Das hochwertige Echtleder-Etui von ONLINE wertet jedes Schreibgerät zusätzlich auf und bietet ihm perfekten Schutz. Es eignet sich besonders als stilvolles Accessoire und rundet jedes hochwertige Schreibgerät als edles Geschenk ab – für viele unterschiedliche Anlässe. Das modische Echtleder-Etui besticht durch Qualität und innovatives Design. Passend für ein langes Schreibgerät.
FABER-CASTELL Druckbleistift APOLLO 2325, dunkelblau Minenstärke: 0,5 mm, federnd gelagerte Mine, inkl. - 1 Stück (232503)
These Majestic Grape flavor wraps remind of us of long summer days, drinking ice cold grape drink mix.
Maestro Panel End Office Desk with Two Pedestals- 1600mm- Beech The Maestro desk was designed for purpose, style and affordability. This office desk is ideal for your office, home office or study. With a wide range of styles, sizes and finishes, this desk is recommended for any size of office, and can be bought as a single unit or as part of a larger cluster. This model features two pedestals with a choice between one of each two and three drawer pedestals, 2x two drawer or 2x three drawer. Features Of the Maestro Office Desk Desktop features two cable access ports Stylish panel ends with a beech finish Two pedestals with a choice of 2 or 3 drawers Also available in Oak, Maple, Walnut and White Create single hot desks or large clusters Choice of matching storage to complement the range Supplied flat packed for easy home assembly