Le Trésor de Noa (El Tesoro de Noa): el nuevo espectáculo adecuado tanto para niños como adultos La Ciudad Marina le está esperando para que descubra su memorable manada de delfines. Contemple los espectáculos diarios y comparta un momento tierno y cómplice con los delfines. Le Trésor de Noa (El Tesoro de Noa) es un cuento para aprender las características de los delfines de una forma divertida (su anatomía, su comportamiento, cómo cazan, su vida en grupo...). Giros, saltos y efectos especiales se suman para ilustrar mejor la historia de Noa, la joven exploradora. Observe sus sesiones de juego en ciertos momentos del día. Luego aprofundice su visita pasando por una galería subacuática de 100 metros de largo, que ofrece unas vistas impresionantes de los delfines. Siga con la aventura pasando a través del puente de la jungla, situado a una altura de 6 metros y que mide 250 m de largo, mientras va en busca de una tribu de macacos que conviven con cerdos vietnamitas… Finalmente, descubre el nuevo Le Chemin de Brousse (El Camino del Arbusto): Esta ruta africana conocida como "Planeta Salvaje" le permite observar animales típicos e icónicos (suricatas, cálaos, grullas, ibis, dik-dik ...) en grandes áreas mientras cruza el puente de madera. El recorrido continúa con una visita a la Villa Africana, disfrute de sus cuentacuentos y de la percusión en cabañas (sólo en verano) y también encontrará jardines, animales domésticos y salas con reptiles. Luego saldrá del continente para visitar la hermosa isla de Madagascar, donde podrá observar a lémures moviéndose libremente entre los visitantes. Finalmente, la ruta le ofrece una experiencia única, ya que el camino le lleva a un mirador donde podrá observar rinocerontes, jirafas y antílopes.
Tower of London One of the most famous buildings in the world, the Tower of London was constructed in the 11th century - almost a 1,000 years ago and has been witness to countless significant events in the development of Britain's now democratic monarchy. During your tour of the Tower of London you will meet the magnificent Yeoman Warders or 'Beefeaters', clad as they were in Tudor times, hear the legend of the ravens and spine chilling tales from the Tower's long history. See the infamous Bloody Tower where the Princes were murdered, Beauchamp Tower where visitors can read carved inscriptions of past prisoners and Traitors Gate where those unlucky enough not to survive imprisonment had their heads impaled - and much more. We sell at less than the gate price, which gives you access to all the Towers and Attractions, as well as the unique Gift Shops, the historic New Armouries Restaurant, Tower Cafe and Kiosk. Your Tower ticket also includes entry to the Crown Jewels. All internal buildings close 30 minutes after the last admission. The Tower closes one hour after the last admission. We recommend that you allow 2-3 hours for your visit to the Tower. The Tower is closed 24-26 December and 1 January (inclusive). London Eye At 450ft high, the London Eye is the world's highest observation wheel. 32 Capsules, each carrying 25 guests, take you on a 30 minute journey through the most spectacular views of, over and around London spanning 25 miles in all directions. Combine your experience with the London Eye River Cruise Experience, a 40-minute sightseeing circular cruise on the River Thames, passing the Houses of Parliament, Tower of London and St Paul's Cathedral. London Eye 4D Experience The London Eye 4D Experience is a groundbreaking 3D film with in theatre effects, such as wind, bubbles and mist, to make the 4D. The film itself is a touching story of a little girl in London with her father. Her view of famous London landmarks is obscured by people and traffic, but a seagull draws her attention to the London Eye and her father takes her for an experience; finally she has an amazing view of the city. Colourful parties inside the capsule, time lapse of the London Eye day and night and a spectacular firework display all add up to an emotional and entertaining experience; the perfect prelude to an experience on he London Eye itself. Please remember that the boarding procedure for the London Eye takes 30 minutes so you will need to arrive at least 30 minutes before your reserved time. Please take this into consideration when choosing your time. We have timed allocations for every day of the year. You book online direct from our allocations and your booking is therefore immediately confirmed subject only to the authorisation of your credit card charge. If no suitable time is available, you will be given the option of a request booking which will be fulfilled as soon as we are able to get additional space - for which we check with London Eye Administration on a daily basis. The confirmed time of your request booking will be printed on your voucher together with details of how to get to the London Eye. You will need to exchange your voucher and join the boarding procedure at least 30 minutes before your confirmed time. A spectacular day out for all the family!
El chef y el personal de cocina les preparará un menú distintivo de aperitivos, entrantes y postres a bordo del crucero, complementado con una amplia carta de vinos. Podrá pedir su menú de inmediato o pedir que la traigan a un ritmo más pausado. Menú Cena Buffet* Ensaladas Ensalada orgánica mixta Cebollas rojas | Tomates cherry | Pepino | Zanahoria rallada | Maíz | Picatostes | Aliño ranchero | Aliño italiano Espinacas orgánicas y ensalada de col rizada Queso Parmesano | Pimientos rojos | Cebolla roja | Aderezo de limón y orégano Ensalada mediterránea de cuscús y garbanzos Cebolleta | Vinagreta de comino - paprika Ensalada de remolacha roja Cebollino | Menta fresca | perejil Ensalada De Camarones Orzo & Bay Cebollino | Pepinos | Tomates Cherry | Vinagreta De Eneldo Y Mostaza ~ ~ ~ Vegetales, Patatas y Pasta Brócoli asado Aceite de oliva | Ajo | Hojuela de chile Crema de maíz y queso chedar Chiles verdes | Cebollino | Cilantro fresco Pasta gratinada Salsa de espinacas | Queso Parmesano | Mozzarella Puré de patatas Mantequilla | Crema | Ajo ~ ~ ~ Entrantes Filete de bacalao al horno Salsa de tomate | Chalota | Alcaparras Pollo a la miel y sesamo Cebollino | Chiles de fresno Lomo De Cerdo Asado Salsa Crema de Mostaza Dijon Costillas Estofadas Zanahorias pequeñas | Salsa de Cabernet Sauvignon ~ ~ ~ Postres Fruta de temporada Bizcocho de limón y fresas Mousse de vainilla y salsa de frambuesa Brownie de Red Velvet con virutas de chocolate Budín de pan de manzana y caramelo *Café ilimitado, té caliente, té helado y agua. **Menú sujeto a cambios. Se ruega informe al realizar la reserve si alguien de su grupo tiene alergia a algún alimento.
Loro Park Come to Tenerife and visit the magnificent enclave of Loro Parque, an authentic realm of wild animals. Loro Parque is the No. 1 Zoo in the world according to the most famous review site. The whole family will love a day out at Loro Parque. Watch the dolphins, orca whales and penguins make a splash, and enjoy Lion's Kingdom, a large area where three (one male and two females) lions of the endangered Angola subspecies lives. Loro Parque houses the largest parrot collection in the world and a wide variety of terrestrial and marine mammals that leave you stunned. Conditions: Children under 6 years old have free entry. Valid Photo ID is required for entry with each booking - You will be refused entry if your ID does not match the stated visitor name. Sitio Litre Orchid Garden In 1852, the estate was bought by astronomer Charles Piazzi Smith. His descendants held on to the property till 1996, when businessman John Lucas purchased it and opened it to the public. As a result, Sitio Litre is the oldest continuously owned British property in Spain – 240 years and counting. Victorian botanist Marianne North, whose paintings are displayed in the house, said of Sitio Litre, ‘I never smelt roses as sweet as those in Mr Smith’s garden.’ And Agatha Christie was so taken by her stay that she was inspired to set a short story, The Man From The Sea, in Puerto de la Cruz.
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NUEVO : ¡Ha llegado The Big Show! Regálese una fantástica noche en Salou donde podrá disfrutar del espectáculo con toda la familia. ¡Y las bebidas incluidas! El espectáculo de The Big Show se divide en dos partes que empiezan con las deslumbrantes luces del West End de Londrs y explora los mejores musicales de la historia. Viva el Rey León, cante con las Dream Girls y entréguese con Los Miserables, sólo nombrando algunos. Y para los que ya habían venido y disfrutaron con Decades, ¡habrá tiempo para rememorar la fantástica época Disco! El DJ en vivo inyectará algunas de las melodías más clásicas en la sala mientras los cantantes y bailarines del espectáculo harán un espectáculo como nunca han visto. ¡Levántese de su asiento, baile y pase la mejor noche de su vida! Hay 3 nuevos paquetes que escoger, todos ofreciendo posibilidades excepcionales: VIP, Gold o Silver.