Yocan Evolve Plus Concentrate Vaporizer

Yocan Evolve Plus Concentrate Vaporizer

$ 30 $ 41,1
Code produit: 505_267195_147683
Disponibilité: En stock


Yocan is quickly becoming favorite vaporizer brand for many due to their high-quality vaporizers that are easy to use and give you a smooth and clean burn that keeps the flavor of your concentrates crisp. Their new dual quartz coil system allows for an even heating experience, giving you a smoother and purer smoke. The Evolve Plus also features a silicone container in the bottom, allowing you to easily store you concentrates when you travel! Quick to heat up, this Evolve Plus vaporizer will be the new favorite for any vape fan who enjoys a better experience with their favorite concentrates. Keep your vaporizer running smoothly with an additional set of new coils and coil caps ! Handheld Made for concentrates Heats up instantly Rechargeable battery 15 seconds of continuous heat 1100mAH battery QDC coil technology (quartz dual coil) Bottom features built-in silicone jar Comes with extra quartz coil, concentrate tool, and micro USB charger cord

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