Nicotinell TTS20 14mg Patches (Step 2) 24 Hour Craving Control Nicotinell Patch is an aid to combat the withdrawal symptoms caused by giving up smoking. The patch is designed to supply your body with decreasing amounts of nicotine as you go from Step 1, to Step 2, to Step 3, helping you become smoke free. Nicotinell patch contains nicotine. Stop smoking aid. Always read the label. Requires willpower. Which patch do I need? If you smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day, use Step 1 Nicotinell TTS 30 (21mg/24hour) patches. If you smoke less than 20 cigarettes per day or you have completed Step 1, use Nicotinell TTS 20 (14mg/24 hour) patches. If you have completed Step 2, use Step 3 Nicotinell TTS 10 (7mg/24 hour) patches. Do not start the patch programme at Step 3. Directions For adults and adolescents over 12 years of age. Read the instructions that are in the pack. Apply one patch every 24 hours to a clean, dry hairless area of skin. After 24 hours, use a new patch. You must not smoke whilst using these patches. The patches are designed to be used continuously for 3 months but not beyond. If you still need help controlling your cravings at the end of the 12 week treatment period speak to a doctor, nurse or pharmacist for further advice. Warnings Do not use if you are a non-smoker or occasional smoker, you have a skin disease, or you are allergic to any of the components of the patch. Consult your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before starting to use these patches if you are under 12 years of age, in hospital with a serious heart disease, pregnant or breast feeding or under a doctors care or taking prescribed medication. See leaflet in the pack for full information. Do not exceed the stated dose. For external use only. Keep all medicines out of the reach and sight of children.
Condiment sale a base de sesame et d algues. Saveur marine. Riche en magnesium et en fer. Origine: Agriculture UE / non UE Ingredients:Sesame complet toaste, algues francaises (4,5%), sel marin (4%) issus de l agriculture biologique Allergenes presents: Contient du sesame, Traces d allergenes: consulter le fabricant Conseils d utilisation: A saupoudrer sur les salades, legumes cuits a la vapeur, pates, cereales,hellip; A conserver dans un endroit sec et frais, a l abri de la lumiere. Pot carton recyclable avec couvercle saupoudreur compostable Certifie AB
Der Minuty Prestige Rosé ist eine Komposition, die überwiegend aus Grenache besteht, vervollständigt durch Cinsault, Syrah und Tibouren. Die rote Rebsorte Tibouren wird fast ausschließlich im Département Var in der französischen Region Provence...
Der KWV Roodeberg Red Blend von der wohl berühmtesten Weinkellerei Südafrikas ist legendär. Weinliebhaber von allen Kontinenten lieben die rote Mischung, deren genaue Zusammensetzung das Geheimnis des Winzers ist. In der Nase beeindruckt der rote Blend...
Leuchtendes Goldgelb mit grünen Reflexen, im Duft feiner Briocheton von der 24-monatigen Hefelagerung, dazu Aromen von reifen gelben Früchten. Am Gaumen zartwürzige Nuancen, cremige Fruchtigkeit, sowie eine fein-mineralische Säurestruktur. Elegant mit delikatem Nachhall.
Compatible with: Kanger Protank II Kanger Protank 3 Kanger Aerotank v2 Kanger Aerotank Kanger Genitank This base can be used to upgrade a Protank II or Protank 3 to have adjustable airflow or it can simply be used to replace a faulty Aerotank base. Turn the dial on the base to increase or decrease airflow to your preference. The Kanger Airflow Control Valve does not change the type of atomizer heads you can use in your Kanger tank.