NUEVO: Obélix inaugurará una nueva atracción: gire a bordo del Discobélix, ¡la nueva atracción giratoria! Bienvenido a Olimpia con su maravilloso templo en honor a Zeus, así como la estatua del dios de Fidias, una de las siete maravillas del mundo. Como todos sabemos, la proeza de Astérix & Obélix y el conjunto del pueblo galo todavía resuenan a través de la antigua ciudad de Olimpia. A medida que la poción mágica hizo efecto permanente sobre Obélix, que no fue capaz de participar en los eventos, el continuó y reprendió algunos de los retos deportivos en secreto, los cuales los visitantes de Parc Astérix serán capaces de probar desde Marzo de 2018. ¡Obélix invita a vivir una experiencia única a bordo de un disco gigante! ¡GIRE en el DISCOBÉLIX, LA NUEVA ATRACCIÓN GIRATORIA! Parc Asterix: 25 años de diversión galesa Venga y descubra una nueva zona en el corazón del parque: La Forêt d'Idéfix. Para asegurarnos de que nuestros clientes disfruten de este evento tanto como sea posible, ¡vamos a asegurarnos de que consistirá en una fuente inagotable de diversión y emoción! Con Idéfix y sus amigos, podrá descubrir los inventos locos de Druids: 5 atracciones nuevas para los más pequeños, 2 zonas de juego y algunas sorpresas especialmente diseñadas para los mmás jóvenes. Sumérjase en un mundo cómic en el corazón del pueblo galo: explor el el Imperio Romano y únase a la legión; escápese a Egipto con Astérix y los obeliscos; descubra las maravillas de la Antigua Grecia; ármese de valor con los vikingos y haga un viaje a través del tiempo por las calles de París desde la Edad Media hasta el siglo XIX. 35 atracciones y un sinfín de sensaciones A lo largo de su viaje, las mejores atracciones no dejarán de sorprenderle: Ozlris, la nueva atracción inspirada en los faraones es emocionante y le dejará sin aliento; Goudurix, una impresionante montaña rusa; Menhir Express con su gran bajada donde quedará salpicado, le Défi de César, una increíble aventura en la que usted se convierte en el héroe; Tonnerre de Zeus, una de las mayores montañas rusas en Europa... ¡Y no se olvide de visitar la nueva zona en el centro del parque, con 5 atracciones dedicadas a los más jóvenes galos, para ser compartirlo con toda la familia! 3 espectáculos en directo con coregografías acuáticas de los delfines en el Théâtre de Poseidón, acrobacias y la irreverencia de la legión romana, y humor, suspense y efectos especiales en «Main Basse sur La Joconde», actuaciones callejeras... AVISO: * Deberá traer los documentos de identificación de los niños para demostrar su edad. La entrada gratuita de los niños combinada con los tickets de adulto normales solo son válidos si se utilizan el mismo día. La oferta no puede usarse con otras promociones o descuentos. Entradas no reembolsables.
We invite you to visit the Casa Batlló which has transcended the concept of a building to become a legendary icon of art, architecture and art nouveau. Here, light, colour and shapes interact with wood, glass, ceramics and quarried stone in Gaudí's characteristic fantastic and breathtaking style. Pick up your audioguide and begin your tour of 20 different points. You'll discover a whole host of details that are hard to spot at first glance, with metaphors and depictions of nature, particularly the undersea world, which will inspire and stimulate your senses and emotions. And if you prefer, you can hire the innovative augmented reality video guide which will take you to a magical world that is normally hidden from view. Both guides are available in 10 languages. You'll visit the legendary mezzanine, where the Batlló family once lived; the attic, where the storerooms and laundries were located; the rooftop, with its iconic chimneys and the amazing light well which houses the staircase once used by the privileged neighbours. And you can't leave without seeing the magnificent hall and main staircase. You're sure to be impressed! has your tickets at great prices to see the remarkable sights of the Grand Canyon with the Grand Canyon South Rim Tour by Gray Line Tours.
Enjoy Half Bottle of Champagne and a plate of Macaron during Paradis Latin Show! The offer includes: Paradis Latin Show 1/2 bottle of Champagne per person 5 Macarons per person The Paradis Latin, the most Parisian of the great cabarets, built by Gustave Eiffel and a national landmark in Paris, presents Paradis à la Folie, its exhilarating show which opened to roaring applause this past fall. A little, a lot, passionately … à la folie! “A fabulous cocktail of musical comedy, lavish fanfare and modern ballets” It is an unforgettable evening featuring of course the world famous Cancan. Quality dining, service and review, open every day except Tuesday. Dinner at 20h00, One show nightly at 21h30. This year, the mythical Paradis Latin theatre is transformed into a magical garden where each dancer transports you to scenes full of surprise and gaiety. An enchanted carousel, a masked ball, Paradis à la Folie is a fabulous cocktail of musical comedy, lavish fanfare and modern ballets. Paradis à la Folie joins the extravagance and comedic universe that the renowned Cabarets and Revue’s of Paris are known for especially on the left bank. The young, beautiful, charming, vibrant and sexy dancers along with a typically Parisian Master of Ceremony will guarantee an unforgettable evening in the Gardens of Paradise. Informations : Show Begins: 21.30 Show ends at around: 23.30 Why not combine your visit to Paradis Latin with other famous attractions and activities in Paris such as Bateaux Mouches, Orsay Museum or Montparnasse.
The brand NEW Magical Beatles Museum on Mathew Street Liverpool showcases items from one of the World's largest singularly-owned Beatles collections. Covering exhibits from the early days of the Fab Four through to the Worldwide fame of "four lads who shook the World". This never-before seen collection is spread across three floors and three time periods. Ticket Includes: Entry to the Magical Beatles Museum in Liverpool Highlights: Beatles stories, memories and music from 1959 through to 1970 a 300-strong collection of never before seen items once personally belonging to the Beatles and their team the instruments they played, the clothes they wore and the music they created the earliest ever colour footage of the Beatles playing live letters, telegrams, posters & flyers speak to the team of local Beatle experts on hand to help you make the most of your experience! While you are in Liverpool, why not also visit the nearby British Music Experience, or take a ride on one of the city's iconic Mersey Ferries?
Dutch Masters & Marvels : Small Group Walking Tour Highlights A visit to the Van Gogh Museum A visit to the Rijksmuseum with paintings by Jan Steen, Johannes Vermeer, Frans Hals, Rembrandt van Rijn The sights of Amsterdam while cruising through the city’s picturesque canals Ticket Includes 7.5 Hour Live Guided Tour in English All of your questions answered by a professional guide Fast-track entry to avoid the long museum queues A light lunch at the Rijksmuseum A canal cruise A free entrance ticket to the Diamond Museum Art, history, stories and culture! Ticket Excludes Hotel Pick Up Full Description Holland is well renowned for its art, discover the beauty of the Dutch painters Jan Steen, Johannes Vermeer, Frans Hals, Rembrandt van Rijn and Vincent Van Gogh. Enjoy a light lunch at the Rijksmuseum and take a cruise down Amsterdam's beautiful and charming Canal District. The tour ends at the Diamond Museum Amsterdam and a free ticket to the museum means you can be amazed at the fabulous collection of jewelry at the museum.