EmuaidMAX First Aid Ointment, a.k.a. Emuaid Red, is a high potency, exceptionally powerful skin cream, designed to target an exceptional and ever growing number of skin problems. Its potent natural blend includes Pure Colloidal Silver and Emu Oil, to be applied frequently over a short period.
Foligain Suplemento es un complejo avanzado disenado con el objetivo de proteger y fortalecer el cabello debil frente a la perdida del mismo. Foligain Suplemento de produccion vegana, contiene ingredientes naturales como Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng y Saw Palmetto.
Concu par les laboratoires Anagen Research, le spray Anasor.E est un excellent apaisant cutane pour le traitement du psoriasis. Scientifiquement teste et approuve - 2
Gamma Hydroxy est capable de lisser votre peau tout en estompant les imperfections, cicatrices d'acne, taches, et signes visibles de l'age. Texture agreable, legere et cremeuse - 2 pots
Skinception Microderm Facial Exfoliator aids in removing impurities and dead cells, offering a revitalised, calmed feel. The Microderm Facial Exfoliator aims to leave smooth, renewed skin with a fusion of potent fruit enzymes, that is augmented with Vitamin B3 and Hyaluronic Acid.
Manuka Seife wird mit einem Mix atherischer Ole hergestellt & reinigt, schutzt & beruhigt die Haut mit einem milden, aber frischen Duft.