Eleaf iStick MIX Kit consists of iStick MIX Mod and ELLO POP Atomizer. Comes with smooth feel because of the ergonomic design. Powered by dual 18650 batteries, it can fire up to 160 watts of power. As for the ELLO POP Atomizer, it adopts a newly kind of HW/M/N coils, so the kit can create huge clouds and intense flavor. With the top filling system, you just need to slide the top cap back to reveal the fill port. Together with the unique silicone ring protections, it makes the atomizer touch feeling good. Elegant appearance with mistery pattern Avatar Chip for Stable and Fast Fire Speed Stable, efficient, innovative Type-C QC charge port Powered by 2 x 18650(Sold Separately) 160W maxmium output Compact design, comfortable to hold 6.5ml large e-juice capacity Distinctive in Molding Label(IML) Technology New HW-M2 / HW-N2 Coils with LPSC Technology Unique silicone ring prevents glass tube from being crushed Top filling system with childproof structure Brand: iSmoka Eleaf Model iStick Mix Max Output Wattage 160W Tank Capacity 6.5ml/2ml Resistance Range 0.05¦¸-3.0¦¸ Size 134.5 x 52 x 27mm
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Composition: Piment de la Jamaique grain entier (Guatemala) Marque: Cook Certifie AB
Ein Muss für Erdnuss-Tiger! Mehr Erdnuss geht nicht! In diesem Glas stecken 100 Prozent beste Bio-Erdnüsse, die schonend geröstet und sorgfältig zu einer feiner Creme vermust werden. Und diese ist nicht nur auf einem Stück Brot ein einzigartiger Genuss, sondern verfeinert auch zahlreiche Gerichte auf ganz besondere Art. Fettfrei geröstet Als Aufstrich sowie zum Kochen und Backen verwendbar Vegan & glutenfrei Frei von Zusatzstoffen Wenn sich nusseigenes Öl absetzt, einfach wieder cremig rühren Zutaten: Erdnüsse* *aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau
Delivery From Late April Onwardsthe Golden Bolder Beetroot Is A Super Tasty Variety And Produces Stunning Smooth Skinned Golden Yellow Roots. Use The Larger Roots To Make Golden Beetroot Soup, Or Pick Earlier For Baby Beets And Use The Leaves In Salads And Stir Fries. 10 Healthy Growing Young Beetroot Plantsvariety: Golden Bolderplants Will Arrive Bare-rooted With An Approximate Height Of 3-12cmstunning Smooth Skinned Golden Yellow Beetsgrown Pesticide Freeplants Delivered From Late April To July.