Spezifikation:MaterialZinklegierungGröße7.4 x 6.6 x 0.5cmEigenschaften:EinfacheStruktur,geringeGröße,geringesGewicht, bequem für gewöhnliche Menschen nach kurzer Lernzeit zu meisternEskannalsSchlüsselanhängerundim Notfall als Artikel verwendet werden.Lieferinhalt:1xEDCFingerring
Helly Bikereyes: Wenn Klassik auf Moderne trifft Das Helly Bikereyes Modell der "H3" Serie ist nicht nur ein optisches Highlight. Dank der speziellen Aufnahme ist das flexible Band auch über dem Helm tragbar. Die drei Silikonstreifen sorgen dabei für einen optimalen Sitz. Dieses Modell kommt mit GRATIS Zubehör im Wert von 24,90 Euro!
Reich an Kieselsäure und bioaktiven Pflanzenstoffen Avean Sativa ist reich an Kieselsäure und bioaktiven Pflanzenstoffen. Wissenswertes über das Haferstroh: Es wird aus den Laubblättern und Stängeln des Hafers gewonnen, das kurz vor der Vollbüte geerntet wird Verzehrempfehlung: 2 Kapseln täglich mit einer Mahlzeit oder einem Glas Wasser einnehmen. Inhaltsstoff pro 2 Kapseln Haferstroh (Avena sativa) 700 mg Zutaten: Haferstroh, Gelatine*, Cellulose**, Siliciumdioxid**, Magnesiumstearat*** *Kapselhülle **Füllstoff ***Trennmittel
Makari Exclusive Toning Cream helps to reduce the appearance of dark spots and pigmentation. Makari Exclusive Toning Cream also nourishes the skin.
Opti-Free Puremoist multi-purpose solution combines the comfort of long-lasting moisture and the healthiness of clean contact lenses. The Hydraglyde Moisture Matrix keeps your contact lenses hydrated from insertion to removal, surrounding them in a cushion of moisture that will keep your lenses moist and feeling great for up to 16 hours. Its proven disinfecting system, based on the unique ingredients, protect your eyes from irritations due to harmful microorganisms or protein deposits. The unique formula of Opti-Free Puremoist suits all types of soft contact lenses; its extreme gentleness is ideal for the care of sensitive eyes. This Twin Pack contains a 2-month supply of solution and 2 lens cases.
NeilMed NasoGel Drip Free Gel Spray for Dry NosesNeilMed NasoGel Drip Free Gel Spray provides long lasting moisture to soother and hydrate dry and irritated nasal passages caused by:Nose bleedsIndoor heatDry climateAir travel and hotelsOxygen usersNeilMed NasoGel is a water soluble saline gel in spray form.DirectionsUse 1-2 sprays of NasoGel into each nostril every 4 to 6 hours. In cases of persistent dryness, you may increase the frequency after consulting a physician.Step 1: Remove the cap from the nozzle.Step 2: Remove safety cap.Step 3: To prime the pump, press the pump and hold it in the down position for 4 seconds then release. Repeat 4 to 5 times. IMPORTANT NOTE: You have to press and then hold it in the pressed position for 4 seconds before releasing.Step 4: After priming the pump the Gel is ready to dispense.Step 5: Use 2-4 sprays of NasoGel Drip Free Spray in each nostril every 4-6 hours. In cases of persistence dryness, you may increase frequency of use.Step 6: Replace the safety clasp and cap after use to avoiding drying. The pump will stay primed for a few days. Re-prime the pump as the air pressure is lost.IngredientsSodium Hyaluronate, Carboxymethylcellulose, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Bicarbonate, Glycerin, Aloe Vera, Allantoin, Propylene Glycol & USP Grade Purified Water. Benzalkonium Chloride is added as a preservative.CautionsKeep out of reach of children.Store in a cool, dry place and protect from freezing.Use only as directed.Do not use for mouth dryness.Please do not discard the printed box. The inside final product may not have all the details you require for the ongoing use of the product.Do not use this product if you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed on the box.