Durante la cena, los piratas le ofrecerán un servicio personalizado y musica ambiental, mientras tanto el Capitán Garfio le hablará de sus aventuras en el Mar Caribe. Pero manténgase atento, mientras esté cenando, otro barco se acercará sigilosamente escondido en la oscuridad, dispuesto a abordar el galeón. El Capitán Garfio descubrirá la presencia del enemigo y ordenará a sus hombres tomar posiciones de combate con los cañones listos para disparar. Piratas armados con espadas y pistolas saltan desde los mástiles aterrizando en la cubierta donde comienza una lucha a espadas entre la tripulación y los otros piratas, el ataque es realzado con los efectos de luces y sonido. Si está hambriento, el Capitán Garfio le invitará a un suntuoso festín con carne, un buffet de ensaladas, verduras al vapor, arroz a la marinera, patatas al horno, pollo a la parrilla y postre. ¡Barra libre durante toda la travesía! ¡Acompáñenos durante esta gran aventura!
Included : The services of a national licensed driver guide Guided visit of Garnier Opera Entrance tickets Audiophone Information : Be careful! This tour could not be suitable for people with walking difficulties (2hrs of walking) Language : English : Wed French : Wed, Sat Spanish : Wed * End in the quarter of "Grands Boulevards", Opera
KidZania London What can you expect at KidZania London? • 4 hours entry to KidZania London • Kids Can Learn Real-Life Skills at the UK’s First Educational Entertainment Experience • 75,000sq ft. Child-Size City Located in Westfield London • Over 60 Real-Life Role-Play Adventures • Kids Can Become a Pilot, Surgeon, Fire Fighter and More • Kids Can Learn the Concepts of Saving and Spending Money • Four Hour Experience – Parents Can Shop While Kids Play • Fun and Safe Environment KidZania is a world of fun and learning for children aged four to fourteen. Set their imagination free with a visit to the UK’s first educational entertainment experience. Located in Westfield London, KidZania features a child-size city spanning 75,000sq. ft. Over four exciting hours, kids can learn real-life skills and have a go at trying out grown-up jobs in realistic environments. From the Aviation Academy to the Radio Station, Police Station or Hospital, KidZania’s streets are lined with authentic establishments. Real-life role play will bring these professions to life as kids learn in a fun and safe environment. Children can even have a go at being a tour guide on a mini Golden Tours hop-on hop-off bus! Young minds will learn about money as they are paid for the activities they undertake, earning ‘KidZos’ (KidZania currency). Kids can open a personal savings account and deposit the money they have earned for their work. This currency can be used to purchase goods and services inside the city. Each experience lasts four hours, and children over the age of seven can enjoy KidZania without an accompanying adult. Visitors are given a bracelet to wear around their wrist which can only be removed by employees with parental permission, so you’ll know where your kids are at all times. Children are in safe hands, leaving you free to shop or dine while keeping track of their movements. Kensington Palace Kensington Palace unveils a palace of secret stories and public lives. Visitors arrive through beautiful landscaped gardens evoking a past when Kensington was countryside. From the entrance hall start your journey through the magnificent Kings and Queen’s State Apartments. Filled with stories of two royal courts; the Stuarts and the Hanoverians, learn what you would have worn, how you should behave and how to succeed in the heady atmosphere of the palace state apartments. Victoria Revealed, a fascinating exhibition, set within the rooms Victoria grew up in as a child, explores her life and reign in her own words with quotations from her intimate diaries. Imagine how she felt at just 17 years old on her first day as Queen at Kensington Palace, discover her romantic side through letters and gifts exchanged with Prince Albert and take a peep at moments of family life with her children and grand-children. The glossy and glamorous exhibition, Fashion rules: gets a make-over, becoming Fashion rules: Restyled. A new collection of dress from the collections of HM Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Margaret and Diana Princess of Wales represents the story of the monarchy in the 20th century featuring rare and exquisite dresses from The Queen, Princesses Margaret and Diana, Princess of Wales. Discover how the royal figures and fashions were representative of the spirit of each decade. Surrounded by contemporary photography, film, music and including accessories, get a real sense of the 1950’s through to the 1990s, decades in which the clothes were worn and how they reflected and inspired everyday fashions.
San Diego Zoo Global is a not-for-profit organization that operates the San Diego Zoo, the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, and the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research. San Diego Zoo Global is the largest zoological membership association in the world, with more than 250,000 member households and 130,000 child memberships representing more than a half-million people. Mission Statement San Diego Zoo Global is committed to saving species worldwide by uniting our expertise in animal care and conservation science with our dedication to inspiring passion for nature. San Diego Zoo The 100-acre (40-hectare) Zoo is home to over 3,700 rare and endangered animals representing more than 650 species and subspecies, and a prominent botanical collection with more than 700,000 exotic plants. It is located just north of downtown San Diego in Balboa Park. San Diego Zoo Safari Park The Safari Park is an expansive wildlife sanctuary that is home to more than 2,600 animals representing more than 300 species. Its renowned botanical collection represents 3,500 species and 1.5 million specimens. Over half of the Park’s 1,800 acres (730 hectares) have been set aside as protected native species habitat. It is located 30 miles (48 kilometers) north of downtown San Diego in the San Pasqual Valley near Escondido, California.
Madame Tussauds Millones y millones de personas se han congregado en las puertas de Madame Tussauds desde que se abrieron hace 200 años y actualmente sigue siendo una actividad tan popular como antes. Hay muchas razones para este éxito duradero, pero en el fondo la clave de todo es la curiosidad humana. Los visitantes de hoy son enviados en un viaje extraordinario y emocionalmente por los reinos de los poderosos y famosos. Las típicas barreras de los museos desaparecen aquí para que los visitantes realmente se puedan acercar a las celebridades, leyendas del deporte, pesos pesados de la política y iconos histórios, dando a conocer hechos históricos, eventos y momentos que marcaron el mundo. Con 14 emocionantes e interactivas zonas así como la increíble experiencia cinematográfica Marvel Super Heroes 4D, el Madame Tussauds Londres combina toda la pompa y glamour con historias increíbles. Camine a través de la alfombra roja y pose al lado de Kate Winslet, justo antes de retar a sus deportistas favoritos como Tom Daley o Lewis Hamilton. Empiece su experiencia real con una audiencia con la Reina antes de posar junto a los Duques de Cambridge. También podrá acercarse a sus Superhéroes Marvel preferidos antes de vivir la espectacular y exclusiva película Marvel Super Heroes 4D, donde los Superhéroes de Marvel lucharán para salvar Londres de un mal creciente. ¿Con quién desea hacerse una foto? London Eye Con 140 metros de altura, el London Eye es la noria más alta del mundo. 32 Cápsulas, en que cada una puede cargar 25 personas, le llevarán en un viaje de 30 minutos a través de las vistas más espectaculares de todo Londres y sus alrededores, abarcando 40 kilómetros en todas las direcciones. La Experiencia London Eye 4D La Experiencia London Eye 4D es una película 3D pionera en efectos especiales, como el viento, la niebla y las burbujas, que hacen el 4D. La película en sí es una conmovedora historia de una niña con su padre en Londres. Su punto de vista de los monumentos de Londres está oscurecida por las personas y el tráfico, pero una gaviota atrae su atención hacia el London Eye y su padre la lleva a esa experiencia; finalmente, puede disfrutar de unas increíbles vistas de la ciudad. Una vistosa fiesta dentro de la cápsula, un time lapse del día y la noche en el London Eye y un espectacular castillo de fuegos artificiales se muestran para sumarse a una experiencia emocional y entretenida; el preludio perfecto para una experiencia en el propio London Eye. Por favor, recuerde que el procedimiento de embarque para el London Eye dura unos 30 minutos. Nuestro precio es el mismo que el que podría pagar comprando en el sitio web del London Eye o en líneas telefónicas de reserva y no hay restricciones en las reservas de última hora. Para una perspectiva diferente, visítelo al atardecer y vea como se encienden las luces de la ciudad y el horizonte se inunda de colores vibrantes. No se permite subir al London Eye a los niños no acompañados. Cualquier reserva hecha para un niño no acompañado será tomada como una confirmación de que el niño se unirá a un grupo bajo la supervisión de un adulto. 365Tickets no se hará responsable si a un niño no se le permite acceder al London Eye por ir solo, ni su vale será reembolsable. La seguridad es su prioridad número uno. Para su seguridad y comodidad, por favor lea la siguiente información sobre qué elementos pueden y no pueden ser subidos al London Eye. Tenga en cuenta que todos los visitantes pueden ser sometidos a un registro de seguridad al subir al London Eye. Tenga en cuenta que los siguientes artículos se pueden subir a bordo del London Eye: • maletines • ordenadores portátiles • bolsas pequeñas y mochilas (tamaño máximo de 18 "x 13" x 8 "o 46cm x 33cm x 20cm) • bolsas de bebé Los siguientes artículos no pueden ser subidos a bordo del London Eye: • bolsas grandes / maletas • cascos de motocicleta • monopatines y patines • trípodes (salvo que se acuerde de antemano con el London Eye) • cochecitos de bebé * • artículos prohibidos ** Si no está seguro. * Los cochecitos de bebé se pueden dejar en nuestras instalaciones del área 'Buggy' en la sala de entrada, aunque sólo durante la duración de la experiencia. ** Los artículos prohibidos incluyen objetos afilados o cualquier cosa que pueda ser considerada un riesgo para la seguridad, incluyendo navajas, tijeras, limas de metal, juguetes o réplicas de pistolas. Si se encuentran o se declaran tales objetos le serán revisados y devueltos después de su experiencia, siempre que el artículo sea legal en el Reino Unido. Términos y Condiciones 1. Los objetos confiscados se dejaran en todo momento a riesgo del propietario. 2. London Eye Company (LEC) no asume ninguna responsabilidad por la pérdida o daño de cualquier objeto que deje en el London Eye. 3. LEC tiene el derecho de rechazar el almacenamiento de objetos de cualquier visitante a su discreción, ya sea por razones de seguridad pública o cualquier otra razón. Tower Bridge Hace 100 años, los victorianos construyeron un puente que ha llegado a ser uno de los más famosos iconos de Londres. Fue construido para cruzar el Támesis, y al mismo tiempo permitir la entrada de buques cuando el puente estuviera levantado. Hoy por hoy ofrece las vistas más espectaculares. Los visitantes entran a la Exposición del Tower Bridge través de la Torre del Norte. Son transportados con ascensor a la cima de la Torre (47 metros por encima del Támesis) donde tienen una oportunidad extraordinaria para ver esqueleto del acero del Puente. Una película corta explica la historia y la procedencia del Puente y después los visitantes tienen la oportunidad de admirar las espectaculares vistas.
Shearwater is a classic Newport-style schooner yacht, only recently recognized as a national landmark in 2009. The vessel was built by Rice Brother Corporation in East Boothbay, Maine, back in a time when yachting was a rare combination of elegance and adventure; Rice Bros. were well known for building luxury pleasure yachts and produced some 4,000 hulls over a period of 64 years. The keel was laid down on January 4, 1929 and a news clip from the Boothbay Register reflects alongside a photograph "Tyler Hodgon at the old Tide Mill is getting out timbers for the schooner to be built at Rice’s. Vessel to be built of native white oak." Traditionally built from hand-hewn native white oak, she was the last boat to be constructed at that yard - likely due to the ensuing Great Depression brought on by the Stock Market Crash that occurred later that autumn. East Boothbay was a small coastal town with shipbuilding being its only industry. About 40 workmen were employed for the construction of SHEARWATER. Her designer Theodore Donald Wells was born in Hudson Falls, N Y on October 22, 1875. He was a naval architect and marine engineer, a member of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers and also the Institute of Naval Architects London. His education included post-graduate work at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. He began his career as a member of the firm Herreshoff and Wells, N. Y. City in 1902. Working with Herreshoff no doubt had an influence on his designs, which bear similarities to many of the famous Herreshoff designed yachts of that time. From 1903 to 1907 he worked for Wintringham and Wells and then began practicing his profession under his own name. Mr. Wells joined the Navy Department in March 1917 and became Superintending Constructor of the Baltimore District U. S. N. Notable yachts designed and constructed under his supervision are "Viking" a 272 foot steel motor yacht built for George F. Baker in 1929 by Newport News and "Karina" a three masted schooner built for Robert E. Tod in 1932 by Staten Island Shipbuilding. Mr. Tod was a well-known offshore yachtsman as was his former yacht ‘Thistle", which competed in the Emperors Cup ocean race. SHEARWATER was launched on May 4, 1929 and photographs in the Boothbay Register reflect her graceful and elegant lines. Her first Captain, Leon Esterbrook of Edgarton, MA, arrived to take charge of the fitting out. Her owner Charles E Dunlap was a member of the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club, Oyster Bay, NY and this became SHEARWATER’s first homeport after her completion in late September 1929. It was there in Oyster Bay that she first started to thrill those who sailed in luxury aboard her and those who were privileged to crew her on race day. Since her launching and documentation in Lloyd’s Register of American Yachts in 1929, she has had a colorful history and has been carefully maintained and restored to standards that few contemporary vessels are able to match and is truly a piece of American Maritime History. On November 7, 1942 SHEARWATER was requisitioned by the War Shipping Administration and became a member of The United States Coast Guard’s Coastal Picket Patrol during World War Two. She was painted gray and bore the numbers CG67004. Based at Little Creek, Virginia she patrolled the waters east of the Chesapeake Bay entrance and south towards Cape Hatteras. Her skipper during that period reflected on how they used their free time while out on submarine patrol to race against other yachts and in his own words "sailed in tandem with the schooner Lord Jim, racing in and out of port, up and down the east coast and winning." She was designed and built as a gaff rigged schooner but during this period was changed to a Marconi rig. She carries over 2,550 square feet while under full sail. A true veteran world cruiser, she first transited the Panama Canal in July 1946 and in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s completed a two and a half-year global circumnavigation. In December 1971 Mrs. John B. Thayer of Rosemont, wife of a former trustee and treasurer, donated SHEARWATER to the University of Pennsylvania’s Institute of Environmental Medicine. She was used by the university as a laboratory for research on physiological responses to the stresses of living and working underwater. Captained by James Shearson, she was fitted with compressors, generators, monitoring instruments and a small decompression chamber. She has participated in many Ancient Mariner and Classic yacht races in U S waters as well as racing in the Bay of Islands in New Zealand while on her circumnavigation in the early 1980’s. It is rumored she was once dismasted in the famous Newport to Bermuda race. She was last raced by the current owners in San Diego in May 1995 in the American Schooner Cup and finished second overall. She entered the yacht charter industry in 1966 whilst on the West Coast sailing to the Channel Islands and was again used to generate income to keep her shipshape while owned by the University of Pennsylvania. During the chartering industry’s infancy in the Caribbean, SHEARWATER was known as the " Queen of the Fleet". Today she continues this tradition offering the most unique sailing experience and has passed rigid Coast Guard inspections and can carry up to 49 passengers. We welcome you to join us for an excellent opportunity to experience the ambiance of a vintage sailing vessel while delighting in the splendors of The Manhattan sky-line, the Statue of Liberty or the beauty of the oceans beyond.