OptiLube Lubricating Jelly 42gOptiLube is a water based, water soluble gel, which has a non sticky, non greasy formulation. OptiLube will not damage rubber or metal and is safe to use on human tissue.Suitable for use in gynaecological exams, electrotherapy, cystoscopic, digital examination and introducing airways or where additional lubrication is needed. Water Soluble Lubricating JellySterile and greaseless Safe for use on human tissue
Type:Stylus Pens; Style:Japan and Korea Style; Material:PVC(PolyVinyl Chloride); Compatibility:iPhone 8 Plus / 7 Plus / 6S Plus / 6 Plus; Cable Length:Short(Under 20 cm); Features:Creative; Listing Date:09/04/2019; Production mode:External procurement; Popular Country:Israel,Ireland,United States
Keep calm und keep distance – Abstand halten sieht gut aus! Mit unserer Community-Maske sensibilisierst du deine Mitmenschen für Social Distancing und kannst dazu beitragen, ihr Ansteckungsrisiko und die Verbreitung der Pandemie zu reduzieren. #staysafe
Weil #stayhome nicht für alle gilt: Pro zwei verkaufter Masken spenden wir eine Maske an Obdachlose!
Beachte die geltenden Hygieneregeln wie Abstandhalten und regelmäßiges, gründliches Händewaschen mit Seife. Wasche deine Maske nach jedem Tragen bei 60°. Mehr zu Handling und Hygiene sowie Infos zu unserem Masken-Projekt erfährst du in unserem Blog.
Nachtpheromone fur Manner ist eine Pheromon-Anwendung mit Duftstoffen, die mannliche und weibliche Wunsche mit drei vitalen Pheromonen erganzt. Der Nachtpheromone fur Manner Stick hat einen angenehm warmen, moschusartigen, maskulinen Duft. In einem diskreten Stift im Taschenformat kann es uberall un
2-layer mouth-nose mask. With rubber band. Suitable for women and men and for different head sizes. Color dark red. Material: 100% cotton. Skin-friendly base fabric with some elasticity for good wearing comfort. The 2 layers provide additional protection. This fabric mask has the following properties: Reusable Hygienic Neutral Good fit High fabric density Maintenance: The fabric masks can be washed or steam ironed to make them clean and reusable.Viruses are killed at temperatures of 60 degrees Celsius. The moisture buildup in the fabric through prolonged breathing forms bacteria, thus it must be washed at this temperature. As such, 2 masks per person is recommended. !!! For hygienic reasons, fabric masks are excluded from return and exchange. FABRIC MASKS (mouth and nose covering) - a good addition in the fight against Covid-19 What can these fabric masks be used for? This mouth and n...
Sorbaderm Barrier CreamSorbaderm Barrier Cream provides intact skin with long lasting barrier protection from sources of moisture (bodily waste and fluids), irritation and skin stripping from adhesive products. It also contains a moisturiser to help improve skin integrity, does not impede the absorbency of dressings or clog continence pads and will allow medical adhesives to stick to the skin.Sorbaderm Barrier Cream can be used to:Protect from moisture associated skin damage (bodily waste, fluids etc.).Reduce risk of maceration.Reduce risk of skin stripping from adhesive devices.Protect peri-wound skin.Moisturise to improve skin integrity.