Departures: Tour departs daily at 09:00, 10:30, 12:00 and 14:45 Duration: 1 Hours 45 Minutes approx. Pick Up/Drop Off Pyramides Agency: 2 rue des Pyramides, 75001 Paris Includes: Tour in a luxury, air-conditioned coach Recorded commentary with individual headphones Information: 4 departures a day 11 available languages Suited to clients (first time, return and short stay) looking for an overall glimpse or orientation Suitable to families. No stop during the tour.
HIGHLIGHTS A world class, high energy spectacle! More than 40 artists and acrobats on stage Music, performers, lights and special effects Express Pass Open bar INCLUDES Express Pass entrance to Coco Bongo and domestic open bar. Languages: Brochures in English and Spanish. OPTIONS: Open Bar entrance includes: Free drinks all night (Mexican brands).
Listing Date:09/29/2020
Housse de bagage de voyage Housse de valise élastique Housse anti-poussière