Großer Bogen (10 x 30 cm) mit 10 selbstklebenden Kristall-Bordüren, klar. Jeder Kristallstrang ist ca. 29 cm lang und besteht aus 46 aneinandergereihten und fest verbundenen Kristallen, jeweils ca. Ø 6 mm. Der gesamte Bogen besteht aus ca. 460 Kristallen. Kombinieren Sie die Bordüren zu Zwei- oder Drei-Reihern. Die Länge der Bordüren können Sie dabei leicht selbst bestimmen: Kleben Sie mehrere ...
The Flexipad Medium Density Pads are suitable for polishing and grinding, these will accept GRIP® and hook and loop backed sanding discs. The super polyurethane backing pad is made from impact resistant synthetic nylon which is bonded to microcellular polyurethane and with internal thread to suit sanders and polishers. Excellent resistance to initial and continuing tearing, oil and ageing. Made in Great Britain.Size: 178mm.Thread: M14 x 2.Max RPM: 4500.
This Faithfull rule is extruded from 50 mm wide anodised aluminium, and is clearly graduated on both edges.It also features a handy metric / imperial conversion chart on the reverse and a hanging hole for storage.Imperial and Metric markings.Length: 1m (39 in)
Muspor 17 Keys EQ Kalimba Solid Acacia Thumb Piano Link Speaker Pastilla eléctrica con bolsa Cable Calimba Mbira Keyboard Instrument
3-D Stickerbogen mit selbstklebenden 3-D Motiven, verschiedene Größen, jeweils 2 bis 3 Steps je Motiv, mit Glitzersteinen und Glimmerlack-Veredelung, ca. 12,5 x 18,5 cm.
The Dormer P813 Solid Carbide Rotary Burr Bright with pointed tree ball nose geometry for skip flute grinding and increased strength at the centre. With a reduced chance of swarf congestion and improved cutting action closer to the centre. Produces double cuts, making it first choice for general machining. With an improved ease of control, increased metal removal rate and breaks swarf into manageable pieces. They have toughened and hardened steel shanks that provide rigidity and strength. This prevents bending and reduces vibrations for an improved tool life. Ground to h6 (Carbide) and h7 (Steel). Excellent impact strength that is able to withstand high forces and to withstand higher temperature without failing. Special brazing elements provide excellent braze strength.The Dormer Solid Carbide Bright Rotary Burr Pointed Tree has the following specification: Diameter: 6.3mm.Shank Diamter: 3mm.Working Length: 12.7mm.Overall Length: 45mm.