5 Übernachtungen inklusive reichhaltigem Frühstücksbuffet, 1 Begrüßungsdrink, 5 Abendessen im Rahmen der Verwöhnpension (Menü oder Buffet), Ganzkörperpeeling ?Smoothy? (25 min.), Ganzkörperbehandlung ?Body and Soul-Aromaölmassage? (55 min.), BABOR TECH Microdermabrasion mit Ultraschall (60 min.), Fußmassage ?Fire and Ice? (45 min.), Spa & Fitness Grafenwald sind frei nutzbar (Hallenschwimmbad mit Saunalandschaft, Fitnessstudio und die Teilnahme an allen Workout-Kursen), Kuscheliger Leihbademantel, frische Handtücher, bequeme Badeslipper
N° 14 Lili est fâchée avec sa copine Lili est fâchée avec sa copine Clara. Elle se sent blessée et seule au monde ! Pourtant, un jour, elle décide de faire le premier pas pour sauver cette amitié... Une histoire pour oser dire ce que l?on ressent et...
These Forgefix traditional slotted, single thread Wood Screws have countersunk heads and can be used in many internal and external applications. They have a solid brass construction to avoid corrosion. APPLICATION:Used for both decorative and in applications where the screw may come in to contact with the elements avoiding corrosion.Can be used with all manner of wall plugs. Slotted screw driver required. With Slotted screwdrivers it is important to ensure that the tip matches the width of the screw slot, otherwise you run the risk of damaging the screw head. Slotted screwdrivers are available with either Flared or Parallel tips. For the majority of uses the Flared tip is ideal but if the screw needs to be driven below the material surface a Parallel tip screwdriver should be used. Countersunk heads are designed to sink flush with substrates to leave a smooth surface finish. The single threads have been designed to offer higher pull out values and quicker insertion.Wood Screw Slotted Countersunk Solid Brass 1.3/4 x 10 Box 200
4 Übernachtungen, 4 x reichhaltiges Frühstück , 1 x Flasche Sekt -serviert in der Suite, 1 x 3-Gang-Dinner am Anreiseabend (nach Wahl des Küchenchefs), inkl. TV in der Suite, inkl. Zeit zu zweit in Berlin genießen