Egrow 100Pcs/Pack Echeveria Succulents Lithops Seeds Home Garden Bonsai Flower Seeds Planting
Easy to apply and removes without damaging paint or leaving any sticky residues. A colorful, fun and exciting map for any young child to engage their imaginations. Transparent edges, no white edges around each sticker.
Stiga 17 Inch x 8 Inch ladder style snow chain for the following Stiga ride on and compact lawnmowers. - Stiga Park Pro 16 4WD - Stiga Park Pro 21 4WD - Stiga Park Pro 25 4WDLadder snow chains are distinctive by how they appear on the surface of the tyre. The surface that makes contact with the road looks like a ladder with cross chains running perpendicular across the tyre.
This apron is a must have while doing garden work. This robust and sturdy apron has several spacious compartments that can be used for a variety of garden tools. The apron comes with trowel and hand rake. The apron can be folded into a convenient carrier bag which helps protects the tools. The neck strap and belt are both fully adjustable. Set consists of apron, trowel and cultivator hand rake. Adjustable neck strap and belt. Easy to take with you. Tools come with leather hanging loop.
Beschreibung Hauswasserwerk HWW 3500/25 Inox Max. Fördermenge 3500 l/h Max. Förderhöhe 45 m Für die automatische Wasserversorgung, zur Gartenbewässerung, Grundwasserförderung sowie zum Fördern, Auspumpen und Umwälzen von Klarwasser. Druckschalter für automatische Aktivierung des Hauswasserwerks bei größerem Wasserbedarf. Separate Wasser-Einfüllöffnung für einfache Inbetriebnahme der Pumpe. Werkzeuglose Wasser-Ablassschraube zum Schutz bei Frostgefahr. Ausstattung: Wartungsfreier Kondensatormotor Überlastschutz Gleitringdichtungssystem für lange Lebensdauer Edelstahl-Pumpengehäuse. Technische Daten: Betriebsspannung: 230 V/50 Hz Druckanschluss: 30,3 mm (1"""") IG Förderhöhe (max.): 45 m Fördermenge (max.): 3500 l/h Kabellänge: 1,5 m Leistungsaufnahme (P1): 900 W Sauganschluss: 30,3 mm (1"""") IG Selbstansaugend bis: 8 m
The Green2Clean 24000 offers tremendous value for money for those pondkeepers wanting to look after a medium/large pond. This filter can keep a pond volume of 24,000 litres clean and healthy. If keeping goldfish then the capacity is reduced to 16,000 litres (8,000 litres if keeping koi). Always popular due to it's low price, this filter offers a large amount of filter media necessary when keeping a big pond. It also boasts a powerful 25 watt UVC to help prevent the water from going green.