jewels. 23,578 precious stones and gems make up the Crown Jewels and include the world’s most famous diamond ‘ The Great Star of Africa’. Entry to The Crown Jewels is included in the Tower of London ticket price. The Yeoman Warder tours The Yeoman Warders, also known as beefeaters, are the public face of the Tower of London. As well as guarding the Tower and Crown Jewels they also provide tours for visitor where they regale you with tales from the Tower. Yeoman Warder Tours are included in the Tower of London Ticket Price The Royal Beasts The last thing you’d expect to see at the Tower of London would be Lions, Tigers, Elephants and Polar Bears, but for over 600 years the Royal Menagerie played host to these and many more. Discover their extraordinary stories and what life was like for them at the tower. Entry to The Royal Menagerie is included in the Tower of London ticket price. The Prisoners Exhibition Aside from the Crown Jewels the Tower of London is probably best known for being a prison. Prisoners have been at the Tower almost since it was built and the new interactive displays in the Prisoners exhibition help children and adults explore their stories. Entry to The Prisoners Exhibition is included in the Tower of London ticket price. The Ravens ‘the kingdom and the Tower will fall if the six ravens ever leave the Tower of London’, well according to legend anyway. Whether this is true or not the ravens have become on of the Tower’s most famous sites, just make sure you see at least 6 when you visit! The Tower Green Believe it or not being executed inside the Tower of London was considered a privilege for those of high rank. The Tower Green contains a permanent memorial for those ‘lucky’ enough to be executed there. The Medieval Palace Being the oldest part of the Tower of London, the Medieval Palace contains amazing interiors that you won’t see anywhere else. here you can experience what life might have been like in a luxurious medieval household. Entry to The Medieval Palace is included in the Tower of London ticket price. River Rover Hopper Pass With the River Red Rover ticket you travel in luxury on a fleet of river liners and may hop on or off at any of the piers as often as you like throughout the day. As the River Thames weaves its way through the heart of London there is history around every bend and there is no better way to see and experience the sights and splendour of this great city than from one of City Cruises modern, wheelchair-friendly RiverLiners™. Enjoy unsurpassed views of some of London's most famous landmarks from the vantage point of our open upper decks and spacious lower saloons with panoramic windows. Take advantage of two bars providing light refreshments and snacks . Cruises depart frequently from Westminster Pier, Waterloo (London Eye) Pier, Tower Pier and Greenwich Pier every day of the year except Christmas Day (25th December). Our shortest trips between piers last about 20-30 minutes while the full round trip takes about two-and-a-half leisurely hours.
Come and meet the denizens of the deep at l'Oceanogràfic, Europe’s largest marine center. You will be able to explore all the world’s major seas and oceans, with each building dedicated to a different maritime environment. Marvel at the majesty of the Mediterranean. Wander through the wild Wetlands. Travel through the Temperate and Tropical Seas. Admire the awesome Antarctic and Arctic Oceans. Revel in the Red Sea and discover the delights of the Dolphinarium. There are more than 45,000 creatures from 500 different species, including beluga whales, jellyfish, penguins, sea lions, seals, sharks, rays, starfish, walruses and many, many more. You will also see many wetland bird species, including those that inhabit the amazing Albufera Natural Park in Valencia. Through its concept and design, its spectacular size and sheer number of species, l'Oceanogràfic has become a reference point among aquariums worldwide. Themed exhibits provide a fascinating vision of marine ecosystems and their rich biodiversity, allowing you to feel almost submerged underwater as you embark on a journey in search of the secrets of the ocean. Continue your journey at the underwater restaurant, where you can watch thousands of fish swim around you as relax. During the summer, there are special night-time shows from 8pm to midnight, where you can take in the magical atmosphere in the company of the friendly and gentle dolphins.
„Never forget“ (Niemals vergessen) war der tiefempfundene Refrain nach den World Trade Center Anschlägen am 11. September 2001. Und nun, 13 Jahre später, hat das National September 11 Memorial Museum eröffnet, um derer zu gedenken die ihr Leben verloren haben- und abermals sicherzustellen, daß die Welt „niemals vergessen“ wird. Die Stärke des Museums liegt, in erster Linie, in seinem Standort: Die über 10.000 m² Ausstellungsfläche liegt im "archäologischen Herzen des World Trade Center Standorts“. Das Museum führt den Besucher wortwörtlich in den Untergrund. Es liegt etwa 21 Meter unter der Erde, so daß der Museumseintritt den Abstieg vom Außenlicht in schwach beleuchtete Tiefen bedeutet, was zur umfassenden Kraft und Pathos dieses heiligen Ortes beiträgt. Eine Vielzahl faszinierender Exponate offenbart den Aufbau von New York’s beeindruckendem Urgestein, wie der 450-Millionen-Jahre-alte Brocken Manhattan Schiefer, ausgegraben im August 2008. Die architektonische Größe des WTC’s wird auch demonstriert durch ein großes Modell, ursprünglich 1969 bis 1971 gebaut, welches eines der größten und detailliertesten, heute noch erhaltenen WTC Vorzeigemodelle ist. Es ist ein kraftvoller Beitrag, weil es hervorhebt was das World Trade Center war, als das was aus ihm wurde. Und was aus dem WTC wurde, ist im ganzen Museum dargestellt, inklusive der „Treppe der Überlebenden“, die das zuletzt sichtbare Relikt der Gebäude nach den Anschlägen war. Die Treppe diente für viele als gefährlicher Überlebensweg zur Flucht, und 2008 zog die über 50-000-kg schwere Treppe ins Museum, wo sie heute hervorragt. Besucher können auch eine massiv gedrehtes Stück "impact Stahl" sehen- ein Teil der Nordturmfassade, die einen direkten Einschlag des American Airlines Fluges 11 erfuhr. Eine Seite des Museums umfaßt die schlammige Mauer, eine Ufermauer die gebaut wurde, um den Hudson River davor zu bewahren den Platz zu fluten. Aber obwohl das Museum mit massiven Teilen gefüllt ist, die die Wunden der Tragödie tragen, sind es die kleinen persönlichen Objekte, die vielleicht die eindringlichsten sind: beschmutzte Lupen, ein Paar Absätze, eine zertrampelte Brieftasche, ausgebreitet mit Münzen und Kreditkarten, ein Flügelpin eines Flugbegleiters am Revers. Wie der New York Times Kunstkritiker Holland Carter schön zusammenfasste: “Durchdrungen von verlorenem Leben, machen sie die Erfahrung, sich zugleich theatralisch, voyeuristisch und andächtig durch dieses Museum zu bewegen.” Vor allem ist das Museum eine Ehrung der Opfer, der Überlebenden - und Ihrer Angehörigen. Zahlreiche Exponate zeigen Fotos, Audio, Videos und Aufnahmen, Zeugnisse im Zusammenhang mit dem 11. September 2001 und auch der WTC Bombardierung am 26. Februar 1993. Auf vielerlei Weise behandelt das Museum genauso den Untergang des WTC’s, als auchNew York’s Widerstandsfähigkeit. Das wird besonders oberhalb des sonnendurchfluteten Mahnmals offenbar, wo schimmernde Geländer, eingraviert mit den 2,983 Opfernamen, die beiden Mahnmal Becken umgeben, in den Fußstapfen der Twin Towers. Hier nahm Schönheit den Platz der Tragödie ein. Wussten Sie schon? Präsident Barack Obama war während der Einweihungszeremonie des Museums im Mai 2014 vor Ort, zusammen mit Überlebenden des 11. September, Rettern und Angehörigen. Herr Obama wurde auf einer Tour durch das Museum begleitet vom ehemaligen Präsidenten Bill Clinton und der ehemalige Staatssekretärin Hillary Rodham Clinton. Das World Trade Center (WTC) war viel mehr als nur einige Gebäude. Der Komplex bestand aus sieben Bauten von über 64.000 qm und umfasste Büros, das Restaurant „Fenster der Welt“ und eine unterirdische Einkaufspassage. Etwa 50,000 Menschen arbeiteten im WTC Komplex und ca. 40,000 passierten es täglich. Die Zahlen hinter dem 9/11 Memorial Museum sind beeindruckend: Das Museum hat mehr als 10,000 Artefakte, 23,000 Bilder und 500 Stunden Film- und Videomaterial. Im Auditorium, Museum Pavilion L-2 Level können sich Museumsbesucher täglich kostenfrei Filme rund um die Geschehnisse des 9/11 anschauen.
5-6 Hour BikeTour:
Bike and explore Beverly Hills down to the beach towns of Santa Monica and Venice
West Hollywood & 30+ Celebrity Homes
Ride Historic Route 66 and the Sunset Strip
Walking tour of Greystone Mansion Gardens & Grounds
Beverly Hills, Bel-Air, UCLA & Westwood
Santa Monica Beach, Pier, Promenade & Marina Del Rey
Venice Beach, Venice Canals, Muscle Beach & Skateboard Park
Culver City Studios & The Hollywood Sign
And much more!
This is the text for the Frequently Asked Questions that applies to this specific to QUESTION: IS THERE AN AGE OR WEIGHT LIMIT? For your riding safety, guests must be at least 12 years of age and weigh at least 100 pounds and not in excess of 260 pounds. All participants must be at least 12 years of age. QUESTION: HOW BIG WILL MY GROUP BE? Our tours operate in groups of 8 guests or less. QUESTION: WHAT TIME DO I NEED TO GET THERE FOR MY TOUR? We ask that the client arrive 10-15 minutes early for the scheduled tour to fill out necessary paperwork. Each member of your party will be required to complete and sign a liability waiver form. QUESTION: WILL I NEED TO PUT DOWN A DEPOSIT? Yes. Insurance requires that City Segway Tours pre-authorize 400€ on a credit card. Please bring your MasterCard, Visa, Amex, or cash with you for this deposit (not Discovery). Your card will not be charged, but we will hold onto the details should your Segway incur any damage while in your possession. QUESTION: IF THIS IS MY FIRST TIME TO RIDE A SEGWAY, WILL I BE ABLE TO PICK IT UP QUICKLY? Your safety is always our highest priority. Therefore, we begin each tour with a very thorough orientation of the Segway and its use before going out to enjoy the city! QUESTION: CAN MINORS COME ON TOUR ALONE? For safety reasons, minors (anyone under the age of 18) must be accompanied by an adult on the tour. QUESTION: IF I AM PREGNANT CAN I JOIN THE TOUR? Unfortunately, due to the risk to both child and mother, pregnant women are not allowed to participate on our Segway tours. QUESTION: ARE THE TOURS CANCELLED IF IT RAINS? Our tours go rain or shine, and we have rain ponchos available in our office for €1 which are fully reimbursed if not used.
ICON Orlando is bubbling with new experiences! The 400-foot observation wheel takes guests on an aerial journey of Central Florida, offering 360-degree views of theme parks and attractions, downtown Orlando skyline, and on clear days, Florida’s east coast, all within the comfort of 30 air-conditioned capsules. Select capsules have been transformed to offer the ultimate VIP experience, featuring special décor, an upbeat music selection, selfie sticks, bottle caps seats and complimentary Coca-Cola coolers. Enjoy a refreshing beverage and take in the beautiful views aboard the tallest observation wheel on the North American east coast. At night, the Eye lights up in a rainbow of colors and adds another 64,000 LED lights to the theme park capital of the world. Thus, the attraction is also worth a visit in the dark – not only for those wanting to see the city turn its lights on, but also for photographers wanting to capture the Ferris wheel itself. Sleuth's Mystery Dinner Shows Your evening begins by entering one of our three intimate theatres where you are greeted and treated like an invited guest by our outrageous characters. Nibble on your salads, dinner rolls, crackers and our signature cheese spread as you watch for anything or anyone suspicious! Once everyone is assembled you will be treated to a hilarious 45 minute comedy mystery where all the clues are presented and you help us solve the crime. Enjoy a delicious dinner as your table becomes a team and formulates insightful (and not so insightful) questions for the live interrogation. After dinner, our detective moves around the room, allowing each table to ask their questions and uncover additional clues. It’s improvisational comedy that will have you in side-splitting laughter as you solve the crime! Your evening concludes with your choice of a yummy “mystery” dessert as you make your final guess as to who committed the crime. Then, watch as our detective unveils the actual criminal and then awards fun prizes to those of you who were successful Sleuths! Menu Before the show: Fresh greens salad Assorted crackers and our signature cheese spread Dinner rolls with butter Hot and cold hors d'oeuvres Choice of Entrée: Honey-glazed Cornish Game Hen with herbed stuffing, sweet potato, vegetables, and cranberry sauce. Prime Rib dinner ($6.00 extra + tax) with baked potato and vegetables. Four Cheese Lasagna (with or without meatballs, your choice) with vegetables and garlic bread. For children age(s) 3 to 11 - Child portioned meal including chicken tenders, mac-n-cheese, and green beans. Mystery Dessert: If we told you, it wouldn't be a mystery would it? Beverages (all drinks are included in the ticket price): Bud Bud Light White Zinfindel Chardonnay Cabernet Pepsi Diet Pepsi Sierra Mist Mug Root Beer Tropicana Orange Soda Sweet Iced Tea Brewed Unsweetened Tea Coffee Hot Tea