The Pit Bull 10" Bottle with Wheel Perc is a must have for any smoking connoisseurs ensemble. These lovely glass pieces filter your favorite legal smoking blends to the utmost quality so your legal blends draw smooth every time. Its named, of course, because of its unmistakable bottle shape, which provides the perfect housing for the wheel perc that creates a 360° shower of bubbles. This simple, yet beautiful glass piece comes with a matching bowl and accented mouthpiece, which completes its finished look. Our Butler recommends you add this phenomenal piece to your ever-growing collection today! This glass piece has a 14mm female joint that will fit 14mm male accessories and replacements.
Coming with a titanium tip, this Silicone Nectar Collector is the perfect companion to make for an enjoyable concentrate experience! Since it is made of silicone, this nectar collector is easy to clean and will last for a long time. Even better, you get the perk of the fun color designs that come with this nectar collector to make it an easy favorite new piece in your rotation.
Maped Schüleretui Monster, aus Polyester, befüllt Inhalt: 12 Buntstifte, 12 Fasermaler, 1 Schere, 1 Spitzdose - 1 Stück (967434)
Wasserdichte Stoppuhr Digital Handheld LCD Timer Chronograph Sportzähler mit Riemen zum Schwimmen Laufen Fußballtraining
ROTH Hausaufgabenheft Superteens ""Cool Boy"", 2019/2020 für clevere Faule, DIN A5, 148 x 210 mm, 1 Woche / 2 Seiten - 1 Stück (88616-619)
UHU Schulmodul 2018 Vielzweckkleber flinke flasche ReNature Flasche aus 88% nachwachsenden Rohstoffen, glasklar, - 1 Stück (76436)