Beschreibung WEDO Allround-Cutter, Klinge: 18 mm, schwarz/gelb gummierte Griffzone, Abbrechhilfe, ABS-Kunststoffgehäuse, Messerführung aus Metall, Rastervorschub mit automatischer Klingenarretierung, inkl. 2 Ersatzklingen, auf Blisterkarte, Maße: (B)170 x (T)40 x (H)25 mm (78 618)
These sleekly packaged WU-Tang rolling papers are made of 100% organic hemp and come with their own rolling tips. Being made from organic hemp provides the smoker with an even burn throughout ensuring every smoke session is that much more enjoyable. Each booklet contains 32 leaves and 32 tips and each elegant box contains 22 booklets.
UHU Schulmodul Klebestift stic + Klebepads patafix beinhaltet: 192 x Klebestift stic 8,2 g + 72 GRATIS, 96 x - 1 Stück (35700)
Permanent bond for adhering most types of flooring in either sheet or tile format . The ready mixed, easy to use adhesive may be used on interior porous floors.A synthetic rubber/aqueous adhesive for fixing most types of PVC flooring, cork tiles, linoleum, latex foam or jute backed carpeting to substrates.2.5 Litre Tub.
Anker CCC, hellgrau Kassenlade, Klappdeckel, Maße (BxHxT): 484,6x103x168mm, 5 Scheinfächer (vertikal), 8 Münzfächer, Anschluß an Kassendrucker, 24V, 8,4kg, Farbe: hellgrau (16101.700-0001)
UHU Klebestift stic ""PETS"", COLLECTION BOX, 8 x 8,2 g Klebestifte mit den Schulmotiven aus dem Film ""PETS"", - 1 Stück (35040)