Hauptmerkmale Technische Details Produktfarbe Schwarz Kompatibilität DA-57 / 107 / 307 / 407 / 757, DF-10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 56, XLR9000, F3790
Baume a barbe Tentation 75ml Kanite Soin anti-chute, doux et leger, specialement concu pour les barbes reches, seches et rebelles, le baume a barbe Tentation 75ml Kanite est un produit compose dingredients bio a 100 %. Lhuile de baobab, extraite a froid quil renferme apporte a votre barbe douceur et souplesse en lui rendant sa vitalite et sa brillance. Par ailleurs, le beurre de karite, non raffine et purifie, a des proprietes hydratantes et nourrissantes. Pour lutter contre les demangeaisons, les irritations et les rougeurs auxquelles peuvent etre confrontes les barbus, lhuile de nigelle a des vertus apaisantes et assainissantes. Elle favorise aussi la pousse des poils. Enfin, la cire dabeille que contient le baume a barbe Tentation 75ml a le pouvoir de structurer et de fixer les poils rebelles, disciplinant ainsi la barbe. Le baume a barbe Tentation offre un parfum intense et envoutant. Kanite propose des cosmetiques contenant des ingredients issus de lagriculture biologique.
wildest dreams clip in half head hair extensions 100% natural human-hair can be styled with regular heated tools easy-to-use, super fast clip-in system length 18" each pack contains 1 large strip (3 clips), 3 medium strips (2 clips), and 2 small strips (1 clip)
Beschreibung :WMARK Volltransparente USB-Lade-Haarschneidemaschine Klingenverstellbare elektrische Haarschneidemaschine Rasierer Akku-HaarschneidemaschineMerkmale :- Leistungsstarke Haarschneidefunktion, keine Haare stecken! ! !- Kommt mit einer rutschfesten Silikonhülle.- Klingen aus Kohlenstoffstahl.- Vollständig transparentes Gehäuse.- 2200mAh Lithiumbatterie, die nach 3 Stunden Aufladen 240 Minuten lang verwendet werden kann.- 7300 U/min Motordrehzahl, hohe Geschwindigkeit und Stabilität.Spezifikationen :MarkeWMARKModellNG-108FarbeTransparentLeistung8-10WLithium Batterie Kapazität2200mAhLadezeitUngefähr 3 StundenNutzungszeitUngefähr 180 MinutenEnergieversorgungKabel/KabellosSchalterUmschaltenEingabe von Adaoter100-240V/50-60HzNettogewicht291g±5gBruttogewicht von One Box505±5gGröße5 (Breite) * 19 (Höhe) cmLieferinhalt :1 x Haarschneider1 x Führungskamm1 x Reinigungsbürste1 x Adapter1 x USB-Ladekabel
A premium quality Shaving Solution designed to actually reduce the appearance of beard growth as well as tackle common shaving problems like razor rash and burn. Bringing together a selection of the finest ingredients to provide a slippery texture that enhances razor glide, this clever formula allows your chosen blade to move effortlessly across the face without the risk of snagging. A clever gelling agent acts as a cushion for the razor, allowing it just enough (but not too much) contact with the face, and the exact combination of these two key elements makes for a smooth and painless shave. Much like The Bluebeards Revenge s Shaving Cream and Post-Shave Balm, the Brushless Shaving Solution contains special ingredient decelerine - a patented compound that serves to reduce the appearance of beard growth over time, as well as moisturising and protecting the skin during and after your shave. The Bluebeards Revenge Brushless Shaving Solution is free of parabens and SLS, and couldn t be easier to use. One press of the pump should produce enough product to lightly coat the target area, and will refresh itself with the application of a little water to the face if a second pass is preferred.
Connexion:Type-c; Tension (V):5; Type:Rasoirs électriques; Compatibilité:Homme; Marque:LITBest; Caractéristiques:Design nouveau,Style mini; date d'inscription:05/07/2020; Instructions:Chinois,Anglais