Striagen-SV Spider Veins is a cream for the worry of visible veins, and aims to soothe & strengthen with innovative PhytotonineTM & body-boosting Vitamins K & E, enhanced with Jojoba & Aloe Vera. Striagen-SV Spider Veins is perfectly formulated for targeted twice daily application.
Dandrene Champu es ideal para el tratamiento de la caspa, ademas que fortalece y revitaliza el cuero cabelludo para reducir su aparicion. La formula de Dandrene Champu contiene Zinc, Granada y Proteina de Lupino en una innovadora encapsulacion de nanosomas.
Product Features 8 preprogrammed exercise routines workout anytime, anywhere. The surface is sleek fit and wireless. It is suitable for stiff shoulders, chronic lower back pain, neuralgia, rheumatism, leg ache and general fatal fatigue, gastrological, cervical vertebra and neck pain, omalgia toothache, deficiency in energy, weak sexual functions and menstrual disorder. Output of 2 channels-A or B can be used to treat various parts of body simultaneously.