Sanfte Gesichtsreinigung dank dem super-weichen Schwamm! Dieser Baumwoll-Schwamm ist das ideale Badezimmeraccessoire für die ganze Familie. Das weiche Material ermöglicht eine sanfte Reinigung des Gesichtes ohne zu allergischen Reaktionen oder Hautirritationen zu führen. Reinigung: Nach Benutzung unter klarem Wasser ausspülen und trocknen lassen. Regelmäßig in der Waschmaschine waschen. Material: 100% Baumwolle aus kbA hergestellt in Italien
Gel Polish Soak Off UV Gel gives a rainbow of modern fashionable colours. Ideal for semi-permanent colour services which can be incorporated into manicures and pedicures. Lasts much longer than traditional polish.All Season Professional is always there to provide you with the most extensive line of quality, professional products at the most competitive prices. Headquartered in Valencia, California USA. All Season Professional is the world leader in professional nail products and services. Just as each of nature s seasons stands out with its unique beauty and purpose, each product line is chosen with the utmost care by our All Season Professional family. Each product represents our commitment to superior quality and affordability. Whatever the season, you can always depend on All Season Professional.
Grafting Eyelashes Extension Silicone Pad False Eye Lash Holder Makeup Tool
This essential oil of rosemary from Aromatruth is fine quality, 100% pure diluted oil for aromatherapy or massage use. Can be used to subtly soothe, refresh, uplift, excite or generally promote a feeling of well being. Supplied in 10ml bottle.
Salon Services These pre soaked wipes are enhanced with Tea Tree and Lemon Oil to effectively cleanse and remove deodrant, make up and body oils from the skin for perfect waxing preparation. Approx. 100 wipes.
perfect for small, round and almond shaped eyes ideal for achieving a natural lash style convenient value pack contains 5 pairs of lashes and applicator can be used multiple times with proper care and cleaning